The END Of Etsy (Why Sellers Are Leaving)

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The END Of Etsy (Why Sellers Are Leaving)

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I'll be honest, as a new seller having no luck, it's super demotivating looking through Etsy and seeing what seems like half the items being obviously copyright stuff.
Especially when these sellers have hundreds or thousands of reviews.


80% of this video was an advertisement for Everbee, which I have zero interest in. Also, 4 emails for one transaction would make me 100% not happy as a customer. You would get a review, a very poor one.


Etsy needs to get back to HANDMADE.. Supporting real artists and crafters!


My shop was suspended and banned 4 hours after I set up my account LOL... no products up, just my name and business info. I come back the next day, and I was suspended. I appealed, then they banned me LOL.


I hate the lack of human interaction with Etsy.


This sounds like a sales pitch for ETSY . People are leaving for good reason and attempting to spin it as good thing is laughable.


I’d be pissed of receiving so many emails, begging for reviews and “signup now!”


Most of my designs don't have words on them to avoid this issue and all my designs are uniquely created by me to avoid copyright infringement. I'm glad there is an exodus, less competition for me!


...and what about us vintage, thrifting, resale sellers? I'm a tenured seller who will not be back ... too much, bot doing, fee-mongering, no contact communication-ing, for me. Etsy wants us to pay fees, buy their labels, buy their ads, be an Etsy website - pattern, and they don't give a hoot about sellers, everything is about the buyer. I hope we all remember that it would not have a platform if it weren't for sellers. People seem to omit this fact? It wasn't until after the shareholders that Etsy became dog eat dog. And for ALL NEWBIES, ETSY charges you for EVERYTHING!!! There are no gifts, discounts, or saves given to sellers. Don't ever believe that!! Love this guys enthusiasm though.


I've been with Etsy for just over 10 years.
I'm a Maker and I make unique things that are homemade/handmade.
I have a 5 star review rating that I'm very proud of because I've earned it.
I am Etsy's customer, something I never hear us shop owners be addressed as.
I will never SPAM my customers. But you do what you gotta do.


I was going to open an etsy account, but started seeing too many vendors talk about their accounts being locked with no explanation and no way to contact customers to let them know what was going on. Just like YouTube, Etsy's ability to lock an account, keep the seller's money, and absolute lack of meaningful communication is insane. If any other business kept a customer's money without adequate explanation and refused to discuss why (blanket statements don't count), then they would be sued three ways to Sunday.

The one that really got to me was a furniture refurbisher who had thousands of dollars being held for weeks with no explanation and no way to contact her customers. Yes, even I knew she should have had her customer info in a separate spreadsheet, but if this person had absolutely no issue for years, why would she think there would ever be a problem? At time of the video, this seller had waited almost a month to learn why over $5, 000 of her money was being held with no way to find out exactly why or when it would be released for her to use.

That's theft as far as I'm concerned. And who wants to trust a thief with their money?


I literally just started a small store on Etsy, I really do very little items, and no coping anything, just doing my own stuff...but your videos are are awesome - thanks!!!


I literally got suspended for running a fundraiser for bone cancer. When I made 4 sales they froze me for "a sudden increase in sales". They punish us for doing well 🙄


Etsy hides PAID listings. Hope there's a Class Action lawsuit. The people running Etsy are grossly incompetent and arrogant in my opinion, which has caused the end of much bigger and better companies.


Excellent advice! I'm a hand crafter. I've been on Etsy since 2012 and I'm very happy with Etsy. I'm very transparent with my listings and if the item has an imperfection, I state that. I try to offer excellent service. Overall, it has been a blessing in my life.


I opened my shop and it was closed in less than a week. No email explaining why, no reason at all. I appealed and nothing. They won't help you. I didn't use copyright stuff or copy anyone's design. Still got suspended. It's so frustrating. Like at least freaking tell me what the heck I did wrong. Don't leave me in limbo. Can't trust a website like that. Like how am I supposed to do better if you can't even tell me what I did wrong?


I was shut down within 1 month of signing up. No warning, no indication of what was wrong… temp to perm suspended all in one disheartening day.


Tbh I get increasingly irritated by companies emailing me a thousand times every time I place an order. No doubt some customers might be happy to be bombarded with emails but quite frankly I would think twice about giving my email out now. Far too many times I've been sprayed with an email every single day until I unsubscribe. It's similar to walking into a shop and being harassed by staff. If I'm buying a high ticket item then I know what I want before walking in the door and I'm not looking to be sold. This is why I buy 99.9% of things online preferably without having to sign up for email marketing!


There’s serious issues with Etsy right now and trying to spin it as otherwise is dishonest or negligent at the very least. Lots of huges sellers have left and continue to do so as well as longtime Etsy exclusive shops. It’s a big problem


We create completely unique products, images are professionally taken of our own products, and our listings keep being removed while competitors selling similar products are still listed with no issues...
