people who don't know: Filipino kids:

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context:it's a free candy but its not if you go to their van they are gonna steal your kidney and sell them for money


I remember when these organ harvesters were on the news for weeks, with new cases, bodies found, and survivors telling their testimonies. I was in primary when this happened and it caused such fear that parents started escorting their children personally to and from the school(dropping off and picking up kids from school wasn't common in Philippine provinces, kids just go and come home on their own).
From all these news coverage, and classmates telling stories about kids they knew or knew someone who's related to a victim, I became paranoid too. I woke up in the middle of the night once in cold sweat, I just had a nightmare I was chased by these people and followed me inside our house and got caught.


As a Filipino, I remember these happening here. Cases of children going missing. I was like, in 3rd - 4th grade when that happened. I'm 13+ now and it still gives me chills.


as a Filipino, My mom always told me to be careful when going to school.. but After Staying in the Internet for 4 years I don't think I'll be able to go outside and Talk to Strangers anymore :)


As an Filipino I remember a few days ago at Cavite we went to a playground which we do sometimes but one day an 5-yr-old went missing and my friend’s classmates 3 girls went missing…..but the 5-yr-old I told you about was found!

Be safe outside guys❤😊


TRUE CONTEXT: there's no candy or anything at all. They just find you, open their window or door, and snatch you in. There's been a point where this was common and it was very usually a white van that does these kidnappings.


As a Filipino, it still creeps me out… I remember the missing posters and one time me and my ate saw one getting kidnapped and we did nothing but kept running…


I remember a lot of cases happening back when I was in 3rd and 4th grade. Most kidnappings actually happens at night and near schools. Organ dealers was common back then, since the prices were incredibly high due to having low rates of donors in the Phillipines. Mostly targets are children but I've seen videos in Facebook of adults with open bellies and organs was removed clean, and there was a lot of similar videos happening to numerous victims on Facebook, whether it's children, adults, or senior citizens. By far all of the experiences I've had, this was the scariest to go through on my elementary days since I can literally just get kidnapped out of nowhere. Good thing I stayed inside our house watching TV or sleeping than play outside. Really risky.


😅 i remember when i was a kid, me and some of my classmates were walking towards school and then suddenly a white van just park few meters ahead of us and we were just like "fuck this shit im out", we ran all the way to the town hall just to make sure we dont get kidnap 😅😂😂


Oh I remember a kid my mom always told me not to go out by myself normally some of these vans are called organ dealers. They will lie to you that they sell candy. Then they will kidnap you and I remember getting the chills of seeing kids missing from a van.


As a Filipino this still haunts me starting from third grade till this day


Context :
There was a time where White Vans was the main vehicle used by *Kidnappers* and *Organ Harvesters* in the Philippines.

A lot of *Bodies* were found and it was on every News Channel.

It got so bad that even KMJS (i believe its like a weekend entertainment show with mixed content, and almost every family in the Philippines watch it.)


As a filipino kid I can confirm that we get very quirky at night when we see a free candy van

Edit 1: Road to 1K!

Edit 2:Yay 1K!!


Stranger:I Have Free Candy In The Van
Me:Give Me The Candy First😂


I live in butuan and a few months ago a 2 or 5 year old kid named Jacob was kidnapped, STAY SAFE MGA BATANG PILIPINO


I am a Vietnamese and most viet kidnappers don’t use the tactics of having van and write free candy or toy on it, instead they would aim for children being alone somewhere in an empty road, and then quickly kidnap them by covering their face with a bag and get on a motorcycle with their helper


imagine them actually giving 10000$ worth of candy after selling your kidney


My family used to own a white Urvan (yung medyo matangkad), and everytime we roll onto a street at afternoon, the kids playing around the street quickly retreated back to their parent's house


Organ Harvesters were everywhere until we learned of "Transplant Rejection" 😂😂


Filipino parents: where are my kids?

The white van that gives free candy: oh it is gone it's gone it's gone
