WATCH THIS before adding fish to your tank!

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‎ How to Acclimate a Fish to a New tank. In this episode we talk about different techniques acclimating fish. Depending on where you are getting your fish from will depend on the way you want to acclimate. If you have your fish shipped in, it's probably best to just put them straight into the tank without acclimating. You'll be wanting to avoid the ammonia in the bank which turns to ammonium

If you're bringing fish home from a fish store you could acclimate over the course of an hour.

On the Aquarium Co-Op aquarium channel we focus on freshwater fish, tropical fish, aquatic plants and in general all freshwater aquariums. Our goal is to help take your pet fish and graduate you to an aquarium hobbyist. Aquarium fish in general we find are a great way to learn about ecosystems. Your fish aquarium will reconnect you with nature. If you'd like to take it to the next level, subscribe to aquariumcoop and check out our weekly videos.

Cory is employed by Aquarium Co-Op LLC. He also owns Aquarium Co-Op LLC. Therefore technically all content is sponsored by Aquarium Co-Op

0:00 - Intro to Real Fish Talk
0:11 - Acclimating new aquarium fish

#Aquariumfish #Freshwatertank #Fishtank
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Oh, rewatching these old gems have been fabulous! Totally worth breaking in my new channel. Thanks to the team, hope Lamont's new adventures in life are bringing him joy, I forgot how much I enjoyed these,

When I bring fish straight home, I acclimate them in a specimen container, and dump the water and fish into a net with the water going into outdoor plants. Fish goes in the Q/T.

Ordered fish?

If ammonia is in the bag noticeably, fish gets netted and straight into Q/T

Otherwise, I acclimate in the specimen container again with the goal of no water going into my tanks.

I don't keep aggressive fish anymore, when I did all fish got netted out into a bucket with the filter and I rescaped the tank once my new fish were done with Q/T. Then everyone went back into the tank at the same time, and the massive redo generally kept the new fish from being at the bottom of the pecking order and spread the aggression out across the entire tank as they re-establish themselves and incorporate the newbies at the same time.

Typically, that would trigger spawning behavior while all the males in the tank are committed at proving their value.😅


Truth is, acclimation is a lot more than matching water parameters. It takes days or weeks to fully acclimate to the new water, tank space, tankmates, decor, even the outside of the tank (like your face always looking for them or the cat hitting the glass trying to catch them through the glass).
My mum complains that our new rasboras are not red, but 1- they've been in the tank for 5 days, 2- there's corys in the tank darting to the surface every now and then, 3- there's 3 cats that like to walk around the tank and look at the fish for hours. All that can stress a fish that's 2cm long.


I’ve learned a lot from your page... growing up my parents always had fish but I’m new to this doing it on my own I’m actually in the cycle moment for my tank


Anybody else feel like Lamont should have a Irish accent Lol I just feel like one of these vedios it's just going to pop out lol


I use a quarantine tank for a couple of months. I keep a 29 gallon & a 55 gallon just for plants and I use them for quarantine. If I can't use those, I have some 35 gallon totes I can use - filling one or two from my 125 gallon or a 55 gallon.

When I bring in new fish, I dump their bag into a bucket. A separate bucket for each bag of fish.

Then I run an airline hose drip into the bucket. I add a control valve to reduce the flow to about 1 drop per second. When I've got about 4-5 times the water as they arrived in. Then I use a net to retrieve the fish and add them to the tank.

I repeat this same process going from my quarantine tank to which ever tank they are going into.


I do the good ole float the bag technique then dump into a net and add xD


Hi Cory can I make a suggestion can you do a video on beneficial bacteria & the one in the bottle. I know you explained about the nitrogen cycle on your earlier videos, can you do a test cycle a tank your way, and cycle another tank by using products like Seachem (New tank syndrome), Fluval (cycle), API ( Quickstart) & both tanks have the same parameter, I am curious to see what are the results - are these big companies rip us off or there's a help the nitrogen cycle ( for example let's say it takes 6 weeks to cycle a tank naturally, but using those products they will take 4 weeks to cycle a tank)


I heard that fish acclimate easier to cold water than warm. so what I do is turn off my heater (preset) a day 'fore adding the fish, then turn it back on two days later. what's ur opinion on this method


Great video Cory. I'm having my first South American cichlids shipped by express mail this week and although I understand the chemistry behind plop and drop, I'm nervous about my first attempt. Usually, I bucket acclimate from LFS. Your video has given me the confidence to proceed. Thanks!
Since pH is a non issue for shipped fish as bag pH usually drops, is having my tank's gH close to the breeder/shipper's one less stress factor for the fish?
Also, would your method change for breather bags (which you can't float).


As a note I'm a small time Apistogramma/Corydoras breeder and would enjoy coming on and talking about related topics.


yesss I've been waiting for this video


Awesome video. I was doing it all wrong. Now I can go get me some more fish. I have 2 Neons left I had 4. I have 3 Ghost Catfish, 4 Tiger Barb's which I hate and I'm going to take back I've had them for 5 months and they are mean and don't like them. I have 2 Cherry Barb's and 3 male Guppies left. I tried a Cory cat a while back and it didn't last a day. My tank was bad not cycled good. What snails or bottom feeders or fish do you recommend for a planted 20 gallon tank. Thanks for all your help.


thanks guys, fine job
please remind me how to sterilize a net
also should I sterilize my siphon between tanks?


Hey Cory, are you saying drip acclimation works better if your water parameters are similar to the water in the bag? Also I think a cool idea for your show here would be to have guest participate and maybe call in or pre record short conversations with viewers. I would love to do this personally, and it would be an awesome way to get viewers involved. I'd love to do some sort of collaboration like that. Great video today!


I thought this video was very helpful, so I am not commenting because I dislike the video, however I do have a question that I haven't found addressed yet (if it has already please point me in the right direction). I am about to start a new tank, the plan is either a 20 or 29 gallon, and I am wondering if there is an order in which I should introduce fish? My plan is a betta community tank, so thinking peaceful fish, maybe some schooling and some livebearers and a few snails, maybe a small pleco if we go with the 29gal. Do what fish are best to add first? What fish are best to add last? Is it better to add them all at once or stagger the different types? Thanks!


Love all the great tips here in this video.


Hi Cory, how do you recommend acclimating when the fish is shipped and its in a breather bag & you can't float it in your tank


Been wanting a video about this thank you


So if I'm moving from QT tank with a 6.2 ph to my main tank that has an 8.2 ph I should bag them in QT tank water and float them in the main tank, add seachem safe and then start slowly adding main tank water over an hour or so time. Then strain them through the net and add them to the main tank?


Thanks for the info guys! Fun and informative as always :-)
