Does GRIP Matter? YES!

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Learn how to gain more distance with a simple change in your grip!

If you have any requests or questions that want to be answered on disc golf, comment below. Also, I will ship out a mystery disc to a person who can tell me how many times the word "grip" was said in the video!

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Comment how many times I say “grip” so enter in a giveaway for a mystery disc!


Kinetic energy is when the disc is moving, you're building up potential energy (such as elastic potential energy in the rubber band analogy).


Grip has been an interesting subject to me. Watched so many videos like this and just recently I switched to a grip that is more focused on my thumb contact with the disc and it comes out much better. Soft grip = always early release. Insanely hard grip = best throw of your life/grip lock of the year. Comfy grip = 240 feet max distance. It's a wild phenomenon.


This is exactly how I hold my discs. I throw from a standstill with subpar technique as a disabled, middle aged FA40 Player with 18 months experience. My furthest throws are the ones I get nice long pulls on and the disc is ripped out of my hand by the energy I generated. I am still working on wrist curl. When done properly I get that WHOOSH 💨 as the disc takes off. Done poorly = shanked far but in the wrong direction.


30 grip mentions Also you build up potential energy that becomes kinetic energy.
Sorry for the correction, I’m good at physics but bad at disc golf 😊. Awesome grip advice.


I was wondering what happened to you man! I hope you make some rippin discs videos again. I still go back to those from time to time!!!!


The problem I have is the tighter I grip the tighter the rest of my arm gets. It’s hard to throw with a loose arm and avoid muscling when you’re gripping tightly. I think it needs to be a bit more relaxed until right before the hit.


On my far throws, the disc rips out of my hand. I have a nice squeeze on it about 70-90% of my grip strength. Any less, it falls out of my hand. Any more, I yank it. 😂 I hope this helps someone!


I wish someone would make a grip video for people with smaller hands. Every video is made assuming you can power grip a distance driver comfortably. You can also forget using a fan grip with smaller hands… you can’t get any pressure. Slips out every time.


I completely agree, grip it tight, it really works better.


Is the flight plate squeezed between your first fingers tip and thumb or is the tip of your finger sideways on the rim and you are squeezing against your knuckle? Grip is so confusing its really hard to actually show in a video and is arguably one of the main components of sending it


Well, there's "grip" and there's "gripping". I'm going with 30. I see it has been mentioned that there is a big difference between "kinetic" and "potential" energy. Build up your potential energy so that you can turn it into kinetic.


I went back and watched twice, definitely had the grip counter at 30. I also want to point out that pinch grip was a big breakthrough moment for me, being able to spin the disc around that single focal point just makes it spin so much faster.


Definitely late to the game here!😅 just wanted to say great video man! I’m a dominant right handed person and had to go through some extensive arterial surgery a few years back. I’m new-ish to the sport(less than a year) and have had to learn to throw lefty, I’m capping at around 330ish ft but your video helped me to understand I haven’t quite had the grip I’m looking for, thanks for an awesome video and I can’t wait to change my tension point and see what I can do!! Keep it up my dude 👍


Another vote for 30 here. Great video, can't wait to give it a shot!


I’ve got the “grip” count at 30. Solid video!


28 times, thank you so much been working on this specifically and you solidified and clarified everything!! Can't wait for more


well actually it is 31 (30 in the video and once more in the comment asking us to count) enjoyed the video, you cracked me up AND likely further deteriorated my game as now I HAVE to go jack around with my grip (dangit!)


Great video!!!, it’s a little too snowy to practice rn, but I’m pretty sure you said grip 30 times!


I've never understood the '360' technique. It does not appear to truly add anything to a shot, but if people 'think' they help, so be it.
