Polyphia's Tim Henson On His Playing Style

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Tim Henson of Polyphia discusses how he comes up with his insane guitar ideas.

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I saw Polyphia last spring and it was...different. A hell of a show. I am old school metal, think Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motley Crue and I am 55 yrs old. This is a whole new thing for me, and at first I was telling people to get off my lawn. Now I am really starting to dig it. You can't listen to this type of music the way you could the old school stuff. This is advanced structure and you have to put yourself in the same headspace as the artist. Once you do, it all makes sense. More of an emotional connection than a simple listening and bobbing your head along. I still do that, I will always be that at heart, but this new stuff is refreshing.


I owe a lot to Tim and Polyphia. I was “stuck” playing the same riffs and licks for years. I decided to give a go at the GOAT riff and I was blown away. These guys helped me step out of my musical comfort zone.


Henson saying he’s “lazy” is one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard.


All the musicians around my age (58) who think Music is in bad shape need to witness young talents like this. I just turned on to Tim and his Music, and it really fortifies myself and gives a tremendous feeling of hope and gratitude. Keep doing your thing, Tim.


I remember a similar interview with Billy Sheehan, bass guitar guru, back in the 80's. Basically he said the same thing: if you have to think to play, you've lost the magic. Practise, practise, practise and keep practising until you're playing it perfectly in your sleep. Billy was also the king of stuff that other people did on bass.

I dig Tim's technical ability and his freedom of expression on guitar. It's new (to me) and different. Not exactly my cup o' tea but it's nice to hear the kids are bringing something new.

As always Rick, a great interview. It's always nice to see those that are knowledgeable about music and personable, interview people and make them feel comfortable enough to open up and talk and not just ask the same ol' generic questions.


I could watch Tim and Rick talk for hours. Absolutely love watching these conversations. Thank you for sharing!


This is breathed new life into my guitar playing, I listen and think “I can’t play this”. But then I sit and actually practice for weeks and I can. I haven’t practices intensely like that for years. It’s got me playing again.


Tim has the chops to do whatever he wants, he’s got everything in his kit to change music from his plot point…and it’s really nice hearing him speak to the fears and concerns a lot of us have about the future of music.
He’s smart, I trust he will proceed cautiously


This interview was how i discovered polyphia 6 or 7 months ago. Ive had my faith restored in rock and roll by these guys and billy strings. Truly unique music


I heard about his acoustic guitar before I heard about Tim. This was a refreshing interview with a young artist who knows the music theory and why he does what he does. Thoughtful, well spoken and engaging! Great interview!


The creativity is strong in this one. He is taking music to new places. It's gonna be an interesting trip.


I appreciate Tim’s technique and skill; he’s creating a new vocabulary using the guitar as part of the equation.
There seems to be a lot of resistance to it, probably because it sounds so unlike anything that’s come before.
I’m Rick’s age and have been playing and recording my professionally for almost forty years, primarily in blues/soul/rock idiom but I’m always keeping my ears open so I don’t stagnate or become a parody. I don’t always succeed but it’s important to evolve. As long as the guitar is in existence, I’m ok with what anyone does with it to make music.


You know I could see a lot of people looking at Tim and thinking he’d be a punk but he is so genuine and just loves the art and is not at all a traditional metal head punk he’s a true musician with an innovative mind and passion.


What a talented soul and I love his sense of style and identity.


I grew up a Van Halen, Hendrix, Clapton (and so many others) fan and, while so many dismiss newer music, Tim and Polyphia’s music and style are amazing. I appreciate his intelligence and innovation and he helps to continue great music in new styles.


Not gonna lie, I thought Tim was sped up video or something but after watching some of his videos where you can see him play, it’s really incredible, next level for sure. As an old 80’s rocker, I can appreciate that. 🤘🏻


I'm old school, was a pro guitar player for a couple decades. Lots of my buddies my age hate on this guy. I think he's incredible and one of the most unique players that have some spotlight on them in a long time. I think they're just jealous. I can't listen to Polyphia all the time but when I do it just sounds like music from space.


This is new stuff…!im 67 and a professional and I love this music😮all kinds of new ideas 💡 I come from a more improvised thing so I do miss that but polyphia can do no wrong right now …..they are killin it☮️❤️✨🫠


Polyphia is not my thing but I have much respect for their musicianship. Was very cool to see and hear Tim demonstrate the unnatural arpeggios. I like that he's using technology to advance his own playing in a very creative way. It was also cool to hear about the production tricks. Kudos!


I wasn't a fan of Polyphia when I first heard them. But the more I listen Tim Henson, the more I like him. He's a talented young man who's using all the tools at his disposal to revolutionize his approach to guitar. As someone who's been playing for over 40 years, I really appreciate where he's taking things.
