How to / DIY - replace front brake calipers + pads - Toyota Land Cruiser / PRADO 120 / Lexus GX470

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How to / DIY
Replace front brake calipers + brake pads
Toyota Land Cruiser / PRADO 120 / Lexus GX
Bildilla Magasin

Then it was time to change tires. Then you can see over brakes at the same time!

The caliper at the rear, was a bit slow last fall as well. But after another winter in the salt soup, it was time to mount the new calipers I had bought. I have new discs lying around too, but they looked perfectly fine, so it was not replaced now!

Replacing calipers + pads, is really a okey thing, as most people can do themselves.

Tools used for the actual change job:
17 mm cup on ratchet
10 + 11 mm wrench, for the vent screw on the caliper


Da var det tid for å bytte dekk. Da kan man få sett over bremser samtidig!
Bremse caliperen bak, var litt trege sist høst også. Men etter ennå en vinter i saltsuppa, så var det på tide å montere de nye caliperene jeg hadde kjøpt inn. Jeg har liggende nye skiver også, men de så helt greie ut, så det ble ikke byttet nå!

Bytte av calipere er egentlig en grei sak, som de fleste kan gjøre selv.

Verktøy benyttet for selve bytte jobben:
17 mm kopp på skralle
10 +mm 11 fastnøkkel, for lufteskruen på caliperen

------------------------------------ Disclaimer! ------------------------------------------------

The videos are made by an untrained mechanic! All the videos are therefore to be regarded as my own experiences, and no conclusion. The videos show what I have done, and the result does not always have to be as desired. Sometimes things go directly wrong, and then I try to find out what went wrong, and try to set a better example so that others will not have to make the same mistake as me.
The videos were filmed by myself, and it may have been unknowingly missing to include ALL the details. I try my best to find out what I do and what I find out. But getting cameras in the right places is not always easy!
Very important!!! Do not take any chances with safety, neither your own nor anyone else's! Never work under a car, without and double security. Things can happen, so you must always have extra safety in case something should break or overturn, etc.
Working on cars poses a danger no matter what. So be aware, and if you do not feel 100% sure of the result, rather ask others to help you or double check what you have done, before you expose yourself and others to danger!

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Рекомендации по теме

You didn't need Techstream to bleed the front calipers? Another video seemed to indicate you needed it - it was a GX470.
