3 Mechanics To MASTER Preflop Poker Strategy

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In this poker video Jonathan Little will be teaching you 3 mechanics to master your preflop poker strategy!

Preflop poker is not about memorizing exact ranges and trying to replicate it perfectly! It’s about having good fundamentals and good preflop mechanics!

In this poker webinar, you’re going to learn:
o Preflop Raise First-In Mechanics
o 3-Betting Mechanics
o Preflop Tips For Short Stack Play

Remember the later your position the more you should be raising first in (RFI). Most people are too loose in early position and too tight in late position. When you are playing deep stacked poker you especially want to focus on getting to see flops in position.

Jonathan teaches you the difference between linear and polarized ranges and when to use them effectively against certain opponents.

All of the pretty hands (suited connectors etc) are great to stack your opponents when you are deep stacked will go down in value the shorter the effective stack becomes. When playing a shorter stack it is much more important to make top pair and to be willing to stack off with it. Play more hands with high cards in them both with RFIs and 3-bets.

0:00 - 3 Mechanics To Master Preflop Strategy
0:43 - #1 - Position Is Everything!
1:41 - Raise First-In Ranges - Early Position vs Late Position
4:08 - #2 - 3-Betting Linear vs Polarized Strategies
4:56 - Linear vs Polarized 3-Betting Range
7:38 - When To Use Linear vs Polarized 3-Bets
11:37 - #3 - High Cards Are Vital When Short Stacked
12:42 - Short Stacked Preflop Strategy
16:35 - 3 Mechanics To Master Preflop Poker Strategy

On this Poker Coaching channel we cover a weekly poker topic to help improve your poker strategy!

In order to take your poker game to the next level it is vitally important you learn all the nuances of the game.

Do you know what ranges of poker hands you should be playing from each position? When should you 3-bet, call or fold? When is the right time to make a hero call or a huge bluff? Do you know how to play preflop, flop, turn & river effectively and how should your poker strategy change depending on the street? What difference does it make if you are playing multi-way vs heads-up?

#pokerstrategy #preflop #pokeradvice
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Do YOU play better as a short stack or a deep stack?


Been listening to your podcasts on Podbean via my iPhone. Love all the info and the manner of which you share it. I really like it when you answer a question and not 15 seconds later someone asks you the same question. Looking forward to becoming a premium Poker Coaching student soon. I figured that I can't afford not to. Keep up the great work Jonathan.

1, Find a game you can crush
2. Play it a ton
3. Manage your bankroll


Your ability to be precise and convey your message simply only enriches our knowledge of poker. Thanks.


One of the more streamlined and easier explained content that I've seen from your videos


Jonathan, it would be amazing if you could help with these ranges for tournaments as well. Thanks!


thanks for the awesome video, looks like you have psorisis... if true i have the same thing and I found that unlike what doctors tell you it's quite the opposite. It's an oil problem, so while we can't cure it you can keep it at bay.

you can control it so it's undetectable. Even if you're not showering daily, you can still control it easily. Remove all oils from head, face / scalp using a anti-dandruff shampoo or any good cheap shampoo will do, but the trick is to shampoo TWICE or THREE times to get rid of all the oils on the skin.

condition hair because it will feel like straw after shampooing twice/thrice. Then the SECOND you get out of the shower and dry yourself off use an oily moisturiser. It's got to be an oily one, not a dermatologist approved one. (such as Cera Ve) a cheap oily moisturiser tricks the skin into stopping the production of faulty oils. I use "Nivia Soft" works well. There's a few others that are quite oily, but ive been using that for the last 5 years so can't think of any off the top of my head.

it usually takes about 1-2weeks after a bad breakout. But i can get rid of it and keep it at bay using that method every day or second day if I'm seditory.


Step 1: Get dealt AA
Step 2: Player in front of you jams with 88
Step 3: Call


Hey Jonathan, can you do a video where you create an implementable strategy for your range. I saw a video where you had hands coded as premium calling, draws (calling), marginal hands and junk.


Great video. Could anyone explain to me why QJo in early position is folding most of the time and J9s is played most of the time or even 3bet


In the past I had immediate success with everything I learned from this Chanel. But the past several weeks I have hit a lull. I think it’s more than just poker variance. I think it’s because all of my playing time has consisted of playing online poker with fake money.

I live in NYC so online gambling is still illegal. Having said that, I think the principles you are laying out mainly apply to players with stakes. However small it still matters.

I experience players doing all sorts of things that are completely dumbfounding, and only compound because there is no real money on the line. I know the answer from the chat will be “well no shit” and I agree. But it’s frustrating to not be able to practice what you teach in the real setting. For context I have a newborn, a full time job, and I’m saving money for a bankroll so when I do have a chance to play live cash games and tournaments I will.


Jonathan if I’m getting a lot of limpers before me should I open with the same range as if no limpers or be tighter?


When we play with friends once in while non od this works:):)


Hello Jonathan I've been a fan for years, you have some great videos, I play plo mostly for years so my nlhe game is pretty weak, recently PokerStars has banned Ontario Canada from the world site so we have our own segregated player pool, the pool of players is quite fishy so on the surface that sounds great but it can also be confusing to play against with players playing pretty straight forward its almost hard to three bet many times because it feels like they are not messing around pre flop much lile you would find with a more skilled group on the regular stars site, any tips for thsi type of player pool where 90% are very bad and 10% are decent regs?


Can u zoom in on the ranges sometimes it’s hard to see them


Jonathan is so knowledgeable but man his voice is so robotic and sharp. It's hard to listen to him yet his knowledge of the game is so helpful.


How many BB shall you raise when you in the SB and 5 players in front just flat, and you know several will call even with junk, at least when you only raise by 3-5 BBs?


1. For UTG8 RFI range, why do we raise with K10o some of the times when we completely fold KJo?
I mean isn’t KJo better than K10o?

2. I thought UTG8 RFI range was tight, but why do we raise with K8s..?
I mean we are folding even KJo or 98s or 87s which seems to be better than K8s IMO. Isn’t K8s only good when we flop a flush draw which is only 10% of the time?
Please teach me, I cannot sleep lol


Can someone explained what 8 handed means? Like UTG8


All those short-stacked concepts also come into play when everyone acting after you is playing short-stacked, , even if you are not.


Wow only 8 minutes in and learned a lot! Apparently for rfi from the button I was way too tight vs. most of low stakes opponents.

TBH it felt a little nitty and i thought i was getting wide rgi from the button with 45 suited lol.

Thanks Johnathan.
