7 Rude Restaurant Mistakes a Gentleman NEVER Makes

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Maintain good restaurant etiquette by avoiding these 7 faux pas.

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0:00 Intro
0:45 #1
1:35 #2
2:26 #3
3:46 #4
4:26 #5
5:48 #6
7:01 #7
7:42 Conclusion
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No matter how angry you are at a person at your table, do not throw a glass of water in their face.


One thing I love about the French is they don’t bring kids to restaurants until they’re old enough to eat like an adult.


There's a restaurant on the east coast that forbids having children under the age of six past 5:00.
I think that is a good idea...not every restaurant for kids and not everyone likes kids.


Very good advice. Some are basic manners that it is incredible that many do not have.


Damn, tipping culture in USA sounds crazy, feels so mandatory it almost loses it's meaning


If only #6 was enforced more, especially at fine dining restaurants. Many people seem confused and must think they are at the beach or getting ready for bed.


Growing up in Washington, D.C., and having deep family roots in Southern Maryland, I was fortunate that, from a very young age, my mother and other extended family members taught me how to behave in all types of restaurant settings. Everything from an exclusive French restaurant or classic steakhouse frequented by members of Congress to a very casual crabhouse along the the banks of the Potomac River, I was always "briefed" beforehand on what to expect and how to behave. It was expected that I would treat waitstaff with absolute respect and demonstrate that I came from a family of generous tippers. It was a wonderful gift that has served me well throughout my adult life. When presented with the opportunity, I have always made it a point to teach young people the same way to behave and enjoy every dining experience.


I'll add one. Always let the ladies at the table order first. Many years ago we were three couples dining together at one of downtown Chicago's finer steak houses, one of the men in the group who was quite boorish and unmannerly interrupted his wife when the waiter attempted to take her order so that he could get his in first. I caught the subtle eye-roll of the waiter as he shifted his attention to the man. It was extremely embarrassing for the rest of us at the table, and I made sure the waiter was tipped well when we finished. Never dined out with that couple again.


Excellent summary. Almost all of them come down to people not caring at all about their surroundings and exuding the feeling that "its all about me." So sad, so common.


Also spending the entire meal talking to or glued to your phone is also a gentleman faux pas


I am embarrassed for those limited in profane vocabulary to a single adjective.


Wearing a hat at the table (usually a baseball cap). Never! I have been in restaurants that had a sign asking that hats or caps be removed … and seen it ignored. The owner gave the customer a choice: remove it or leave. You would have thought the guy had been asked to kill one of his children. He howled and complained, but did remove it.


People blowing their noses at the table, facing other people, making loud trumpet like sounds like it's no big deal. Please tell people they should go to the restroom. Also, some people have the nerve to smell badly. I don't know how these people have friends. They probably just have a lot of money.


I used to live in a small town and our next-door neighbours were good friends. They had 3 young children and one day the mom was telling us that they had all been out for dinner and she complained that the restaurant didn’t have a kids’ menu. I was familiar with the restaurant they were at and I knew it was a nice, quiet, dark, rather romantic place. She seemed oblivious that it may not have been an appropriate place to take their children; it was her opinion that kids should be allowed anywhere. I could only shake my head. Kids may be ALLOWED anywhere but there also needs to be places where adults can go for a nice quiet meal without having a toddler banging a spoon on the table next to them.


If a man invites a woman on a date, he books the restaurant, and he pays. If the lady offers to go Dutch when the bill arrives he should not hesitate to decline and take charge. She can pay for another date.

Men who are cheap generally in the romantic arena do not deserve second chances - if they are mean at the start of a relationship, it is all downhill from there!

Loathe poor table manners - people who hold their knife like a pen between their first two fingers, fail to use their napkin (showing they've no clue), and obviously anything vulgar like swearing, eating with their mouth open etc. These are among unacceptable behaviours. But the worst, most unforgivable sin is being rude to waiting staff. That conclusively proves a lack of class!

This guy is doing his generation of men a huge favour - more power to him! Through my work I've been fortunate enough to meet many iconic, famous gentlemen in my life including Sir Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan, Tony Curtis and Antonio Banderas. These are the males young men should look up to and emulate, and I'm glad this channel is showing the way.


Cool outfit. That takes the initial fraction of a second. I can't avoid noticing it. 😎


Can you make a video about dances every gentleman should know?


I was brought up on the West Coast of Ireland, by gentle parents, in the 60ths. We had very little, as regards to money. But what we did have in a bundles, was, good breathing, (manners) there's and old Irish proverb, which did the rounds when I was a boy. "And ounce of breathing, is worth a ton of feeding." My Welsh friend, l look forward to your podcast everyday. You give wonderful sensible old stile advie that's stood the ages.


Although my friend and I were in our early 20's (this was in the 1970s), we frequently attended the opera. It was a thrilling experience for us even though we could not afford the best seats. We dressed formally and acted accordingly. To our horror, some other young adults showed up in jeans looking very slovenly. We took this as an affront to not only ourselves, but to the artists and musicians performing. Now, it is common place; I am so saddened by this, but I love the mission you have undertaken to educate the heathen. Further, we were from working class families; socio/eco is not an excuse for abhorent behavior. I really enjoy your presentations. You are wonderful!


Yes!! A screaming toddler has no place in a fine dining establishment! If a jacket is required=NO KIDS‼️
