Jesus Culture - Freedom (feat. Kim Walker-Smith) (Live)

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Official live video for “Freedom" by Jesus Culture ft. Kim Walker-Smith.
Find this song on the new album, Living With A Fire, available now!

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Step out of the shadows, step out of the grave
Break into the wild and don’t be afraid
Run into wide open spaces
Grace is waiting for you
Dance like the weight has been lifted
Grace is waiting

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, there is freedom
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, there is freedom
Come out of the dark, just as you are
Into the fullness of His love
The Spirit is here, let there be freedom
Let there be freedom

Bring all of your burdens, bring all of your scars
Come back to communion, come back to the start
Run into wide open spaces
Grace is waiting for you
Dance like the weight has been lifted
Grace is waiting

Chains will fall, prisons shake
At the sound of Jesus’ name
Lives made whole, hearts awake
At the sound of Jesus’ name
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*I'm an ex British soldier that got diagnosed with PTSD and I have been ravaged with suicidal thoughts but since finding our Lord I am slowly rebuilding my life and every day I listen to elevation worship so thank you*


I’ve played drums most of my life. Been in countless heavy metal, rock and roll bands. I became so tired of the nonsense that comes with it and was ready to throw in the towel. I began to play worship music at my church and have progressed more musically in the last three years than I have in decades. There is incredible power in worship music and the Lord


2 Corinthians 3:17
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.


I'm a muslim, I'm always amazed by how my christian friends worshipping God by singing this song. Now literally crying while watching this video. It's so pure and heartwarming. May peace be upon you❤


Studying for a test tomorrow (Friday) for Cyber Engineering. Please pray for me! I decided to listen to this song while studying. Praising him in advance for what he's about to do!


I USED TO HAVE REALLY BAD ANXIETY. I would overthink things, I was scared to talk to girls one on one, I couldn't even raise my hand in a classroom because I was too scared of people judging me. And I had never been to church and I never really believed in God or anything like that and then one day I went to this Bible study at my school and I enjoyed it and then I started going every week and started to learn about who God really is. Then I started going to church and Bible studies and I started to seek Jesus by praying and reading the Bible thinking "if God is actually real, I'm going to see if it's true". And then that summer I went to this huge church conference and on the last night the preacher said, "If anyone is going through anything or needs healing, I want you to come up to the front and ask God to heal you" and I went to the front, got on my knees and I cried out to God and I said, "God if you're real if you can heal me from my anxiety help me get healed" and right then He spoke to me so clearly for the first time in my life and it was one of the only times I heard Him so clearly and He said, "I've healed you from your anxiety, and it's not going to come back" and right after that happened the preacher said if anyone got healed to come up on stage and tell everyone and right when he said that I INSTANTLY got up, went on stage and told like 900 people that God had healed my anxiety and He did. And that happened in the summer of 2019 and it hasn't came back since then and I know it won't because that's Who God is. He's the God of healing. The God of miracles. And He loves you so much.

Now here's the most beautiful love story: Me and you? We have fallen short of the glory of God and we deserve hell. Because we have sinned against God and broken His commandments. And there's nothing we can do to gain heaven because heaven is perfect and me and you aren't. Now this is some devastating news! Well here's the good news: God loved us soooo much that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to the earth, to live a perfect life, not sinning ONCE, and then dying on a cross for YOU. He paid the penalty for your sin so that you could be able to go to heaven! How awesome is that?! All you have to do is turn away from your sin, believe in Jesus, and that He's in full control of your life that He rules over you and you serve Him, and believe that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved! It's not by works or being a good person. Jesus desires a personal relationship with you. Wow that is so incredible! Please turn to Him He loves you so much and so do I!! If you have any questions or you just decided to turn to Jesus and don't know what to do next, or you just need someone to talk to, I would love for you to direct message me on Instagram @anthonybrunske and I can help you! God bless you!❤❤


Who can listen to this song and not jump, either physically or spiritually?!


I just gave my life to Christ. I’ve said I’ve given my life to Christ before but now I’m for real doing this. Every time I said it before I said it just to try to impress people. I trust in our lord and savior Jesus Christ to heal me from my addictions and mistakes. Amen


Jesus Culture, Bethel Music, Elevation Music, Hillsong: What we're witnessing is a resurgence, or a revival in Praise and Worship Music! It's a wonderful time to be alive to be able to hear this type of music, and especially in a world that has fallen away from God. Jesus Culture like the other Praise and Worship artists are beauty in a world where there's ashes.


If you guys listen closely to that lady holler it hits me in my feels because you know that she's been freed from something by God and it's so powerful!!!😭😭😭♥️♥️♥️🌈🌈🌈
Thank you Jesus!!!
Kim's voice is heavenly!!❤


John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son so that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life” God loves you no matter what, never forget that!😊😊.


I'm both engineer and chirstian as well, even I was an agnostic. I fell in love for Jesus for read the holy biblie. Now, I can undestand that the holy biblie and science haven´t contradiction. I´m greateful for my savior Jesus.

I believe in science and Jesus, the God son. Greetings form Mexico!


My nephew loves this song! He is 10 Years Old and his exact words were: "THERE IS FREEDOM FOR ALL NO MATTER HOW BAD YOU ARE! PRAISE GOD!" This song left him in tears.


"Dance like the weight has been lifted."🔥🕺


Kim walker is blessed she always make me feel the love of god


I have to say it again that drummer is awesome. One thing Christians should do other than praise God is praise one another. Always build one another up. It's always so awesome to watch a Christian video and see all the young people in the audience being influence. Always build your children up never tear them down


Yes! True freedom is found in Jesus Christ. 2 Cor 3:17


There are many very good gospel singer like Kim Walker Smith, but I like Kim Walker Smith by far the most because I feel as though she sings because it is in her soul I don't really know how to explain it, but when I listen to her, I feel more inspired thanI do from any other artist. God Bless you Kim Walker Smith!!


Beautiful! Can't wait for the album release. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM! There is FREEDOM! Gonna be singing this all day!


Something the Lord has spoken to me recently is this: "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM" 2 Corinthians 3:17
There is freedom in where God is calling you to be. Kind of like the song Sails by Bethel "I let out the sails of my heart, here I am here You are". Go where God is calling you to be and you will find freedom. The word Spirit in the Bible is the word wind, as in, it goes where it wants, cannot be controlled or manipulated. Let out the sails in your heart and let the wind of the Holy Spirit lead you to where you're supposed to be going. Don't expect to walk in freedom if you're not walking with the Spirit.
