7 smashed windows in 18 months - Bayou St. John man fed up with 'smash and grabs'

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Lisa Maurer spent Thursday morning sweeping broken glass out of her car.

About 8 vehicles on Ursuline Avenue in the Bayou St. John neighborhood in New Orleans were burglarized overnight.

“They don’t go that far,” Maurer said. “They just go for the glove box. I try not to leave anything in the car anymore.”

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It’s the cost of living in a city run by Democrats.


Good cameras and cops making arrests should stop it.


Wonder why no images from security cameras. Guess they don’t want to contribute to stereotyping.


Car break-ins up 40%?...
I'd be willing to bet that number is a lot higher. Some people don't bother to call the police (waste of time).
They just cut their lost and pay out of pocket.
Also, Cantrell cooks the books when it comes to reporting crime; for example, an incident involving 40 cars with busted windows gets reported as one incident of a car with busted windows because it happened during the same time line of said crime. But it actually resulted in 40 cars being vandelized, it should have been reported as 40 cars being vandelized.
This lowers the crime statistics, making New Orleans seem safer than it actually is.


Hidden cameras, and a cop on the beat nearby? These people can’t be helped? Seems really simple.
