What are tests to check for PCOD? - Dr. Shefali Tyagi

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PCOD can be checked by few tests. One would be clinical. Clinical would be how you are presenting symptoms like your irregular cycles, high bleeding, low bleeding, any unwanted hair on the face, acne or pimples, weight gain, history of infertility, these are the symptoms where we have a great suspicion of PCOD for you and then some tests can be done which can confirm whether you have Polycystic ovaries or not, the next test is the lab tests, the blood work can be done to check your hormones for FSH,LH, while the fasting insulin is in control, whether you have testosterone are on the higher side, glucose challenge test is under normal or not and DHA’s are raised or not. All these tests will tell us whether we are heading towards polycystic and then ultimately we have ultrasound to check the appearance of the ovaries, the volume of the ovaries, the thickness of the capsules, the number of follicles, which will tell us whether you are polycystic. The confirmatory tests can be laparoscopy, where we can put in a scope and the typical appearance of the Polycystic ovaries can be seen but laparoscopy, is not for confirmation. It is basically for diagnosis and for therapeutic only when we want to check the tubes whether you are not able to conceive and you want to see that your tubes are open and in some cases ovarian drilling can be advised where you are not responding to medicines easily and ovulation is not happening inspite of medicines. In that case laparoscopy, helps us in drilling the thick capillaries of ovaries so that the thick capsules of the ovary improves.
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At which time we can check pcod test? (Morning / evening/ at morning with fasting)


I'm also facing the same. I'm gaining weight on continuous basis. I want to lose weight faster and get on to normal condition like earlier😌


Dr. Please tel me is it necessary to test breast for pcod test? My doctor every time checking my brest. I not conformable on that. Plz suggest me. If its not necessary i will compliant to that fellow.


I also facing the prblm of irregular periods I talked to the doc and he checked me my HB is only 7 gm he said that it’s bcz of this but I want to know more so i insisted him to gave me permission for do ultra sound test and after that he checked my reports and he said everything is fine I am taking homeopathy for my periods and got my periods consecutively 2 months but this month again I don’t get my periods I don’t know what happening with me


Mam I dnt get my periods on tyms .. evn i m gaining weight automatically and also hvg facial hairs on my face with small acnes..


Mujhe bhi pcod hai mai kya keru muliful pcod
