Invention of Camera - History of the Camera - When was Photography Invented? - Learning Junction

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Invention of Camera - History of the Camera - When was Photography Invented? - Learning Junction

#kidsvideo #kids #cartoon #animation #camera #inventions

Who doesn't love to capture the moments of life and save them for the future? Early humans had no such privilege, but modern humans can capture and store memories with the help of cameras. It has been an important tool for everyone.

The path from the earliest cameras to today's high-end cameras spans centuries.

In this video, we will see how this amazing tool was invented. What is the history behind the invention of the camera? What were the different types of cameras people used? Who contributed to the invention of cameras? and various other things.

First photographs were taken by Joseph Nicephore Niepce. Johann Zahn and Joseph Nicephore Niepce share credit for the invention of the first camera.

Watch the video till the end to learn about the camera Obscura, Hand flex reflex camera, Photographic camera, Mirror camera, Kodak, 35mm film camera, DSLR, and mirrorless cameras.

Let's Learn about the topic with this video.

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