The Disability Series: Chronic Depression #shorts

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"When you've lived through depression for essentially the most part of your existence, it ceases to be its usual melancholic, dramatic self and turns into a dull boredom. Chronic depression is essentially going through life in a very normal fashion all while your brain is constantly trying to convince you that it's all pointless. But to have to constantly function against the will of your brain can drain you down exceptionally."
In our recurring weekly series, The Disability Series, we ask our readers living with a disability to submit stories about their everyday struggles, in the hope of making their experiences more visible. This week, Chetna Kathuria talks about her struggles of living with chronic depression.
In our recurring weekly series, The Disability Series, we ask our readers living with a disability to submit stories about their everyday struggles, in the hope of making their experiences more visible. This week, Chetna Kathuria talks about her struggles of living with chronic depression.
The Disability Series: Chronic Depression #shorts
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