Swift 3 Tutorial

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You guys asked for a Learn Swift 3 in One Video tutorial and here it is! All of the time stamps are here to help you find what you need.

01:13 Intro
03:01 Data Types
05:24 Casting
06:28 Conditionals
14:02 Math
16:55 Strings
24:05 Arrays
27:44 Looping
32:01 Dictionaries
35:06 Tuples
36:40 Optional
39:04 Functions
45:15 Closures
51:12 Filter
52:11 Reduce
53:07 Enumerations
54:12 Structs
55:50 Classes
1:00:36 Inheritance
1:04:49 Protocols
1:07:43 Error Handling
1:10:06 Extensions

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Mr. Banas, you're way better teacher than those i paid online.


Hi Derek, I am big fan of your videos from a long time now. The videos you make are so rich in information and are very very helpful. Just one thing that I struggle about whenever I see your videos, You don't give an introduction about the technology itself. Like what is Swift, why and where it is used for, What all it can & can't do, when it was invented etc. A 2 minute intro would make your videos a single stop place to learn everything about the technology.

You are doing a great job, Keep it up!


You're great teacher Derek. ASP .Net tutorial in the future will be awesome I guess. Best wishes for you :)


@Derek Banas : Thanks for all of the great videos. I found swift interesting, though I wanted to ask if you could provide more versatile coverage in the future? Specifically, less focus on math functions, operations, etc--that's an area I think most of us can intuit with pretty basic examples. File I/O, MacOS API, graphics/GUI, etc. Swift has so many features and abilities, and this video seemed to focus almost entirely on manipulating numbers/math. Perhaps you could add a Swift series in the future, designed for people trying to develop practical applications for MacOS or iOS? Thanks for your channel and all that you do.


watch it at 2x speed and learn Siwft in 36 minutes


best tutorial ever hands down. simple and straight to the point. huge huge thanks from Detroit! keep it up man! hope "How to make iOS app" tutorial is coming too, looking forward to it!


Yess! Was waiting for this! Youtube hid this from my home, but a few days late, here I am! Great vid as always!


Hi Derek, thank you so much for doing such great tutorials and covering so many programming languages at a fast pace. Little info: As of Swift 4, strings can be treated as a collection again. For example: instead of doing string.characters.count, you now only have to do string.count. Keep it going! :)


Hi Derek. As usual, your Tutorials are top Class. Btw, there isn't a proper Java EE tutorial out there on the internet. I think you had plans to bring out one from over a year ago and maybe it didn't materialise. It would be awesome if you could do one like you did for the Python tutorial.Thanks in advance:-)


"Once you do, what you're going to do, if you want to do what i'm doing.."
So many do's LMAO


Awesome video. I was a bit nervous of starting Swift in the beginning, but this video was a huge help. Thank you so much!


You have the best tutorials I've seen so far on youtube!!


Derek, your videos are always great. I just have one question: How do you have such an extensive knowledge of so many different programming languages? Thanks for all your videos.


Hey Derek, a couple of suggestions :)
I think it would be great if you made your "gaming" thumbnails less standing out - e.g. a minimalistic one with just the episode number changing, like your other series. It would make everything more clear and easier to find the educational videos ^^
When you're finished with C#, perhaps you could do a "complete" series on JavaScript? The language is just soo huge, that I feel like it's not enough to cover it in a "learn in one video", and it could make a good long series ;) Especially that you got some requests on React, Vue (requesting the latter), and other frameworks. After all, JS is the most popular language in the world.


Heaven sent you, listen to this every evening before sleeping.


Great video, easy to follow and fast. It doesn't waste your time with remedial info. A nice video would be to develop a full app from start to finish with data in one video . Thank you and may God bless.


You do a lot of programming tutorials, so I think your next big tutorial should be Computer Science and algorithms which apply to all languages because they rarely change, are very important, and you have never covered it


Hey Derek, love the videos. Thanks so much for uploading and have such quality content. Will you be doing a Swift 4 tutorial?


Awesome tutorial Derek! Can you make one for Swift 4?


+Derek Banas rest and make yourself comfortable before uploading. Altho i miss ur notification saying that u made a video, at least I know u might be either making more videos or u r resting. If ur making videos, take a break! U deserve it!
