Dividing by Zero in Five Levels -- Elementary to Math Major
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Why can't we divide by 0? This is a common issue we encounter in elementary school when we learn to divide, but it persists through high school and even into math major courses. Let's explore why we can't (usually) divide by 0 in 5 levels, covering a range of these topics.
Dividing by Zero in Five Levels -- Elementary to Math Major
Why can't you divide by zero? - TED-Ed
Dividing by zero?
Division with Zeros in the Quotient | Math with Mr. J
Actually, you CAN divide by zero.
Divisibility - Dividing by 0
I Learned How to Divide by Zero (Don't Tell Your Teacher)
Problems with Zero - Numberphile
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1 divided by 0 (a 3rd grade teacher & principal both got it wrong), Reddit r/NoStupidQuestions
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