you've just killed your enemy and now you're taking their throne (dark royalty core playlist)

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Im back with the dark royalty core videos!!! this video is one of my favorites ive made!! I hope you enjoy!

WALTZ 0:00
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It's soothing to hear this when you just conquered a physics topic that you thought you would never ever get through with.


Friend : So what type of music do you listen to?
Me : 👁👄👁
Friend :
Me : It's complicated 👀


"look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under't"


This feels like an enemies to lovers fic in music


Unpopular opinion: you deserve to be paid for this vids


*first two notes of Phantom of the Opera starts to play*



*we're just in another level. i mean, stealing guy's throne? damn*


don’t mind me, just listening to this while i fall asleep.


Pretendent: *kills the king and claims his throne*

Court pianist: Ah, I have a perfect piece for this occasion.


"Go ahead." he said. "Don't stop." You raised your sword. One move and he will be gone forever.
What a pretty face you think. Perfect nose, perfect red lips - covered with blood now- and perfect eyes. Oh and those green eyes. They were your home one day, they were your peace. You were friends, more than friends. Lovers maybe? Oh no, it was more than love. It was a fire burning your soul, burning your body. It was something that makes you feel alive. You remember your first dance with him suddenly. You were just a naive young girl with fairytale dreams. In a ballroom, middle of all of girls and boys you found each other. Memories continued to come, his hands on your belly, his laughter, his soft long hair shines like gold, his breathe on your neck, his green eyes under that mask. Yeah that was a fairytale you wished for.
How? How did things get to this point? He saw your face with doubt. He smiled. He remembered all those things too.
"I had to Victoria. A king has responsibilities."
Then you remember bad things. All those fires, bloods, deaths and war... He was the prince of the neighbor country. There were a lot of wars between them. You two were enemies. It never should happen.
You remembered your people. Suffered from ilness, poverty, hunger... They had so much pain. You wanted to marry and stop all the wars. But his family didn't want that. And he had to choose. You or his family. One night, under the apple tree you met secretly. "Hello my love." he said. His eyes were different. He was looking different. He wanted to hug you and that moment you saw a knife in his hand. You ran to your castle. You realized he chose family, power and crown. One week later, you heard that his soldiers were in your city and your streets. Your dad already sent your soldiers to fight.
That's was it. You had to see him again. You took your horse and hours later on way, you sneak in to his castle. It was easy because you knew all the secret ways.
First, he panicked. Then smiled. He took his sword and threw it. "I'm not going to fight with you."
You smiled too. "Oh, you are. And it will be a fair fight. Take your sword. " You weren't a princess who just sits and knits. You are good at fighting. He was suspicious first but then he realized he will die or he will kill.
You fight, a lot.
But he was on his knees now. His sword were far away.
He looked into your eyes and said.
"I loved you."
You laughed.
"Not as much as you love power."
You lowered your sword and said.
"A queen has responsibilities too."
Then blood was the only thing you saw.

English isn't my main language so u are allowed to tell my mistakes! Have a great day❤️


"What a shame, " he breathed, his breath fanning over your face as his hands tightened around your neck. "To think that you must die this way. You would've made such a lovely queen."

There was nowhere to run, the marble walls against your back suddenly oppressive. You clawed at his hands, feeling the blood wet your fingertips. His iron grip stayed the same, eyes icy and unfeeling, pinning you against the stone.

Is this what your sister had felt? Did her walls crumble at his initial charm, the kind that came with that gentle smile he reserved only for his wife, the kind that he had once shown her, and only shown you the day before? Did she die, powerless and alone, in this two-faced monster's grasp? You felt hot tears spill over for your sister - your pure, innocent little sister who laughed at the sun, who feared sleeping alone, whom you had unknowingly hand-delivered to her grave.

"That's right, " he laughed, grip tight as ever. "Cry, just like your sister did - the pretty little thing couldn't even put up a decent fight. So fragile, and so easy to crush."

"Forgive me, " you breathed to your memories of your sister, the last of your breath misting the icy air. "I would burn in hellfire for you."

"Too late, woman, " he sneered, mistaking. "Save your pathetic confessions-"

He didn't even see it coming. The dagger pierced through his neck, silencing him in a suffocating scream that bubbled away to deathly stillness. You rubbed your own neck, breath coming back to you in agonizing jabs.

"Save your pathetic confessions for the devil, " you gasped, the coppery taste of blood biting and mixing in your own tears, now flowing freely. "And count your blessings that he is the one deciding your soul's fate, not I."

"Forgive me, " you repeated, to the still air, to your sister's soul. "For not avenging you sooner." A frigid wind swirled around your kneeling figure, kissing your cheeks and wrapping you up in its embrace.

"God save the queen, " it whispered. You felt a heavy weight on your head - reaching up, you felt the jewels of a crown.

"God save the queen, " you whispered back. "And her sister, too."


Dont mind me reading all the POVs

*ps : tell me when theres more lol*


this is officially the best channel everyone else can go home


Damn these dark royalty core playlists got me feeling some kind of way


The taste of Victory and Power

They circled and stared
each waiting for the other
to display a non existent weakness
Lighting struck, and so it began

Swords clashed and banged,
metal sliding against metal
then twirling
like the wind
with those who wielded them.
Hearts yearned and ached
to both be together and apart
The rain drenched them,
weighing their armours down
(and covering tear-stained cheeks)

Back and fourth,
a ballet of pain and passion
a dance to death
Swords now entwined
as their bodies once were

A gentle caress
from a blade on their cheek
then a bittersweet last kiss
as the sword glides between their ribs

"Love is weakness.
And if the choice is Power or Love,
then even having a heart is a liability."

The storm rages on as their coronation ceremony commences
A dull, almost nonexistent ache in their chest
(where their heart would've been)
and a smirk-like smile on their crimson lips
Victory and Power tastes far better
than any of their kisses ever could.

- Skye Alistair


“it has come to the official end, hasn’t it?” you whispered with a soft smile, turning around from your vanity. seeing the figure that you’d grown to trust, even to love. “after everything it— it was you.” in your hands was the only thing from your family you had left, passed down through generation to generation. and to think, you would be able to give it to your own children. but no, unfortunately you wouldn’t even live past today.

“i’m afraid so, your majesty.” he mocked, he always loved to mock you. to tease you. to push your buttons until you snapped, but all out of love. was...was it ever really love? keeping that smile, you looked right into his eyes, still grasping the family necklace. “was it all just an act, sir cassius?” you questioned, using his formal name.

the man in front of you only chuckled, probably thinking how foolish were you. “stalling, are we my queen?” with another quick reply, “oh please, don’t you dare call me that as you’ve come to kill me.”

a flash of emotion, an unknown one, could be seen in his eyes. but it was gone before you could try and register. caught off guard as though you weren’t on your knees crying. as though you weren’t in fright— like you want it to happen. “this never belonged to me, you know. i should’ve never been queen.” you whispered out to no one in particular, but he heard it. “she should be on the throne, loved by all. not me. most positively.../not me/.” the man, cassius, furrowed his eyebrows. he wondered as to why this was being mentioned now— perhaps a moment of emotion before death? “i should’ve been assassinated. not— sister.”

you chuckled, placing the necklace onto the vanity before walking up to the male. still in your ballgown from earlier’s events. what a perfect time to assassinate the /queen/, right? not suspecting that the possible lover of hers to be sneaky for other reasons? how smart of him. as you both looked each other in the eye, your hand moved down to his. specifically the one holding the dagger. and you brought it up to your throat. the blade, if dug deeper, would slice the layers of skin.

“what are you doing, your majesty?”

“well isn’t this what you wanted, sir cassius? go ahead. take the throne, cry your heart out that your beloved has been murdered. remain in feigned shock for weeks. wallow in pain on the throne as people serve to you. as your servants pity you for losing ‘the light of your life’. do it, sir cassius. no point in fighting my fate.” the confession most definitely through cassius off, not expecting such a welcoming act as the queen were about to die. “what is it, my love? you seem...troubled.” your sister must be chuckling at how calm you acted. watching this scene as it played out in spirit. she must be waiting for you to join her.

“why are you so accepting? by gods you’re infuriating!” he exclaimed, taking the knife away from your throat, putting it back in its holster. “why are you not crying?! why are you not betrayed that the man you loved is to kill you!” his anger caused another chuckle to escape from your rosy lips. “i suppose i saw it coming, is all. i could never have such a good thing in my life. not after what i let happen to my sister.” guilt ate you up just about every day, you could’ve stopped everything were too reckless.

“saw it— gods.” he came close to you, holding the dagger in hand. your faces inches apart, the smile still remained on yours. “cassius, ” you called. one hand cupped his cheek, bringing your lips together in a kiss. it felt like a judas one, and then, before he knew it, the dagger sunk into your chest. “may gods save the queen.”

he gasped, eyes widening. as your body collapsed, tears sprung to his eyes. not seeing a devilish looking female behind you, mischievously smirking. a dagger placed in her hands as well. “may gods save the queen.” she repeated, sinking the dagger into cassius’ chest. letting his now dead body fall to the ground. whilst your stood up, in your /true/ form.

“or, maybe the devil.”


"You are unbelievable. He is your brother. "

"Step-brother." He emphasises. "You promised me mama. You promised me the throne. I'm just taking what's rightfully mine."

He struts towards the throne his hands softly grazing against its carven features. He slowly takes a sit and lets out a big sigh. At last, he has finally won.

You rush through the room and find the queen on the kneeling on the ground with tears rolling down her face. You take a step closer to find out that the queen was actually crying over her other son, the one that you love. "How dare you?" You cry in pain.

"I told you to choose me. Time and time again you always make the wrong choice." He walks towards you and places his hand gently against your face. You twich at what he does. "You poor little fool."

"What should I do with the rest of you?" He paces back and forth. "Execute you? No.
Send you to the dungeon. No to petty.
Ah, I have it." He smiles wickedly.
He points at you and utters the most disgusting words. "If you want to live, you'll have to marry me."
"I'd rather be dead."
"I wasn't asking."

He marches towards his mother and grabs her by the arm.
"Sweet dreams, mama."
He lets his dagger slit through her throat and she dies instantly.
You gasps in shock.
"You are evil."

He looks at you dead straight and chuckles lightly. "Always been, sweetie."


could you do:
- a siren luring in a pirate
- dancing with your lover under the stars in france


oliviaalee posts

me and my lame self coming to read all the povs and enjoy the music: 🏃‍♀️🎶


This is where it all began, the aesthetic, the dark classical melodies and the stories that enter my dreams
