Problem Solving on Sorting Algorithms-1 | Lecture-38 | C++ and DSA Foundation course

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How were the last three classes on sorting? We hope you are following the lectures regularly. In the series of sorting, today Urvi mam is going to cover a few problems based on the sorting algorithms covered so far.
Are we ready?
See you in the class !!
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PW Skills is announcing the launch of the following programs,
Binary Batch:- Java-with-DSA-&-System-Design (Java with DSA & System Design)
Sigma Batch:- Full-Stack-Web-Development (MERN Stack)
Impact Batch:- Data-Science-Masters (Full Stack Data Science)
00:00 - Introduction
00:23 - Recap
01:20 - Today's checklist
01:58 - Given an integer arr, move all 0s to the end of it while maintaining the relative order of the non-zero elements
04:19 - Solution discussion
17:13 - Code
20:46 - Dry run
27:44 - Given an array of names of fruits, sort it in the lexicographical order using selection sort.
29:56 - Solution discussion
37:02 - Code
42:42 - Summary
#DSA #ProblemSolving #Lecture38 #Sorting #BasicProblems #DataStructures #CodingChallenges #Debugging #SortingAlgorithms #LogicalThinking #PWskills #CollegeWallah #PhysicsWallah
Are we ready?
See you in the class !!
Are you finding the classes helpful?
Stay tuned for more!
PW Skills is announcing the launch of the following programs,
Binary Batch:- Java-with-DSA-&-System-Design (Java with DSA & System Design)
Sigma Batch:- Full-Stack-Web-Development (MERN Stack)
Impact Batch:- Data-Science-Masters (Full Stack Data Science)
00:00 - Introduction
00:23 - Recap
01:20 - Today's checklist
01:58 - Given an integer arr, move all 0s to the end of it while maintaining the relative order of the non-zero elements
04:19 - Solution discussion
17:13 - Code
20:46 - Dry run
27:44 - Given an array of names of fruits, sort it in the lexicographical order using selection sort.
29:56 - Solution discussion
37:02 - Code
42:42 - Summary
#DSA #ProblemSolving #Lecture38 #Sorting #BasicProblems #DataStructures #CodingChallenges #Debugging #SortingAlgorithms #LogicalThinking #PWskills #CollegeWallah #PhysicsWallah