Why Run - 5 Benefits of Long Distance Running

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Why Run? What benefits can you expect from long distance running? Having raced 33x 100 miles ultra marathon, I have seen how running has changed my life for the better.

Curious about the trail running gear I use and recommend: check out this link

With the new year, we often look for ways to improve our life - maybe being healthier, or happier. From my experience, trail running is the perfect sport for this. It will make you commit to a healthier lifestyle that will benefit both your physical and mental health.

So today, I want to discuss the benefits of long distance running, and how it has changed my life over the past 4 years.

As always - Thanks for watching and remember -

Work Hard!
Believe in yourself!
Push your limits!






How to Run an Ultra Marathon series:

My Favorite Race by Distance – Have a look at the race recap to be inspired!
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So what brought you to trail running? And what benefits have you seen?


Running became the reason to give up booze. I wasnt drinking loads but was losing morning training to being hungover. Much happier as a result and can go to the pub and have a really satisfying reason not to sink 5 beers. Win win.


I’ve been running for 15 years now - currently 59 years old and recently retired. I loved running initially because it provided sanity when my career was unsatisfying. I also appreciate it, and especially trail running and long runs, because it provides a sense of reality when most of life seems so artificial.


I’ve always loved the outdoors including hiking and fishing or just be with nature. I must be hitting midlife crisis or something (lol), but I got into trail running recently and I’m loving it - just happier, healthy overall. This is a different game which I’m hoping to be in for a long time. Thank you for all the tips and knowledge you’ve shared in your channel.


I came to trail running late in life. Friends and family are starting to pass from this realm to the next. Then the pandemic hit. How many warning shots does one need across the bow before they get the message that life is fleeting. I guess over 60 years worth. I called running my anti-social distancing. I love running trails. I love watching how the trails change through the seasons. I am just barely an ultra runner. I only have one 50k under my belt, but I have thousands of miles of trails done. I hope to progress over the next few years until I can finally do a 100 mile event sometime before I hit 70. I have some rules for what I do, go figure. Rule Number 1 is "Do no harm". If I hurt myself training or doing whatever I can not run or exercise for some number of days. After a week or two of not training it takes more time to just get back to where you were.


Truth! After 5 Ironmans including a Kona finish in my late 40’s to early 50’s it was too much stress.

I have switched to ultra running and am ready for my 10th race of 100 miles or longer next month.

I couldn’t be happier !


Spot on. Last week was my distance pb at 15.35 mi. Been back at in for only a couple of months. Realized a few weeks ago, I love my long runs bc it’s the only way I can give myself hours of me-time in nature. It’s become the highlight of my week, every week.


Running gives me an outlet for a really hyper focused personality. I’m someone that really thrives with a large challenge that I can measurably work towards. Races give me that structure to work the rest of my life around and I love it that way.


Got into running because I love being outdoors. It also helps me deal with stress in a massive way. Thanks Simon! Skål!


I absolutely love the people I have met in trail and ultra running community. As you said, meeting people as an adult that you enjoy being with for hours at a time is not easy, but this is the greatest experience I have had to learn more about myself and others.


Although new to ultra running, I have been a trail runner ever since high school, almost 30 years now!!! (Yikes, I cried a little after typing that😅). For me, the very best parts of running are those moments when I’m floating effortlessly through the woods, my mind totally quiet, my breathing is calm and rhythmic. It’s kinetic meditation!


Cult recruitment video!! 😂😂😂 That’s actually pretty accurate. I started with cross country in school, did lots of road 5/10ks, then got passionately into hiking/mountaineering. Once I started my own business, I didn’t have time for entire days in the mountains, and started running on my hikes. Then I watched a YouTube video on the Glen Coe Skyline race, and immediately switched to ultras/trail marathons. I have a non running related heart issue, and my cardiologist actually approved of my ultras, due to the lower intensity. I love spending time in nature- and studies actually have proven exercise is just as effective as medication for certain physical and mental issues. Otherwise, the incredible, friendly, supportive atmosphere/people and delicious food at aid stations are what keep me in this awesome sport, despite my tight time schedule.


Being alone with the wind in my hair and fighting all the injuries disabilitys and arthritis. Everytime i get back i thank i can still do it. Good for the soul 👍


Great thoughts! I love running! For me, it's become gratitude in motion. I started running because I was a good sprinter (when I was much younger). As I got older and had kids, I started running to improve my fitness. Now, while I enjoy the added fitness, I also run because I enjoy it (very much intrinsic reasons). One thing that I've realized recently is that if you use running to solve all your problems and habits, then no amount of running will be enough and you'll end up burning yourself. HOWEVER, if you let running complement your life, your choices, your physical and mental health, then it becomes something amazing and special!


I started running (trail) about 60 years old. Just finished a 33 mile trail run with some elevation at 69. It’s nice to be in the woods and listen to nature sounds . And a challenge. Ironically I only started T running because I changed my diet to a WFPB lifestyle


Thanks for sharing, Simon! I love the vibe of this video, it really resonates with me. I also LOVE to be in nature. I hike a lot and am slowly turning to more (trail)running. I'm very far away from doing any race, and it's not really my goal to participate in one, but the more time I can spend in nature, enjoying the mountains and other beautiful landscapes, the happier I become.


Mostly a biker, but when conditions outside call for a run instead, yes, a great way to get that much needed exercise done. Thanks to inspiring people like you supplying much needed guidance I can get this done the right way - good on you Simon! 🚴🏼‍♂️🏃‍♀️🌿🧘🏼🙏


J'ai commencé le vélo de montagne pour perdre du poids mais suite à une grosse chute je me suis tourné vers la course à pied, puis j'ai découvert le trail et j'ai adoré. Je n'ai pas encore fini de course (2 dnf) mais je le ferai bientôt


Love that your videos is 15 min or less. Keeping my attention. your sense of keeping it real being a person with job, fam life etc.


There’s so so much on here about running but this video and the only other one I’ve watched so far are really great. Sensible, wise, passionate and the thing I love most is that it’s not about speed. So many videos and running chat are focused on speed even the ones that say run slow - to run fast, it’s always about speed. I like how these are all about the joy of running. I run because I love it and if I run to fast it will stop me running the nest day or worse injure me. Anyway, great videos, all the best. Chris
