2 years of POTS GONE in 1 month (Change this approach) PART 1/2

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About Dr Nathan Keiser:
Dr. Nathan Keiser DC, DACNB, FABBIR is a board certified chiropractic neurologist specializing in non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical treatment of dysautonomia, traumatic brain injury (concussion), and movement disorders.

Dr. Keiser was certified as a diplomate in chiropractic neurology by the American Board of Chiropractic Neurology (ACNB) in 2010
and has since served patients from across North America and around the globe in private practice.

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Don’t waste your time watching this video. He doesn’t actually tell you what he did to help this patient who he claims to have miraculously healed.


That is what pots is, in pots the blood vessles dilate causing the blood to pool in lower extremities. The reason for the tachycardia in pots is the heart is trying to compensate for the loss of blood flow to the brain, by pumping faster to try and get more blood to the brain.


I have POTS and ive been doing the wim hof method and it has really helped me a year ago i could not walk 50 feet without fainting and had really bad brain fog but i started it 2 weeks ago i felt a urge to watch him i didnt know anything about his method before but it has helped me alot and i feel normal again I did his method and mediation if you have POTS i would give it a try it may not work for everyone but it worked for me


What were the things you did to help her improve her symptoms? I rewatched it but all I heard was “we did some things and then she improved” looking to help treat my own issues with POTS


I’ve been struggling for 3yrs with PCS and was diagnosed with POTS last year. It’s rare to find information linking the 2 issues so, I’m excited to find your channel.
I just started looking into a Functional Neurologist this week and I’ll be showing her your video as I suspect this is some or maybe even all of my issue.
Thanks for your passion - I’m hoping it will help me and others out there searching for answers.


I've had some success with improving POTS and my chronic fatigue syndrome by making painfully slow changes over time. For example, I took my hardest task, showering. 3 years ago I could only shower once a week. So then I pushed for 2 showers a week. When that finally became easy I pushed for 3 showers. It has taken YEARS but I can now shower about every day again. (With cool water as hot water makes me pass out). I've done this with other daily life tasks too and it has helped.


I have a ton of symptoms. One if the confusing things is I also break out in a sweat to the point of overheating. It happens everytime I try to push through and I nearly black out if I don't lay down.


So what actions were taken to improve the situation please?




You didn’t tell us what kind of treatment worked on her!!


Thank you doc for sharing these stories - they offer a lot of hope 👏


I am going through this right now. Ever since I got a really bad cold last February and since then I have dealt with lightheadedness, fatigue, tension headaches, increased heart rate when standing and sometimes chest pain. I can’t work, can’t go out and had to move back in with my parents due to not being able to work 🥲 I’ve went to doctors and had a mri but everything comes back normal, I just want to be able to have a normal life again. I’ll be 24 next month and if I can’t celebrate it I am going to be more depressed than I am.


I read that chronic inflammation is the root of POTS... so I started using curcumin, and yeah, it helped me relieve the strongest symptoms... however... the condition has already caused TR in my heart.


Thank you doc, this speaks to a lot and carries an important message, so much is possible with the right approach. And, as always, i have a question: can a compromised blood flow to the brain not be a result of an injury, but of other factors such as for example chronic muscle tension, postural problems, long term stress/anxiety, etc. And if so, can they be treated with some kind of tailored (or standardised?) training plan? Or is there some kind of 'brain gym' neuro-training people could use as self care? If i can do something to look after blood flow to my brain, i surely want to do it! Thank you and happy new year!


Also all symptoms of thiamine deficiency. I started taking benfotiamine supplement and it’s changed my whole life and ALL symptoms


Why do people make these videos and say NOTHING about what helps ???


Can you do a series of videos with exercises we can do at home for POTS?


What exactly did she do in terms of treatment to help that part of her brain get blood flow ?


This is why I refuse to say I have POTS even though some doctors have said I do. They have not helped me and can’t find a test that demonstrates my actual problem. The actual symptoms that disrupt my life are all in my brain. I don’t have help like this girl got so it’s down to me constantly researching and helping myself.


It's a great story for her, but it's one case...the title is click bait.
