Were Old-time Strongmen Legit or Not?

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Sean King asks: "Hi Jedd, big fan of the channel and grip strength. My question is, what are you thoughts on the Old time Strongmen (Edward Aston, Hermann Goerner). 19-20th century circus performers and so on really emphasised grip training with thick bar lifting, card tearing, nail bending etc. Lots of grip manuals came from these guys and even today some of the feats would put them at the top end of grip sports athletes."

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I actually have done a lot of research on the old time strongmen. While yes, some of them where actually phonies, quite a few were actually very strong and performed incredible feats of strength. A fair amount of them actually have official documents proving they lifted a certain weight.


That’s very interesting information about the Thomas inch dumbbelll!


Oldtimers simply couldn't be put under the same scrutiny that modern guys are..


Your main wingman helping you close out! Cute.


Look at Sandow vs Saxon. Sandow loses a challenge lift, against Saxon (side by side on the stage, in front of an audience). Sandow then sues Saxon, claiming he must have cheated. It got to court and all of this was seen as 'sour grapes' on Sandow's part... Until Saxon's brother got on the stand and admitted, under oath, that, yes, they did cheat. It was a world of money rather than competition, so of course money came first.


1:28 legality is not morality my friend. agree completely word of mouth feats hold no weight


Nothing but respect for all strength athletes. That being said, some feats of strength I believe were done simply by virtue of the strongman’s practice at that particular movement or implement, versus the lay person’s lack of familiarity or practice. Also, they were showman, making a living by entertaining people. The skill required to do that is truly incredible. I know a magician can’t do real magic, doesn’t mean he or she didn’t do an incredible amount of work to make it look like magic.


Jedd, hey it's been a while, a couple good books come to mind, "Super Athletes" by David Willoughby, I believe Dan got me my copy, anyway that book along with Atom is how I learned how teethlifting strengthens the throat to help keep from getting "choked-out". "Sons of Samson" is another book.
I'd say they could do what they claim, but times where different back then, very hard to earn a living with strength; therefore they couldn't perform their max efforts lifts everyday, some had to "sell out" so to speak, some had other issues depending on the year and where they lived.
Pro-Wrestling could be a close analogy? Speaking recommended you checking out the greatest promo of all time with Rowdy Piper (before WWF) he was looking for the "Mad Dog", he smashed an unopened beer over his forehead and hanged himself, which I think was "real", he even talked while hanging, his face was all puffed-up, great stuff!


But you did make a video about Dennis Rogers, didn't you? Praising him of his superhuman strength and how he is able to pull off his feats at his size. I'm just a little confused when you said you don't really give credence to old-time strongman feats.


If you haven't read much on the old time strongmen then you are not in a position to judge


"Doesn't like companies who resell Oldetime strongman products". Oh man! I can read between the lines on that one!!!


I don’t know anything ....so ? Repect that you have one


That's real talk... like the Incredible Hulk.
