Spanish Judge Orders Arrests of Catalan Independence Leadership

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A Spanish judge has detained eight former Catalan ministers and issued arrest warrants for Catalan leader Carles Puidgemont and his cabinet. Protesters have taken to the streets to demand their release. Professor Sebastiaan Faber has more from Madrid

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It' funny how nobody complained about the preventive detention of Ignacio González, the former governor of Marid, earlier this year. Well, I actually know why: he's a member of Partido Popular, Mariano Rajoy's party, so everybody in Spain agreed he deserved such a measure. See? To the Spanish judicial system it doesn't matter your political ideology nor being member of the Prime Minister's party. It's called SEPARATION OF POWERS, and it works.


This profesor is way pro independence... we are talking about nationalistic European movement. Basically people saying that they are rich/better and want to become even more rich/better than the rest of Spain. We haven't learn much about the XX century and national movements it seems


again Real News you invite this guy who I think is giving the Catalan independence movement waay more credit then it deserves. but he is right the Catalan independence party is hoodwinking a lot of left-minded people to sympathize with them when really this is right-wing bourgeoisie movement led by a Right-wing party who will only do the bidding of the oligarchs of Barcelona in the event they get their own nation and people especially left-leaning outlets and left-leaning reporters need to stop painting the Catalan push for independence as a left-wing movement and even then Catalona is not under brute fascism as they keep saying they are that's bullshit. Real News please reinvite Nando Villa of Fusion, he has the best assessment on what's going on, and I encourage everyone to go to soundcloud and check out Dead Pundits Society's interview with Nando on Catalan push for independence he is spot on. I will say though that the way the Spanish government has been handling this entire crisis from the get-go has been horrendous and only putting more fuel on the fire.


In case that Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya goes to the election separated from PdeCat ( the old Convergencia ) we will see that it wins more than half of the independent votes. Clearly the independent movement is led by civil associations and the population under 40 years old. In fact, the growing weight of those population segments has caused that, in one decade, the conservative PdeCat becoming a pro-independent party and 3 generations of leaders have followed one after the other in the same period ( from the Pujol's generation to the A.Mas generation to the Puigdemont generation). Even with these movements they have not stopped their declining electoral appeal.
As for these young people, It is amusing that in Madrid press they are presented as ignorant, semi-non literate people who have been brainwashed by some obscure and small group of people. In reality, there are many who are professionals ( f.i. engineers ), with master studies in foreign universities and who, in their turn, refer to the Madrid establishment as the "dinosaurs" or "Jurasic Park".
Frankly, I see no solution. In the Madrid Parliament, about 75% of the seats are occupied by parties who think in letting things just as they are now or even recentralising more. In Barcelona, perhaps we will have nearly 50% who want independence, another 25% who want more decentralised powers but not independence, and 25% who want the present situation or more centralisation. With this situation what can be done?


It is no doubt about the truth of this, 'that to reject the principle of civil disobedience that one observe is taking place in Catalan has nothing to do with the practice of democracy'.


Her biji catalanya kürdistan bağımsızlık mücadelesi veren halklara emsal olacaklar..
