Why building muscle could slow aging | Prof. Brad Schoenfeld

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As we age, we need to keep our muscles strong. How can we best achieve that, and potentially add years to our life?

Jonathan talks with Dr. Brad Schoenfeld to try and find out.

Dr. Schoenfeld is a professor at Lehman College in New York City. His research focuses on muscle adaptations to strength training. He's published over 300 studies in the field of exercise and sports nutrition as a scientist and began his career as a competitive bodybuilder and personal trainer.

Studies related to this clip:
Effects of resistance training on muscle size and strength in very elderly adults from Sports Science

Strength and hypertrophy adaptations between low- vs. high-load resistance Training from The journal of strength and conditioning research

Рекомендации по теме

I'm 83 and recently started upper body exercise with a medium resistance tube and soon moved on to heavy. Doing it at home means no excuses. Also started supplementing with creatine and HMB to help build and maintain muscle.


Fascinating, I am 69. Normally active, i worked across a range of both field work, gardening to care support. Last June, on my way to work, i was hit by a cargo bike. I have a fracture collar bone. I have found my self not getting any support, losing weight and slowly losing my normal drive to get up and be active. I have started to make some effort to recover the X-rays and forward them to some medical departments.


Thank you for the short-form video. Much appreciated.


Love his dog doing a little resistance training in the background.😂😂


Yes, I've just started on a 30 day weights programme, (now on day 17) first time in my life, almost 60! And i finally feel strong enough to carry a bag of compost around the garden 👏ot works


Used this 9 min video as timer for 2nd short resistance session today. Worked a bit harder when Prof Schoenfeld call people my age "oldest of the old", slowed to listen better when he mentioned "sub-optimal protein". I'd accepted 1g of protein per day per kg of bodyweight as very safe, may need a rethink. Now I'll watch full version - in bed!


In the longer version of this interview Brad mentions body weight exercises but concentrates on gym sessions. I understand that we need some guidance at the start to guard against injury and develop targeted strategy.

I'm 65, going for benefits at home with bodyweight exercises, using a book by Mark Lauren, "You Are Your Own Gym", which needs no equipment and provides exercises from beginner to elite.

I think people like me, uncomfortable with public exercising, might find an episode on such exercises helpful.

I would love to see current scientific positions on pushups, squats, pull-ups etc vs machines.

(I have bought a pull-up/chinup bar as well, looking forward to my first chin-up in 40 years (hopefully soon)).

Your podcast has been super helpful and very interesting. Thank you.


I've been lifting weights at the gym for 25 years. I'm 70 and I'm feeling healthy and strong. I do need to add more protein since I don't eat meat. I do eat a lot of beans, vegetables and nuts, and fish.


I might suggest one exercise the guy without the headphones. When you weight train try shrugs with a trap bar, barbell or dumbbells with a static hold at the top for about 10-15 seconds. Use your emotions when you need motivation. Your traps are just waiting to explode.


I have an elastic resistence belt which I use its so simple


72 female still use weights in the gym but in my sixties l was training regularly. I find l ache a lot more ..which does put me off at times


That's why I love kendo. I have just passed my the "kinder"level, 6Kyu.

Yes, 6Kyu @ 66yo.

Raising that shinai 300gms a hundred times a day, purposeful is at the same time meditative for me.


Doesn't this increase mTor - which shortens life?


That dude is interviewing his future sef....mind blown


Nothing discussed about women’s Testosterone levels especially during & after Menopause. In our twenties women’s have three time as much Testosterone in their bodies than Oestrogen!


But ZOE has had guests on who said most Americans eat too much protein...why should older people consume even MORE protein?


I like some protein with my food however the strongest man in the world eats plant based food only


You should start with eating animals protein.
