Little Wing (Stevie Ray Vaughan Cover, Original Jimi Hendrix) - Bora
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It’s been a while since I uploaded a video!!
This song is Stevie Ray Vaughan's version of Little Wing, which I really like.
It's a very special song to me that made me fall in love with the guitar.
After covering it 17 years ago, I wanted to play it again at the Fender Custom Shop.
I tried it again this time, but I had a hard time changing my old habits.. ㅠㅠ
I've been trying to upload it since December, but I didn't like it so I put it off.
I finally got around to uploading it.
It was a really difficult song to set the tone for.
I wanted to keep the intro tone the same, so I tried a lot of different things, but in the end it didn't come out the same...😭😭😭
I recently changed my audio card.
My computer keeps crashing... while recording.
I had to re-record it several times, the guitar string broke several times while recording, and the song was so long that it was difficult not to make a single mistake.
After several attempts, I'm uploading the one that didn't make the most mistakes. I did some post-recording later.
It’s a song that makes you happy while playing it😄😄😄
오랜만에 올리는 제 영상이네요!!
이곡은 제가 너무 좋아하는 Stevie Ray Vaughan 버전의 Little Wing 입니다.
기타에 매력에 빠지게 만든, 저에게 너무 특별한 곡입니다.
펜더 커스텀샵으로 연주해보고 싶어서 17년 전에 커버하고
이번에 다시 해봤는데 예전 습관들이 나와 바꾸느라 고생했네요.. ㅠㅠ
12월 부터 계속 올리려고 시도했었는데 마음에 안들어서 미루다가
이제서야 올리게 되었습니다.
톤잡기가 정말 극악의 곡이였어요.
인트로 톤을 똑같이 잡고 싶어서 정말 다양하게 시도했는데 결국 똑같이는 안나오네요....😭😭😭
최근에 오디오카드를 바꿨는데
컴터가 자꾸 다운되는 증상이... 촬영 도중 있어서
여러번 다시 찍고, 찍다가 줄도 몇번 끊어지고, 곡도 너무 길어서 한군데도 안틀리기가 힘들더군요.
여러번 시도 끝에 제일 안틀린걸로 올려봅니다. 나중에 후시녹음 조금 했습니다.
연주하면서 행복해지는 곡입니다😄😄😄
Fender Custom Limited Edition 1960 Roasted Alder Stratocaster Heavy Relic,
Faded Aged Fiesta Red
Fender Twin Reverb
OX Amp Top Box
-Comp, EQ
#LittleWing #StevieRayVaughan #SRV #JimiHendrix
#Guitarcover #Electricguitar #Guitar #Guitarsolo #Guitarplayer
#OXAMP #TS808 #TS9 #FenderTwinReverb #Fender #Fendercustom #LimitedEdition #60s #60sStratocasterRelic #FiestaRed