Samsung Galaxy s23 Ultra HONEST Review 1 month later!

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Samsungs galaxy s23 Ultra haas been out for about a month now and in this video I am going to give you my honest thoughts about it! Thanks for watching :D

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I changed my main phone to a Samsung Galaxy Ultra model after my vacation in Barcelona was ruined by ghosting in photos and videos taken with my iPhone.
I couldn't find ghosting anywhere, the picture and video quality was better, and the 10x telephoto zoom and screen were both excellent.

In addition, when using the iPhone, I felt like I was trapped in a well-decorated prison, but Samsung's One UI satisfied me with free and sensuous custom settings and themes. Now that the iPhone is seen as an old man's phone, this is a challenge for the no-innovation iPhone to learn.


Its such a absolutely amazing phone. I love it, especially the battery life. I used to love apple iphone 6 but as years pass by its like theyre making the same phone but charging more money. Ever since i got the s21 plus its a huge, huge difference! You earned a sub


I'm using s23 ultra as well!! FYI, you can use goodlock app to make updating apps either samsung apps or google apps only with one tap, using one shortcut button 😮


Doing the same. 13 ProMax and got the S23 Ultra on launch day. The more I use this device, the more I find and the better it fits my needs.


Awesome video! And do you mind sharing the link to that cool looking wallpaper?


Hey glad you’re enjoying your S23 ultra, I am currently using the iPhone 13 promax, and next Saturday I am going for the 23 ultra. Love the reviews you are giving and look forward to getting my Samsung. Also love the case you are using on your Samsung. 👍🏻


Awesome video bro. I enjoy your low energy style. Some of these reviewers can be a bit too hyper and loud during their reviews.


Sorry For Being Late, I've Been So Busy But Congrats On Hitting 1.000+ Subscribers! You're Putting In Effort And Doing REALLY Good Job And You Really Deserve Your Own Fame And Attention, And I Won't Stop Supporting You, Keep Up The Great Work <3


I feel you man still learning stuff 3 weeks omg this phone is epic. By the way what's that wallpaper . I love my S23 ultra best thing i got left the one plus lol. I sub and like man great video.


Honestly reviewing makes perfect video..what a great job.


The Samsung s23 ultra is better than the iphone 14 pro max and Pixel no comparison and I've used all 3. For those of us who know tech we always knew Samsung was way more fun to use with more capabilities than the iPhone. Trust me the camera is way better than the iPhone and more fun unlimited features. Now with the pixel I don't prefer the operating system but I respect the pixel camera. The iPhone only gives you the perception that it has a better battery because of the limitations and its capabilities. It's no comparison


I am Samsung fan from the time they started making phones. I used all notes and I always supported samsung because I know they had good potential. But after getting S23 ultra, I'm so happy and satisfied. It's the best phone ever. From screen to battery, from s-pen to camera, this phone is marvelous 🔥


i've been using Galaxy devices since 3 and the ultra models from S20 and forward currently using S23 Ultra. It's just...amazing in every single way, it really lives up to its prizetag. Easy to motivate i mean.


You're doing great mate. 👍 Love your honest reviews. I use both Samsung and iPhone and I must say that the S23 Ultra has an edge over the iPhone. As for Apple, I believe that the 13 Pro Max was the best phone they ever made to date. And let people think what they may, but I prefer the old notch to the new Dynamic Island.


Hi there,
Don't you protect your S23U's screen with a tempered glass ?


as for the screen being slower. Go into developer options and change the animation speed settings. You'll be surprised.


imagine you could use all that multitasking monster features on a Samsung Galaxy Tab which provides you with Samsung Dex built directly in it. You can use all the features but in laptop version. Why don't you try the Samsung Galaxy Tab also and you will be amazed on how it becomes an almost laptop replacement. Thanks and nice video by the way 👍.


The last iPhone I bought myself was the original iPhone. I hated the closed environment and having to do things the Apple way (why did I have to backup photos through iTunes???). But back then, iPhone was simply MUCH better. I gave that up for a far worse, but more flexible environment (first Windows CE, then Android).

iPhone was like being forced to eat something delicious at gunpoint where Android was like eating at a shitty buffet.

Over time, the buffet got better. Now it's more like eating the same delicious thing every day vs. being given an equally delicious variety on ala carte menu.


I like yo honest video coz we know apple is a beast in its own way... en alot of people ar tied up in its eco system en that way its hard for some of other apple users to admit that there is other brands wic can manufacture awesome mobiles other than apple.. android is amazing due to its customising coz its make u feel like u ar in control of yo phone. We would like to see apple.. letting that happen to iPhones for better user experience. . En bro there is a hidden feature in yo galaxy phone, go in settings. . Search for performance. If u can sacrifice 10% of yo processor en shift from standard mode to light use, it can save u more battery life. U may end up with 2day or 3 battery use


my last iphone was an iphone 5se.. and got bored by the restriction of ios.. most particularly the file management.. so i sold my 5se and bought a midrange android phone w/c is the zenfone 3 5.5.. man i enjoyed my experience on that phone.. the only adantage my 5se had was the much superior soc.. but my zenfone 3 have a bigger screen.. bigger battery.. bigger internal storage +expandable storage.. also support hi-res audio via the audio jack.. since then neer went back to an ios device.. and now i also own a s23u with 512gb storage w/c i can utilized because of the excellent file management android provides.. or should i say allows.. i'll be interested to try again an iphone IF apple decides to lift the restrictions in iOS..