CSI | Job & Occupation Songs for Kids | Job and Career Songs for Kindergarten | JunyTony

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Let’s learn about jobs with ‘Juny Tony Job Songs’.
Everyone has different dreams, and there are many different jobs in the world.
Let’s find out what they are with Juny and Tony.
They will help your dreams come true!
Saying the magic phrase, “Choopy-choopy-choopy-choo !”
Juny and Tony can be whatever they want to be!
Call them whenever and wherever you need help!
Juny and Tony will come for you right away!


Change into a CSI!
Time to change!
Juny, Tony, into CSIs!

“First, dust for fingerprints!”
Look for some fingerprints
in the crime scene.
Sprinkle some powder.
Yes, I found one!
Look for some clues
in the crime scene.
Click, click every corner
for photo evidence!

“It’s here!
I found one!”
“There must be
more clues around here!”

I’ll find, find, find
the suspect!
There’re clues, clues, clues
I will collect!
I’ll find, find, find
the suspect!
There’re clues, clues, clues
I will collect!

Look for some hairs
in the crime scene.
If we get the DNA,
you can’t get away!
Look for some clues
in the crime scene.
Click, click every corner
for photo evidence!

“I found a hair!”
“And a footprint! Isn’t it…?”

I’ll find, find, find
the suspect!
There’re clues, clues, clues
I will collect!
I’ll find, find, find
the suspect!
There’re clues, clues, clues
I will collect!

“It was not me!”
Is he telling lies?
Let’s find out.
Check out his brainwave.
He can’t get away!
Is he telling the truth?
Let’s find out.
We can read his mind.
He can’t get away!

“I’m sure he did it!”

I’ll find, find, find
the suspect!
There’re clues, clues, clues
I will collect!
I’ll find, find, find
the suspect!
There’re clues, clues, clues
I will collect!
Find and catch!
We are CSIs!

Enjoy More JunyTony Songs and Stories!

Also, Enjoy Our Songs on Online Music Streaming Sites!

#forKids #JobSongs #CSI
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