OBI WAN KENOBI Episode 6 Breakdown | Easter Eggs, Hidden Details And Things You Missed

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OBI WAN KENOBI Episode 6 Breakdown | Easter Eggs, Hidden Details And Things You Missed. We recap, review and react to the final episode in the season. This talks about the easter eggs, Obi-Wan Vs Darth Vader, Reva and Luke and we give our thoughts on the whole series.

#ObiWanKenobi #ObiWan #StarWars #Breakdown #Episode6 #EasterEggs #ThingYouMissed #Reaction #Review #darthvader #reva #lukeskywalker #leia

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Obi-Wan Kenobi has just dropped it's finale and throughout this video we're gonna be breaking down all the easter eggms hidden details and things you missed. Last week had Roken and the Rebels fleeing into space whilst Reva remained behind to try and strike down Vader. This backfired and she ended up getting stabbed in the stomach similar to how she was when she was a child. We actually had hints towards this wound all the way back in episode 3 when she ended up getting slammed by Brother 5. She ended up touching it for a split second and It is possible that she had cybernetic parts placed into this much like we saw with Fennec Shand. These just being stabbed again would explain how she survived the encounter and they act as somewhat of a means to an endor.

This episode really wrestles with whether she's friend or poe and come the end of the entry they tie things up quite nicely without breaking the canon too much.

But does it work? Well we'll talk about it later on but if you've been enjoying the breakdowns we'd massively appreciate the thumbs up this one last time. We'll also be covering more Star Wars shows later in the year so you will subscribe...move along.

With that out the way, thanks for clicking this, now let's get into Episode 6.


We open on Tattooine and see two Jawas as well as a blue astromech droid that's the same unit as R5 who would later get a bust motivator on the planet.

Motivators actually pop up again when we discover that the ship is struggling.


Here we see Moisture dealers selling water in the street and Reva ends up intervening on a guy who's just, just a bit of a jerk.

Now this actually subtly hints that she's turning back to the light as she's somewhat showing compassion to the locals by helping them out, even if she's not specifically doing it for their best interests. This was a big part of the Jedi order and maybe getting that Arkham Asylum death screen last week made her restart with a new take on life.

Now in earlier breakdowns we talked about how Reva could likely be a play on the name Revan. This was a jedi who ended up turning to the dark side much like she did. Similar to that fact Revan also ended up going back to the light in the canonised ending which is what we see happen here.

Cut to the devastator chasing the Partisan ship which we learn is heading to Tessen. I dopn't believe that this ship has featured in the saga before and it's a refuge that they sadly won't make it too.

► Artist Attribution
Music By KaizanBlu

Music - LAKEY INSPIRED - Arcade
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When Vader said “you didn’t kill Anakin, I did” he’s admitting it’s his own fault for turning out like that as well as saying he ‘killed’ his weakness


I gotta be honest. That whole scene with Vador's mask breaking and his voice distorting was possibly one of the most powerful Star Wars scene I have ever scene. A great episode.


Obi seeing the monstrous face of Vader but still being able to look at him and say "Anakin."🥺
Real love is able to see the ounce of humanity that still remains in a beast.


One Easter egg that most are missing out is when he walks away he calls Vader 'DARTH'.
He calls him with the same name in a New Hope... he calls Vader by only 'DARTH' and that had always confused me, as that's not his first name and only a title...
So great callback to that! They really tie up things and How!


The Convo between Obi wan and Vader as well as Leia and Qui Gon just hit the feels. Nice nods with the "Hello there" and the toy for Luke. I loved this show and this episode was amazing.


That split in Vader’s helmet from Obi also gives the reason behind the scar Vader has on his head when it’s removed in Return of the Jedi.


I liked the line "nobody can ever know" when talking to Leia. I think it was a soft nod to how the message is presented in new hope. Leia is a brilliant mind and I can totally feel comfortable making the stretch that she planned it around NOT giving away the info that, if r2 was caught, she had a more personal connection to obi-wan. Definitely a stretch, but something worth considering nonetheless!


Missed Detail I think: When the Mask was ripped open and Obi-Wan started with his "Anakin" talks, for a Moment he was torn between light and dark side (his face beeing purple/ red and blue) and then when he says he did kill Anakin, his face is red again, so he's fully on the dark side again. There's no way that lighting was coincidence, much like that scene in Spider man: Homecoming with the Vulture in the car.


I'm happy for a couple of seasons of Kenobi just trotting around Tattooine and having more local adventures, and a few extra scenes with Qui-gon training him wouldn't hurt. They set it up by saying the boy is safe. We don't need Vader in it anymore, Vader can have his own cameos and spin-offs elsewhere.


I love the whole dynamic that Obi Wan and Ahsoka slashed opposite sides of Vaders helmet, then Luke was the one that got it off. The remnants of his past culminating in his son finally turning him back.


So many brilliant things in this episode
But one thing that I think was easily overlooked, is Leia saying "will I ever see you again?" akin to Anakin to his mother in Episode 1
Acting off young Leia gave me chills and the show as a whole, amazing


The best aspect of Obi-wan, is Vader gave him the opportunity to forgive himself.

When Vader says, "I killed Anakin." You can see Obi-Wan's facial expression change from self-loathing, to sadness for his friend. I think Vader showed compassion for his friend by taking ownership of his path, allowing Obi-Wan to forgive himself and move closer into the light of the force. This also showed there is still good in Vader, and he is still a complicated person.

In the beginning of the series, Obi-Wan had placed himself in purgatory, by the end, he was on a path towards enlightenment.


When obi wan said “I will do what I must” and Vader responded with “then you will die” it was a nod back to their mustafar fight when obi wan said “I will do what I must” and anakin saying “you will try”


Revenge of the Sith
Obi Wan: “I will do what I must”
‘Leaves Anakin to die on Mustafar’

Kenobi Series
Obi Wan: “I will do what I must”
‘Proceeds to let Anakin live again’

Get it together mate


I think in the context of the show it makes sense that Leia spoke as though she didn't have a personal connection to Ben when she records the hologram in IV - she was using her diplomat voice and was being "Princess Organa"


I don’t think the emperor was concerned with him teaming up with kenobi. It was more of the fact that he wants anakin dead. If anakin is dead then Vader shouldn’t care about kenobi or anything to do with his past. However him caring (even through hatred) shows the chosen one is still alive. Honestly palps should have took this same approach with Luke and keep Vader in check and away from such conflict of interest


Man man man I cheered when obi said HELLO THERE!!! And man when qui gon showed it was hell of a episode!!


I like Obi-Wan’s recognition of Luke’s need to grow up as a regular boy. One of the BIGGEST problems with the Jedi was their detachment with fellow life from near birth.

Obi-Wan’s connection to Leia and Luke helped pull him through his fight with Vader. I think that among other things helped him see the value of Luke living like a normal boy. That and his newfound hope and trust that things will work out.


I don't think we need a second season. However I won't be against seeing kenobi in live action again. Maybe in a different show.
