The Secret History of Muslims in the U.S. | NYT Opinion

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Muslims arrived with Columbus and have been leaving their mark on American culture and society ever since. Did you know that the Statue of Liberty was based on an Egyptian Muslim woman, and that two of the oldest mosques in the United States are in Ross, N.D., and Cedar Rapids, Iowa? In the video above, we explain many other ways Muslim history is tightly woven into American life.

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Did you know that the first country to recognize the USA was the Kingdom of Morocco, a Muslim nation in North Africa?


I'm sitting here in my hometown, MEDINA, Ohio.


why tf do ppl say muzlim its not a "z" sound 😭😭😭 say "sss"


I cringe every time she say "mus"


First country to recognise USA =Morocco
First person who enter in USA, in tempa bay and made contact with native = Mustapha zemmouri Aka estevanico a Moroccan captured by portugual.


10 countries with the highest prostitution rates in the world:

1. Thailand (Buddhist)
2 - Denmark (Christian)
3 - Italian (Christian)
4. German (Christian)
5. French (Christian)
6- Norway (Christian)
7- Belgium (Christian)
8. Spanish (Christian)
9. United Kingdom (Christian)
10- Finland (Christian)

10 countries with the highest theft rate in the world:

1- Denmark and Finland (Christian)
2- Zimbabwe (Christian)
3- Australia (Christian)
4- Canada (Christian)
5- New Zealand (Christian)
6- India (Hinduism)
7 - England and Wales (Christian)
8 - United States (Christian)
9 - Sweden (Christian)
10 - South Africa (Christian)

10 countries with the highest alcohol addiction rates in the world:

1) Moldova (Christian)
2) Belarusian (Christian)
3) Lithuania (Christian)
4) Russia (Christian)
5) Czech Republic (Christian)
6) Ukrainian (Christian)
7) Andorra (Christian)
8) Romania (Christian)
9) Serbian (Christian)
10) Australia (Christian)

Countries with the highest murder rate in the world:

1 - Honduras (Christian)
2- Venezuela (Christian)
3 - Belize (Christian)
4 - El Salvador (Christian)
5 - Guatemala (Christian)
6- South Africa (Christian)
7. Saint Kitts and Nevis (Christian)
8- The Bahamas (Christian)
9- Lesotho (Christian)
10- Jamaica (Christian)

Names of the most dangerous gangs in the world:

1. Yakuza (not religious)
2 - Agberus (Christian)
3 - Wah Singh (Christian)
4 - Jamaica Boss (Christian)
5 - Primero (Christian)
6. The Aryan Brotherhood (Christian)
The big names of the drug cartels in the world:

1 - Pablo Escobar - Colombia (Christian)
2 - Amadou Carrillo - Colombia (Christian)
3 - Carlos Leder Germain (Christian)
4 - Griselda Blanco - Colombia (Christian)
5 - Joaquín Guzmán - Mexico (Christian)
6 - Rafael Caro - Mexico (Christian)

Then it is said that Islam is the cause of violence and terrorism in the world and they want us to believe that.
Who started World War I?
are not Muslims,
Who started World War II?
are not Muslims,
Who killed about 20 million aborigines in Australia?
are not Muslims,
Who threw atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan?
are not Muslims,
Who killed more than 100 million red Indians in South America?
are not Muslims,
Who killed about 50 million red Indians in North America?
are not muslims,
Whoever kidnapped more than 180 million Africans as slaves from Africa, 88% of them died and were thrown into the oceans?
are not Muslims,
To begin with, it is necessary to define terrorism or to know terrorism among non-Muslims.
If a non-Muslim commits a terrorist act, it is a crime, but if a Muslim does it, it is terrorism.
Double standards should be avoided.
Then you can reach the goal of my words,
I am proud of my Islam I am proud to be a Muslim
Do not let it stop you, , and inform others about the falsification of reality and the truth.


Bigot: “The Founders would have hated Islam!”

Thomas Jefferson: “Has anyone seen my Quran?”


the statue of liberty was ordered to be built by the ottoman sultan Abdulaziz.

But the statue was never placed in egypt, which was the plan, and the statue stayed in france were the statue sculptor didnt know what to do with it.

the statue was later given to the usa by france as a gift.
thats the brief story about the statue of liberty.


thomas jefferson had a copy of the Quran in his house.


As someone who was raised roman catholic, I'm really disturbed by some of the comments from other Christians here. We were raised on the teachings of the Bible and there is no way Jesus would condone the way some of ya'll treat Muslims and the vile things you say to them. They are overwhelmingly loving and kind people. Don't judge an entire group of people based on the actions of a few. Sure, some of the 'facts' in this video are not accurate. Nobody really knows who the model of Lady Liberty was and Mahomet IL is definitely not named after the Prophet, but that doesn't mean the Muslims have not been an intergral part of America from the very beginning; they have worked tirelessly through the generations to contribute to the country, that you are currently enjoying. If you currently hate Muslims, you need to look yourself in the mirror, not them. They are our brothers and sisters and if you actually go out and get to know them, you'll realize that they're wonderful people. There are over two billion Muslims in the world and if they were all terrorists, the world would have been destroyed 3 times over. So please, take a chance and go meet a Muslim or learn about what Islam really is about. At the very least pick up a Bible and take a refresher course in how to treat your neighbours and people different from yourself.


The way she’s talking about it and saying Mus just makes me very uncomfortable and I don’t know why.


Alhamdulillah I'm muslim Alhamdulillah


Islam is a religion of peace. Please don’t criticize a religion based on what you seen and heard on media. Do some research and you will see why Islam is the fastest growing religion.


At least we all ( christian and muslims) are prophet Abraham's(pbuh) son we are like families i love my christian friends . christian and muslims both love jesus .... Spread peace and love


“Go out and make a Muslim friend” I am sorry but I don’t make friends based on their religion. I make they based on their personality and who they are as PEOPLE they are more than just their religion


I am Muslim From Pakistan
And I love The US


I totally agree with the whole idea... who knows, maybe one fine day U.S.A can have their first Islamic President.. hugs and kisses from Malaysia to Americans...


0:39 the guy on the left looks more like an Turkish Pasha maybe its in the time that libya was under Ottoman rule


As long as America has no official religion, this means that the US is neither Christian nor Muslim, the situation should be ok

This should be the case in Europe, Latin America and the rest of the western world AT LEAST

No bias, separation between religion and state


Why do people say "Muz" ?
just like "Sarah" "Slam" "secret" etc..
