Swift 3 Tutorial

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You guys asked for a Learn Swift 3 in One Video tutorial and here it is! All of the time stamps are here to help you find what you need.
01:13 Intro
03:01 Data Types
05:24 Casting
06:28 Conditionals
14:02 Math
16:55 Strings
24:05 Arrays
27:44 Looping
32:01 Dictionaries
35:06 Tuples
36:40 Optional
39:04 Functions
45:15 Closures
51:12 Filter
52:11 Reduce
53:07 Enumerations
54:12 Structs
55:50 Classes
1:00:36 Inheritance
1:04:49 Protocols
1:07:43 Error Handling
1:10:06 Extensions
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