Outperform 99% of your competitors (BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY)

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Key takeaways from «Blue Ocean Strategy" by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne» in 9 Minutes
Business Blog #1 is your springboard to success.

Competition is for losers, as entrepreneur Peter Thiel suggests. Regardless of your industry, you're constantly competing with other market players. If you want to outperform your competitors, the Blue Ocean Strategy is what you need. This book is a real manual for businessmen, filled with key ideas that can be revisited time and again.

Imagine you're about to dive for the first time. You're given two options: dive into a crystal-clear blue ocean, abundant with flora and fauna, a pristine place where you'll be alone. It's scary, but it offers a unique experience. The other option is to swim along the coast among other divers who muddy the water and try to see the same things as you. Unfortunately, most novice businessmen choose the second option.

The authors divide the market into two oceans: blue and red. In the transparent waters of the blue ocean, there's no competition, no rules, but there are many profitable opportunities. The red ocean is oversaturated with companies fighting for the same clients. They adhere to strict rules of the game and try to outdo each other to snatch a tasty piece of existing demand. The more competitors, the less profit. Companies steal ideas, release copycat products, and in this struggle, the ocean waters turn red from the blood of competitors.

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