Why are Churches Leaving the United Methodist Church (UMC)?

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A more theologically conservative branch of the Methodist Church known as the Global Methodist Church launched on May 1, 2022, following a split from the United Methodist Church denomination over LGBTQ-related issues.

This new denomination is made up of former United Methodists from North America, Africa, Europe and elsewhere who uphold the authority of Scripture.

For years, the UMC had been divided over the ordination of LGBTQ clergy and the performance of same-sex marriages. In recent years, the growing division reached a breaking point, leading the denomination to split, with progressive and conservative Methodists, announcing new denominations.

The UMC postponed its General Conference for a third time earlier this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The denomination is supposed to talk about the denominational schism during the conference. In response to the continual delays, the Global Methodist Church, or GMC, decided to launch its denomination ahead of the rescheduled conference, which will now take place in 2024. After repeated postponements, the GMC grew tired of waiting and officially launched in the Spring of this year.
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If a church flies the rainbow flag it’s not of god.


Brother, I found your channel a couple of weeks ago, and have commented on a few of your videos, but I had to comment on this one especially. I graduated seminary (Asbury Theological Seminary, a conservative seminary) in 2010 entered into full-time ministry, in the UMC, in 2011 as a third career (I retired from the Navy in 2004 and worked for several years for a Boy Scout Council), and was ordained in 2015. In 2021 the church I, and the church I pastor, left the UMC and became part of the Global Methodist Church. The sad truth is that while the UMC wants to say that this disaffiliation (as of today over 7, 000 churches have left and more are working on it) is entirely due to the LGBTQIA+ issues, that is only the presenting symptom for a much larger cancer in the UMC. The bigger issue is the authority of Scripture and 2, 000 years of orthodox church history, theology, and belief.


When churches don't follow the Bible, I seriously question whether or not they actually believed in God.


I left the UMC and will never step foot back in one and I took my wallet with me


It’s been truly scary seeing Satan overtake so many churches and lead so many weak in faith to the depths of hell.


UMC believes in the moral posturing of sensitivity over truth.


What a ridiculus thing to be divided over, The teaching is clear on all these things. Certainly the Lord is not pleased with this.


Than you. I was brought up in an independent Christian Church currently attending a UMC Church. This is concerning for me and I have been following this issue for 12 months.


The UMC has been a train wreck ever before they became "woke." I was brought up in the UMC. My family have been Methodist for many generations all the way back to the Wesleyan movement in England. My grandfather and great - great grandfather were both Methodist pastors. I imagine they both are rolling over in their graves over this new direction the Church is taking.
I made the decision to leave 20 years ago and aligned with a more conservative and Bible Believing and Teaching Church.
It appears the UMC looks at the Bible like a bag of trail mix - pick out the pieces you like (agree with) and leave (ignore) the rest. Sorry folks, the Bible is the Whole Truth - it does not work that way.
It appears as if their book of Discipline has become their new “Bible” and they can change anything in it to suit their desires.


division IS sad, BUT I am encouraged in my heart to see as you say people who adhere to the authority of Scripture.


It's sad, it's hard, it's heartbreaking. I hope this umc stream of evangelicalism can find it's identity as followers of Christ and the Word of God rather than followers of cultural norm in the US. I cannot say anything more than other, hang on to the truth. And if it comes to disaffiliation, your new name is the church of Jesus, the Christ.


It is very simple if you don’t believe in the Bible any longer . It’s ok to be homosexual


I am hearing more churches to leave the UMC each day.


God bless these churches for standing for righteousness and not bowing down to the sins being promoted in our culture. It takes courage to follow Christ, love folks and go against culture.


Thank you for your prayers, I belong to a UMC in Cape Coral Fl. We will be voting next Sunday on disaffiliating from UMC, it breaks my heart that we are have to do this but UMC doesn’t give us any choice. Their willingness to disregard Gods word is not acceptable! 🙏😢🙏


I was in the IPHC for years and I left because the services have turned into youth oriented rock concerts. The music was so loud my wife wore earplugs. I am ok with contemporary worship/music but not to the point of being so loud to the point of ear damage. I cannot worship in a loud service. The pastor starts with a sermon cannot stay on his sermon and drifts off to other topics and acts silly. We live a small town. So I asked her to let's try the UMC. She reacted with anger. ( I regret marrying her, but that is another story). She agreed and we enjoy it there. But she runs back and forth to 2 IPHC churches we previously attend. One of them is about 20 miles away. I told her I do not like this divisive behavior, but she is adamant about it. The congregation is older, mostly boomers. They have a contemporary and traditional worship.While we should welcome everyone, we should also be very clear on sin. We should not tolerate sin. The Bible is clear about sin; problem is the UMC and other denominations are caving to the bullish behavior of the LGBTQs. They need spiritual and professional counseling. This kind of behavior is a mental disorder and sin and should be addressed to them in a kind and loving manner. Jesus accepts and loves us all but, he doesn't endorse sexual sin. The church should do the same in love. Would you tolerate a thieve, liar or arsonist in your house?


Revelations 18:4 - And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.


"False teachers who craftily and industriously hunt for precious life, devouring men by their falsehoods, are as dangerous and detestable as evening wolves. Darkness is their element; deceit is their character; destruction is their end. They pose the greatest threat to our safety when they wear the sheep's skin. Blessed is he who is kept from them, for thousands become the prey of grievous wolves that enter within the fold of the church." - Charles Spurgeon


Thank you for explaining this matter that we all may understand.


We all have to care because we are the Body of Christ. To a certain extent, this is why the average lay person needs to be more theologically educated. We have to get off our soft sermons and teach lessons with spiritual meat on them. There is also something to be said for active discipling. When a person is a newborn again believer, they should be paired up with someone to begin training. Our current form of "worship" is way too passive. Thank you for doing this video.
