My 6 favorite Compressors (7/7)

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There are tons of compressors on the market and many do a great job. A few stand out as being a bit more fun to play or offer some others features that make then special… here are my compressor picks…

Here are the links…

Bogner Lyndhurst

Keeley Compressor Plus
No link yet

Wampler Mini Ego Compressor

Diamond Compressor

TC HyperGravity

Carl Martin Compressor Limiter
(kinda… the AT Comp….)
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It is so refreshing to see a video like this in such good quality. Thank you good


+1 for Multi-Pass reference! I have the Hypergravity and it's been my favorite compressor over classics like the Dynacomp, WhiteFinger, and CS-3. It sounds more natural to me, less squashy.


Thank you for reviews Henning Pauly! You've helped me decided about my compressor pedal for my pedalboard. I've decided to buy the TC Hypergravity from your 6 favorite compressors and I can tell you I'm very happy with it! It works excelent. Keep up the good work. Love you all (you, your wife and your animals)! And keep rocking man \m/


The best comp is the $120 Keeley Plus try one, it does things a basic comp cant do. Overdrives an amp better than most drives highly versatile, half the price and just a better circuit with the new added expander circuit on the output stage (plus). If you had them all and tweaked them out you would keep the new Keeley for half the cost alone plus it is quality on a ledge just above top shelf.


I have the Carl Martin - it's the best pedal comp I've ever heard. It's so BIG though! I love it but I'm still looking for a smaller alternative; so far, the Wampler Ego is the best successor.


I think that the HyperGravity is an incredible compressor for the price


Very good selection! I use one with the features of Bogner with Blend. It's called Koji Comp from Suhr. It haves Bogner's similar eq (voice), even comes with internal selector to choose truebypass or buffer. Like the ego, Koji haven't ratio.


For cheap, I like the Mooer Yellow Comp, as a cheap alternative to the Diamond. Then the Keeley Compressor Plus, for the blend. Then the Walrus Mira opto with all the controls; it's been on sale for good prices recently. Above that it's the Darkglass Hyperluminal, especially in that fat+transparent SYM mode; then the Origin Cali'76 Deluxe is where it's at. Then there's the half unit GAP LA-3A clones which sound good. Some old Symmetrix (501, I think, with the toggle switch and Valley People VCA) and DBX 160A used to be affordable enough. Though I wouldn't be surprised if these were many hundreds now too these days. edit: yip, used to be available for £100, now more like £300. Which makes Origin Cali 76 and Darkglass seem pretty reasonable for a guitarist when the format is very friendly. Guitarists perceive those as expensive but when you compare them to the equivalent second hand rack units, they're absolute bargains.


This needs an update. I've tried all these and my favorite is the Keely Mini Comp!


The Walrus Audio Deep 6 Compression pedal is one of the best for sure


i wanted diamond comp but couldn't find it... sold out almost everywhere. so i bought the poor man's solution = mooer yellow comp. i think it does its job fantastically. i use this with strymon ob.1 and it's awesome =D


you should really try the Origin Cali76 and also the Xotic SP compressor.. both are amazing. I have 1 of each on different boards


1:10 Isn't that sweet... Look how tiny it is!

I'm sure Leslie has said that a time or two. LOL


I really like the idea and sound of using a compressor to boost like you spoke about with the keeley but also really like the type of compression that would be used for funky guitar such as john frusciante used in the blood sugar sex magik album, i an stuck between the hypergravity and the compressor plus, could you point me in the right direction?


Cali76 best
Keeley 4c second
Carl martin comp/limiter third


I'm a fan of the old T-Rex Comp Nova. That and a Keeley 4-Knob or the Compressor+, and I'd be sorted.
Currently using Mooer Yellow and MI Effects Compressor/Gate


The Keeley depresses the clean sound and augments noise. Just a terrible compressor.


150 people who disliked simply because you didn't do sound tests... smh people. do your own research!


Check the Electro Harmonix Black Finger out! I love mine. It's the most full of character compressor I've tried.


So that means that you love compressors that additional enhances the tone of the guitar? Do those compressor with the tone nob make up gain at a certain frequency like a high shelf in an eq? I personally like the Studio Compressor from MXR because it has a ratio nob and it really JUST compresses. What do you think of those?