Jacob Collier's theory on fourths and fifths

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This dude just out here playing the Zelda score


this is a great talk, i recommend watching the whole thing if you havent


An interesting idea, but I don't have the imagination to immediately see what implications or applications it may have.
Also pitch set class theory probably has a better case for showing that minor is major upside down. If you count the intervals between notes of a major and minor triad, they're literally inversions of each other.


I'd say this is more of an illustration of lydian (the brightest of modes) and locrian (the darkest). You could get other modes in a similar way too, just go different numbers of fifths up AND down from the root note. The more fifths you add on top, the brighter the mode, and vice versa.


I can't tell if my mind just exploded or imploded.


Amazing! I wrote a piece years ago with that C penta arpeggio (plus B natural on top) in 5/4 and with jazzy chords on top.
Had no idea that's what it was at the time. How lovely to hear this played and explained. I will have to dig it out again now, @jacob collier!


I have my hand i control it, i understand it's movements. I can tell if someone touches or tries to move it.

That is what i imagine music is like to this guy


I think any guitarist can attest to this


But that’s just a theory. A music theory.


to comment on him saying that minor is a reflection of major, this is also seen in the fact that a major triad can be spelled by going up a major third from the root and then up a minor third from that, while a major triad can be spelled by going up a minor third first and then a major third

(sorry if this was unnecessarily wordy)


*plays C major chord in its most unbiased form* 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒚


It's easy to calculate the Circle of 5ths (aka "Cycle"): (n x 7) % 12 for n = 0 to 11 produces the ascending cycle [0, 7, 2, 9, 4, 11, 6, 1, 8, 3, 10, 5], while (n * 5) % 12 for n = 0 to 11 produces the descending cycle [0, 5, 10, 3, 8, 1, 6, 11, 4, 9, 2, 7]. All of 12-tone equal-tempered music is calculable using only basic formulas.


The error is to think in absolute terms and to think in terms of fourths VS fifths. It makes much better sense to just think in terms of fifths or in terms of fourths only and since we call it "the circle of fifths" and not "the circle of fourths" (when it is actually both) we should just stick to fifths.
If we play a major chord such as "C major" is appears like this in the series of rising fifths going left to right "C G - - E". If we play "A minor" it appears like this in the series of fifths going left to right. C - - A E.
We can see that for C major more notes are LOWER in the series of fifths while for E minor more notes are HIGHER in the series of fifths. This is what makes the major chord sound major and the minor chord sound minor.
This will work for ANY chord!
A 7th chord looks like this in the series of fiffhs: Bb - C G - - E, so it has more notes lower in the series of fifths so it sound major.
If we take the reverse of this in the series of fifths: Bb - - G D - E it sounds minor because it has more notes higher in the series of fifths
If the notes of the chord are balanced in the series of fifths the chord sounds suspended, that is it sounds nether major nor minor.
A sixth chord looks like this C G - A E so it sounds suspended because it is balanced in the series of fifths
A ninth chord looks like this: Bb - C G D - E so it sounds suspended because it is blanced in the series of fifths.
A diminished chord looks like this: "C - - A - - F#" so it sounds suspended because it is balanced in the series of fifths,
An augmented chord looks like this: "C - - - E - - - G#" so it sounds suspended because it is blanced in the series of fifths.
If we take a major sounding chord chord such as "C G - - E" and play a low bass note along with it on "E" it will make the major chord sound less major and more minor because more emphasis is on the note higher in the series of fifths in that case.
If we take a minor chord such as "C - - A E" and play a low bass note along with it on "C" it will make the minor chord sound more major because the emphasis is on the note lower in the series of fifhs in that case.
If we play a "C major" chord but sing "E" it will sound more minor! If we play an A minor chord and sing "C" it will sound more major!
This rule also works for ANY chord.
That means how we voice chords and which inversion that we use has a strong influence over whether they sound major or minor so because of that the determination is not absolute.
The same is true of the modes, if the tonic note of a mode is Lower in the series of fifths more of the notes of the mode mode sound major and fewer sound minor.
If the tonic note of the mode is higher in the series of fifths more of the notes of the mode sound minor and fewer sound major.
"FA DO SO RE LA MI TI "is in the order of fifths. Here are the modes ordered from the most major sounding to the most minor sounding.
"FA do so re la mi ti" (Lydian)
"fa DO so re la mi ti" (Ionian or "Major")
"fa do SO re la mi ti" (Mixolydian)
"fa do so RE la mi ti" (Dorian)
"fa do so re LA mi ti" (Ayolian or "Minor")
"fa do so re la MI ti " (Phrygian)
"fa do so re la mi TI" (Locrean)


I wonder if Jacob knows about Scales of Chords (the 6th diminished stuff) or about how a completely resolved major or minor tonics are actually 6th chords and not 7th


0:15 when the odyssey has enough power moons to reach the next kingdom


He sounds like a genius, but I've never heard any of his music thats actually good. Lesson there.


Its very interesting because if you look at the circle of 5ths, one side will have all your major intervals, and one will have all your minor intervals


I love how he's so good everyone looks past his fashion sense


i kind of knew about the fifths are upside downs of fourths because e.g. the violin tuning gdae, when you reverse the tuning, its eadg, which is the tuning of a bass, or the 6th to 3rd string of a guitar


0:57 Did anyone else hear Death's Flesh and the Power it Holds?
