Expectation VS Reality #2 | Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (ROBLOX)

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warrior cats: ultimate edition wcue cat warriors luna roblox game

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About the luna one.
There was once a new player in my game who was having a hard time roleplaying as they didn't know much about the game, and hadn't read the books. Then someone just explained to them everything in the starpedia, told them about the starpedia, told them about all the clans and what they prey on, kittypets, rogues and loners, a few example of role plays people do, and then took them to find herbs to and the different territories to fill the starpedia.
We need more people like this dude.

Edit: wtf why is this still getting attention lmao


Sometimes I feel like your watching everything that’s happening in each server 💀


The deputy ceremony is so true though and it's soo annoying.
As an experienced WCUE roleplayer, it's always so frustrating when they skip the most important part of ceremonies too, for a leadership ceremony they'll just skip the scene where the leader is granted their nine lives.


"none no perms" is the best response I've ever come up with.


About the war reality:
I ended up joining one of those rps. Thuderclan x riverclan.
Almost every River clan person had left cuz they didn’t want to do that.
So it was 15 vs 5
We ended up just leaving them because, well, unfair.


For Clan Gathering, there's always one clan STUFFED WITH CATS. There will either only be 1 or 2 clans there and one of them will most likely have not many members, incredibly rare to have all four clans with an evan amount of members


Kits expectation- Perfect angels.




Omg I’ve had some CRAZY experiences in WCUE. One time I was a kit, and there were a BUNCH of them, but then a few shadow clan warriors came and started kidnapping the kits, so the adults in ThunderClan and WindClan kept bringing the kits to the Crystal place(I forgot the name lol) and the kits just read the chat while the ShadowClan kit killers kept saying things like “BITES KITS EAR OFF AND HALF OF THEIR TAIL” (I’m not even joking that’s exactly what they said💀) and I had no friends in the server so I was left behind and didn’t know where to go so I just watched as all of the other kits were screaming “NOOO!! PLEASE DON’T KILL and I kind of just sat and chilled. So yeah it was an… interesting experience.


The Luna bit is exactly what I try to tell people :') I'll be leaving the Roblox RP community in 2023 and it makes me sad seeing younger roleplayers mock and bully people who just want to learn..I sure they weren't good either when they started. Give these kids and newcomers of the fandom some mercy :(


All of these were pretty accurate from my pov when playing, though the deputy part it's mainly the leader saying "Those of you who are willing to be the deputy step up under the rock" or for out of rp "sit under the rock if you want to be deputy//" than they would say "bio check//"


Luckily we've managed to get lucky on the gathering one a couple times. Actually had two successful gatherings of all four clans, and a couple decent deputy naming ceremonies ;) Honestly one of my favorite things to do as SC leader is pull out the classic lines for a good ceremony of any kind (though I never get to do the warrior ones, people never last long enough :c)


My biggest problem when I rp is when as soon as I start up a new clan when three out of the four clans are active, either my clan takes too long to get itself together (like people immediately go afk and the leader--when its not me--keeps saying they wanna wait a few more minutes, despite having like ten cats in the clan and three people constantly spamming ads for the clan) and people immediatley go to the other clans, or the other clans immediately die out....

I honestly think there should be somewhat of a limit as to how many people are in a clan/group because with like 60 people in a server (I think 60 is the max a server can have) and four clans and two extra groups (kitty pets and rogues/loners), each group/clan can have like 20 cats and all four clans can be active instead of everyone congregating to one clan. When nearly everyone on a server are part of ThunderClan, or whatever the most popular/active clan is, it can be hard to keep track of all the supposed storylines that're going on. It's no wonder leaders, deputies, and medicine cats immediately "die" or go away, it's because people in those three roles get overwhelmed with idiotic drama.

Another problem I have are people who immediately usurp the med cat, leader, or deputy position when the leader or deputy go on patrol or whatever or the med cat goes to restock their medicine den and people don't bother looking at the leader board or whatever it is that shows the members of each clan.

And lets not forget trolls who steal and destroys herbs out of boredom or people who like to drown kits, or kits being ignored (and not because they keep asking to someone's unborn kit either lol) i mean kits are literally ignored despite leaders being reminded that hey that kit is about to be an apprentice soon, but that goes ignored or no one wants to take care of or mentor a kit/app. Also kits asking to be an unborn kit or kits that keep running away and refusing to obey the rules are also annoying.


This is really accurate I love the fact you aren't making fun of newer players too, good job! 👍


Doing a Luna experiment to see how people react. Will update as I do it! Stay tuned.


I've never, in years of warrior cats ultimate edition, seen a luna who genuinely asked for help. Actually, the expectation is mostly accurate, in my experience.


I've actually luckily gotten in roleplays were most of these expectations were the reality. I was in a 4-clan-rp server and we had a war between thunderclan+shadowclan against windclan and riverclan. And had the biggg gathering, it was fun.


(Hi there. I'm an author who loves to type and happened to leave a long post here. If you don't like it? Don't read it. It's that easy! Otherwise, thanks for reading!)
I have been reading Warrior Cats for about twelve/thirteen years now and only got Roblox to play a Warrior Cats game. That said, I've only played twice but both times people have actively tried to nominate my poor OC, Wolfsong, as leader. (The first time I allowed it to happen because I was curious of how it'd carry out, and I've since wrote it off as a "Never happened" AU. x'D )

Apparently the reasonings for this is because I love to literate role play, despite being well aware that there are lots of little kids and non-readers who also play the game. I will deliberately interact with players who appear to be ignored despite trying really hard to engage with others. (Providing they aren't drama screaming every other minute like the world is ending or they're dying- constantly.) I will mind clan safety and as well as being in tune to how Wolfsong would behave, will try to step up or mention if I think something should be addressed. He has the personality to question authority if he believes leadership is being careless, and I guess all of this tends to put him in the spotlight.

He was banished for being an outsider, had a bunch of people follow him out despite never asking for their loyalty, and was encouraged to overthrow (and has overthrown) one leader in the "Never happened" AU. In the second (and last) time I played a few days ago, I was trying to ACTIVELY just be some cat in the clan. Wolfsong's backstory (The seriously short end of it.) is that he is one of the kits of his former clan leader. Thinking he knew better than her as a young warrior, he went to attack a foe that very nearly got him killed. Without his friends realizing that he left, he would have died, and these extreme injuries have left him partly mangled and heavily battle scared. It was suggested by his mother (The clan leader) that perhaps her son should be retired early to the elder's den, and he just couldn't live with that shame. So, he left the clan and that's where I like to hop into other RP's. It leaves him a backstory/opening as well as an opportunity to find a new home, where players have generally taken him into a clan or rogue group. Funny enough, people immediately want PTSD mangled young warrior as their leader. (HM...)
Numerous people have now told me to ether step up to become leader or have even argued that I SHOULD be leader despite never mentioning that I wanted the role to begin with. (Quite frankly since they added roles, I like to sit as "role-less" in a clan. I figured he's too mangled to be a warrior, but he'll still help out, and because he's actively trying to fill the end jobs for the clan, he's also not retired as an elder.)

I'd love to play in a literate, relatively accurate RP but alas- in all our dreams. x'D I love these videos and from my two experiences in Roblox, I've had a blast but at the same time have to sigh at how poorly the clans are represented in-game than in the books. I mean really, last time I was thinking "If people actually slept in the dens at night and mingled around camp than staying in front of the high rock 24/7, the clan would feel so much more alive!"
...SLEEPING. I thought SLEEPING would be more fun. How sad is that?


If you wanna rp a battle or in a war and you’re not gonna give anyone perms to hurt you, what’s the point of battling? No ones gonna just let you hurt and kill them while you give no perms for them to hurt you... 💀


I once encountered something rare, a gathering happened and each clan had a leader show up with about a even number of cats in each clan
