Could Life On Earth Have Come From A Comet?

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What if alien DNA led to human existence? This amino acid recently found in comets gives us insight on our potential alien-relatives.

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Comet Landing 2014: Rosetta Probe Philae Discovers Organic Molecules: Report
"The Philae space probe was powered down earlier than expected, but not before an instrument discovered an organic compound that was first detected in the comet's atmosphere, the Wall Street Journal exclusively reported Monday. The find is extraordinary considering the organic compound contains the carbon atom, which is the basis of life on planet Earth."

Origin Of Life: The Panspermia Theory
"How life originated on earth is a question that people have pondered for ages. Theories abound, from those based on religious doctrine, to the purely scientific, to others that border on science fiction. One possibility that hovers on this border is the panspermia theory, which suggests that life on Earth did not originate on our planet, but was transported here from somewhere else in the universe."

'Necropanspermia' Suggested As A Way Of Seeding Life On Earth
"Panspermia is a mechanism for spreading organic material throughout the galaxy, but the destructive effects of cosmic rays and ultraviolet light tend to mean most organisms would be destroyed or arrive on a new world broken and dead. Now Paul S. Wesson, a visiting researcher at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Canada, suggests the information contained within damaged organic material could seed new life. He terms this process necropanspermia."


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Рекомендации по теме

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Science: Comets created life
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If u look closely the video starts at 0:00


It seems to me that planets that could possibly be inhabited by intelligent life being lights years away is just another way of promoting survival in living things. After all humans have some pretty brutal history, even in the last five years, I can only imagine how much worse it could possibly be.


Life either originated on this planet or it didn't. I'd say with the current data, it's still about 50/50. The implications of either outcome are equally fascinating!


Just knowing that there are so many galaxies and planets in the universe that could have life forms on them is just crazy.


Sciences didn't construct existences but they construct everything recognizable.


Isn't this panspermia or whatever most possible with fungal spores? I've read they can survive the vacuum of space, and that fossils of fungi are only found after a certain point in time. They're also the only organisms on the planet with a triple helix in their DNA - everything else has a double helix. This theory that fungi could have been seeded from elsewhere is interesting to me. Science can't figure out how they do some of the things they do, either. It's mind blowing when you really think about it.


There's unthinkable amounts of different people, plants, and animals out there on different planets. We've already found tons of planets exactly like earth - atmospheres, liquid water oceans etc. Depending on where you live and how much light pollution is in there area, you can look in the sky and see hundreds of suns many which have planets, I don't find it hard to believe that one of these hundreds within human eye sight could have plants or possibly animals.


The longest 4 minutes of my YouTube life and the most complicated . Life came from bacteria under the sea 5 billion years ago . Period.


I kinda like to think that radiation fused atoms together and made something weird that carried on to become a cell or something


Again... water is wet. Lol I need news.


Directed panspermia is what some scientists like Carl Sagan proposed to do to other planets to terraform them: bacteria will begin to prepare a planet for habitation, releasing oxygen through photosynthesis, for example.


I enjoy the DNews videos with this dude, he's cool.


One version of panspermia (put forth by Thomas Gold) is called the "garbage theory." Basically, that 3.5 billion years ago an alien garbage pod crashed or aliens themselves landed and took a shit.


life on earth are from alien life, aliens could of engineered us.


The Flying Spaghetti Monster created life on our planet and he created the whole universe...Anyone who disagrees with this will be boiled for eternity in the spaghetti soup



Life did come from the comet, it was the largest one in the galaxy, what you dont know is that it passed so close to mars that it sucked the life off of it, pulling the life into space, and carried it to our planet with it once it crashed into our planet.


I had this trip when I was a teenager doing psychedelics. The earth is a giant egg and the comets are the universe's sperms. Nature is so macro/micro/fractal.... man....


Just like Goku and Superman, once again our heroes come from above.

That, or life began when anti-entropic forces began to manifest on our surface. After all, is it not the tendency of life to fight against entropy?


I really need to start publishing stuff considering I wrote a paper about this two years ago.
