HUGE Nerfs to Mythic+ Dungeons & Corruption Returns in Patch 11.1.5 Content Reveal

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There have been some huge nerfs to all mythic and mythic+ dungeons this week that should make them much easier to jump into and progress through, and all of the new content coming in Patch 11.1.5 has been revealed, including horrific visions and the some corruption powers returning, a new event and renown faction, and several new ways to gear up.
Timestamps -
0:00 - Weekly wow news
0:40 - HUGE Nerfs to Mythic+ Dungeons
3:47 - New Patch 11.1.5 content revealed
3:58 - Nightfall event and gear rewards
5:01 - Dastardly Duos challenge event
5:49 - Horrific visions return
8:28 - Corruption effects are coming back??
9:51 - Cooldown manager replaces weakauras?
11:02 - HUGE catch up event coming
12:25 - Patch 11.1.5 release date
13:18 - Patch 11.1.7 testing started
Timestamps -
0:00 - Weekly wow news
0:40 - HUGE Nerfs to Mythic+ Dungeons
3:47 - New Patch 11.1.5 content revealed
3:58 - Nightfall event and gear rewards
5:01 - Dastardly Duos challenge event
5:49 - Horrific visions return
8:28 - Corruption effects are coming back??
9:51 - Cooldown manager replaces weakauras?
11:02 - HUGE catch up event coming
12:25 - Patch 11.1.5 release date
13:18 - Patch 11.1.7 testing started
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