HUGE Nerfs to Mythic+ Dungeons & Corruption Returns in Patch 11.1.5 Content Reveal

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There have been some huge nerfs to all mythic and mythic+ dungeons this week that should make them much easier to jump into and progress through, and all of the new content coming in Patch 11.1.5 has been revealed, including horrific visions and the some corruption powers returning, a new event and renown faction, and several new ways to gear up.

Timestamps -
0:00 - Weekly wow news
0:40 - HUGE Nerfs to Mythic+ Dungeons
3:47 - New Patch 11.1.5 content revealed
3:58 - Nightfall event and gear rewards
5:01 - Dastardly Duos challenge event
5:49 - Horrific visions return
8:28 - Corruption effects are coming back??
9:51 - Cooldown manager replaces weakauras?
11:02 - HUGE catch up event coming
12:25 - Patch 11.1.5 release date
13:18 - Patch 11.1.7 testing started
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Honestly the dungeon tuning and Delves have been a major improvement over season 1, Tier 8 delves giving hero track gear in the weekly vault and mythic 0's giving champion track gear is a good way to get your alts into the action faster. I like playing about 5-7 alts every expansion and when I'm able to play atleast from 2-6 keys on my alts and higher keys like 6-10 on my Paladin and Deathknight. That's when the game becomes extremely fun and I like logging on everyday to play with my guild or pugs.


Twilight devastation was peak dopamine


Really like the direction as a solo only player. Cool stuff, thanks for the info!


m+ is not for me. i stick with delves^^


Thanks for the information, had no idea this was happening!


Please blizzard, just make sure the acquisition of corruptions are not another random system on top of the already random gear acquisition. I had people in my guild getting rank 3 Twilight Devastation early and they did incredible amounts of damage compared to no TD or rank 1 TD. Imagine how toxic it could be in m+ (on top of the standard toxicity)


I don't know about others but for me it's because I am loving the new delves


Honestly I'm like 2 steps away from just deleting all addons and playing with a base UI after the cooldown manager thing gets added. Just a few more things and I'm down, but then again I dont use WA's nearly as much as many other people.


I like dungeons. What I don’t like is everything surrounding them. Sitting in que for extended lengths of time. Only for it to fall apart sometimes before it even starts in many cases. The rush mentality, the toxicity etc etc etc. More then enough negative to far outweighs the positives.


initially it just felt like there werent any tanks or healers queuing. even when trying to run my own key. i felt well over an hour of waiting during 8pm server time. just didnt feel worth doing dungeons when delves didnt have a wait time to get into.


Best thing is Delves. Dungeons are utterly horrific to pug, general player base is utterly toxic and rotten.


The pug groups I've played with are getting destroyed in m+2's lol after they said m+ was going to be easier


It's not M+ content that makes me Never do them. It's the snotty elitist attitude of a lot of people. Delves avoids that.


After playing the Fellowship beta i was shown what a good. fast, and fun mythic+ like system could look like. these changes this season are good but still dont come close to the fun that i had in Fellowship.


It's so rare to get a competent tank in Timewalking (nearly every tank just runs full speed and leaves a trail of his "teammates" fighting for their lives from one end of the dungeon to the other) that I can't see why I'd even want to torture myself by trying to PUG any mythic dungeons.


I haven't run any mythic+ yet this season. It just feels like delves are a strict upgrade; you don't need a group, brann carries you, and you get a similar level of rewards.


My problem with M+ is that either I don't get chosen because of spec or low rating, or I do get chosen but it's a group of 3 dps and we can't get a tank or healer. You gotta be quick after reset to still find M+2 or +3.


I just gotta say it. I know Kelani's videos are supposed to be beginner friendly, and that's a great thing, but I'm a seasoned player and I find these news videos so useful.

Thank you and keep up the good work!


I used to be a high level mythic key runner and I just came back to the game a few weeks ago to try the expansion with my girlfriend. Everything, even leveling feels too punishing imo. She made it to level 76 before quitting.

I got to max level, grinded delves to 630 and jumped into mythic 0’s and most groups can’t do them. I’ve tried them with the nerfs and they still seem overtuned to me.


This is exactly what Blizz should be doing - giving us powah! Panda Remix was AMAZING because of this. People don't want to struggle, people don't want to spend weeks getting gear only to have it ripped away. Give them the power in a reasonable amount of time and allow them to enjoy it for their efforts. I'm very happy with Blizz's new way of thinking regarding this. On the other hand, blizz has to stop using their broken loot system in M+. 10 runs = 20 pieces of loot = 4 pieces of loot per person. I've NEVER received 4 pieces of loot after 10 runs which means I'm getting ripped off for the same amount of effort everyone has put in. It means someone is getting more in order for me to get less. This needs to be addressed. How? Easy, 5 runs = 2 coins and 10 runs = 4 coins. You go to a slot machine and select the dungeon you wish to get loot form. You can only select that dungeon if you completed it and the loot will only be as high as the level you completed in said dungeon. You pull the lever and a random piece of loot will drop. This way you get out what you put in.
