Infinite Scroll | Pagination Tableview in swift

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learn how to load more content, using pagination using a tableview in swift and firebase. now you can build nice app and load content as the user need it. stop making those expensive database call everything the user open the app, including those old post we already seen.

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Device to Device push notification using firebase and swift

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man, , thanks so much, I was struggling a lot with this, saw a tons of videos and read a lot of info, and nothing, until I got to your video, well explained, very easy to follow, great content man, , thanks


thanks for this great course of pagination, learned a new thing today.inside the tutorial you mentioned about suggest new course for the future, may I suggest you make a simple social media tutorial connect with firebase, that allow user select multi photos and post them all together, like facebook has, many youtube tutorials and udemy they all only teach select one photo and post one, which has no challenge and not realistic in real world app. it would be so cool someone can finally make one like that. thanks in advance.


this saved me some time, thanks a lot :)


Hey! Thanks for the video, i think Im getting close. However, for some reason when I use the queryStarting(atValue: startKey) from firebase and print the snapshot it keeps giving me null when there should be more data. I can't figure out why!
When i print start key it gives me the correct key id but still wont parse the data :( Please help!


If the parent node is userID, could you do a video of how to paginate feeds across different users? Like we would like to have the newest 5 posts of our facebook friends each time we scroll down.


just watched your tutorial 3 times, it is great, first time is hard to digest, too much info for me : ) . i saw that each of your message has a date node in firebase, and how can we sort all of them by date then do the pagination, because I believe most social app they sort their posts by posted date. would you add few more lines or give us some hints let us know how to do it? thanks very much.


hii shender i am doing a chat app and i want to load latest records first and when user scroll i need to load old records. what should i change in this code can you please help. thank you in advance.


Now how do you flip this so the view loads the recent messages to scroll up lol