Masculine Behaviors to AVOID! *feminine energy*

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#feminineenergy #lostfemaleeducation

Hello, everyone! Today, we're talking about masculine behaviors to perhaps try to avoid if you want to nurture your femininity as a woman. If you don't care about this, no judgment from me - I just enjoy discussing femininity with my audience ☺️

If you can't join my Patreon then you can still support my content by clicking "like", commenting, sharing it & watching the video all the way through 💞 Thank you *so* much for watching & please subscribe for more content like this.

Instagrams: @jasmynetheodora (personal) & @femininetheoria (more content)

Intro - 0:00-1:09
Goal-Orientation - 1:10-2:57
Making things smaller - 2:58-5:29
Utility & beauty - 5:30-6:20
Overcrowding - 6:21-7:58
Shouting - 7:59-8:45
Outro - 8:46-9:23

Hello everyone, welcome to my channel! I'm Jasmyne Theodora, I'm an Orthodox Christian and I make content about the art of femininity (from a virtuous, Godly perspective), lost female education and faith. Please subscribe if you enjoy my content and thank you so much for watching.

Height - 5'9"
Race - Biracial (black & white)
Religion - Orthodox Christian
Background - Bachelor's degree in psychology
Relationship status - Married
Children? - 1


(if you see this, comment an unpopular opinion of yours!)
Рекомендации по теме

As a man, I really enjoyed listening to this. I love the quiet strength of women and love their softness and love of comfort and beauty. Men built the world but women make it a place you want to be in. It may sound trite, but it made me think of one of my favorite moments in the Disney movie Brave where the queen calmly and quietly walks through the melee and without raising her voice stops the fighting and cows the entire room with simply her presence. I feel like feminism has downplayed, ignored, or outright vilified this quiet strength. We all have lost something from that and I hope we can get it back.


I like how you talk about masculinity and femininity. This is the only thing that will keep both of the people attracted to each other long term.


As a muslim woman, im very proud of the content you make, your values match my values so much and i feel like your channel is on the bright side of the internet, when everything is going completely insane and chaotic your content is calm and grounded and reminds us of our core values. Thank you so much jasmine i really love your channel and always watch your videos as soon as they’re up cause you feel like an older sister to me 💜


Being on survival mode resulted in loosing my feminity this is really helpful.
Im learning to take a step back


I dont know why, but the example of the male email cracked me up 😂


I like how this is not only about getting guys, but about just being a healthy woman in general.


The making things smaller point is definitely relatable... my highly emotional personality was punished as a child. I used to think that being highly emotional was a character flaw, but now I've realized that I just need to surround myself with an environment that will appreciate it. Thankyou Jasmine for helping me loath my feminine nature less


Thank you for this safe place. This is the video I’ve been waiting for. Everyone says be more feminine, live in your femininity. But no one breaks it down and explains what that really looks like. This is the “how to” girls like myself need to start our journey. I want to be feminine but I honestly just don’t know how to be. Thank you for this video, please make this a series and keep it going!


The second point is REALLY insightful. We just got back from urgent care with my baby, because she had a suspicious rash. It turned out to be an infection (what I had suspected). This was our conversation on the way home:
Him: “well, I’m glad you made a big deal about it and brought her to the doctor, because if it had been up to me, you know what I would have said…”
Me “you would have said ‘she’s probably fine’ and done nothing.”
Him “yep”


Walking to where the person is to talk to them is really good advice


I love your point about goal orientation versus experience orientation! We definitely live in a goal-oriented economy, and i have long been motivated by hitting goals, but i have noticed that it erodes my personality and makes me enjoy the journey less and even care less about other people. Honestly, i don't even really know how to conduct myself in a non-goal-oriented way (especially at work and academically), so i might appreciate another video about this topic specifically!


This woman changed my whole life. I'm inlove with my soft eraaaa!🪴✨️


I love the last tip about being graceful in approaching and addressing people. Never thought of it!


Nicely put! I've struggled recently with my traumatized reaction to an earthquake in my area, feeling weak and silly because of my panic, having to sleep at my parents at 30yo seemed exaggerated compared to how others dealt with it. But I'm a highly sensitive woman, I'm feminine and crave protection and get anxious being left alone...and I got triggered. I'm doing what I need to get better, but I won't feel ashamed for being softer and maybe more sensitive or fragile than others.


If you’re embracing feminity(the biological design)
ensure you practice at home and meditate on it.

Also, practice discerning character through psychology books, psychology videos, the book of proverbs and the book of psalms, etc to guard against Ill minded people who will attempt to hurt you.

By doing this when you express your feminity and the moment you see the signs of an sick minded individual, you will properly guard your peace and know how to handle those individuals. Whether it be cutting them off or preparing yourself if you have to be around them.


I really struggle with showing or being comfortable in my femininity, thank you for making these veidos.


Another amazing video 🤍. Definitely difficult to be a feminine woman in today's world, especially when I don't have a husband and male protection yet, my father passed away so I just need to survive in this world somehow.... trying my best to remain soft and feminine woman 🌸💕


I love and appreciate your content🤍You’re vocal, yet maintain your calm/class. I’m the same way. Keep it coming🥰


I'm guilty of the "overcrowding" one. It is extremely hard to not do this since we value busyness so much as a culture--it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. Making room for stillness feels like failure to me, like I'm not making good use of my time. It's hard to fight against that mindset!


I withheld so much emotion because I was told I was being too emotional sometimes by women who were themselves traumatized from their past experiences. Even in church my mom and I were told we were too emotional because we cried a lot.

When I listened to them it made me hard, cold, sad and feel alone.

I’m expressing it better now and accepting my biological clock and better planning my life to suit it.

Even at work, when I know aunt flow is coming in advance I will buy Midol, Advil, chocolate, water, decaffeinated tea, to prepare myself for a long day then rest.
Thank you again Jazmyne.
