Overcoming Setbacks in Running: A Personal Journey.

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How to get your body back on track, and feeling good again.

I'm going through the wars currently and trying to help my body get back on track.

#running #runner #marathonrunning
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"my body is a mess - bless it "
Man, i really needed to hear this today. I appreciate you


Joy of running is what it's all about!


These are such important lessons to learn, and preferably master too, and sooner rather than later as well. At 59 my fastest runs are obviously many, many years behind me and instead the challenge has become to maintain what I have for as long as I can, avoid injuries, and prioritise recovery. Easy to say but hard to do and the older we get the harder the price we have to pay for stepping over that invisible line of what our body can cope with. Learn to listen to your body, and understand what the different signals mean, so you can continue to take it to the limit for many years to come, but not beyond where things start to come at a high price.


Best running content and philosophy on YouTube 🔥


I believe that sometimes our egoic attachment to a desired outcome can become a hindrance because it prevents us from following our heart and allowing ourselves to have fun with what we are doing, it also prevents us from doing something new and doing what’s necessary to progress. We become fearful to let go of what we have and try something new incase we lose our progress which we often equate to our own self worth. In my personal experience when I’ve let go and allowed my self to have fun again I find the progression starts to increase once again. It’s worth mentioning fun doesn’t mean being lazy and doing nothing it simply means listening to our heart rather than our ego.


Steve you talk pure sense and explain in an easy to understand manner best advice from a world class runner


Everything you said in this video totally nail it for a lot of struggling runners. The brick and cement analogy truly hits home for me as I need to free myself from all these unnecessary weights in order to start fresh and train better. Thank you so so much for hitting that light bulb 💡 on my head.


I turned 40 this year and working on mobility and flexibility more than I have ever before and feel all better for it. I just ran 2:40 my last marathon and looking forward to getting under 2:40 again within the year.


Last year or so I’ve been that bloody hot mess. Running but just not moving right… part of it is it’s almost my 40th year running and 58, the reality though is I’m not doing everything else it takes to perform outside of running. Just had my rear molar fixed … was giving me lots of issues. Good luck as always!


Hey Stephen, I'm not sure if you read your comments or not, but just in case you do I want to say thank you to you for all your great videos, I'm just an average sub 4 marathoner from South Africa, I am training for my 3rd Comrades Marathon and your videos have really helped me, sometimes when I'm training and it is really hard I can hear your voice saying "It's just another Sunday" and I get through it :)


Great advice as ever Stephen. Over the past 11 months I've run 3 hard half marathons and a 3.38 Manchester marathon in April just after I turned 65 . 2 weeks later too much effort too soon and strained a hip.2 weeks after that stupidly tried same resulting in a minor hamstring tear that's meaning at the moment 5-6 weeks totally in rehab off running. To any older runners reading this- please please learn from this and as Scully says give your body time to recover after a distance race from the damage caused by all that training but particularly the race itself.


Bless you and your honesty... similar-ish here, although im 53 and was pushing maybe a little to hard. covid 7 weeks ago, 5 days was no contagious but HR was an issue as well as chest infection so no running just hit the gym, rested from running for 5 week and now back running but that time off even though through illness was a godsend, a time for evaluation and re-evaluation. oddly 7 week of predominantly the gym at least 4 times a week I feel stronger than ever, proud of my body, to be as lean as you at 53 is something I'm proud of. The mind also needs to rest from the run routine. your 18 mths off as previous is maybe not needed for you this time just a time of gym work, yoga, stretching and reset the elasticty of the entire body. and most importantly a reset of the mind, a hard re-boot. Love ya brother 🤟🍀 PS from a fellow ADHD fruit bat, and as you can tell by the writing Dyslexic to boot, we are a different breed LOL...


Best of luck I have struggled before with teeth and it effects every part of your life. Its hard to eat and sleep and everything. Best of luck Stephen


I definitely feel this one. I've got Edinburgh marathon next Sunday and my right ankle is in all kinds of trouble. Achillies is sore just walking I've got planter facsciitis and a superior extensor issue all on one foot. I'm going to manage it for the marathon but then a rest phase and strengthen and rebuild after I've that I'm hoping to come back better than ever.


Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s really helpful under many points of view. Have a nice recovery legend


Absolutely love these videos. Thank you!


sculli at the kerry way lets would be nice to see u there!


I had a tooth out due to infection too. Really helped. Good luck to you!


Gute Besserung! Get well soon, Stephen. We appreciate your content, teethless or not!


Try hyperbaric chambers for recovery and double runs or double activities a day, more duration working, more recovery modalities. Rest and hydrate stretch you got this man go after a higher build-up don’t focus on paces for every workout. If that affects you cross train once a day
