Showdown! Comparing the best ELECTRIC Trikes you can buy!

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I am 76 years old and have found your video most informative. Thank you


I have a Caddy Emojo Adult Electric Trike which is most like the Eneuro. I have had it for almost 3 years. I paid $2800 for it and I added an extra battery which brought my total to $3100. I really love it. I am 56 and it has helped me in so many ways. I can sum up in one word what it has given me: FREEDOM!


Excellent! I especially like how you don't overlook the stability issue on trikes. Others lacking integrity pass it off as a minor issue, but it's not, especially on cambered or rutted riding surfaces.


My choice out of these would be the Lectric XP Trike. For the price, you really are getting the most even without the cargo package, but they are currently including it and the backrest for an even better value. It's awesome that the XP Trike includes hydraulic brakes which is not only great for low maintenance but also for stronger stopping power when you're carrying a heavy load without needing a powerful grip. The rear/mid mounted motor is also a cool idea. The rear track may be narrower than the RadTrike but I'll bet the XP Trike is much easier and faster to squeeze through doors when you need to.


I have stage 4 cancer and walk 4 miles for groceries. At one time I loved it but every day it’s harder and harder. Living in a small town has its challenges with no transit service but you do what you do to enjoy the country life. I’ve been looking at these bikes for sometime now trying to figure out which would be best for my needs. I was leaning towards the lectric with a high back seat and baskets . But it seems every time I look up the prices go up and up I can’t keep up with them. I mean really people we’re not millionaires. Well not all of us I live on disability lol that’s far from being a millionaire.


This is incredibly helpful! I am 68 and had an accident (fractured vertebrae) test driving a 2 wheel Rad bike during a test ride. I’m determined to get an e-bike so I can enjoy the trails and scenic rides here in Southern California! It was very helpful to see your mom driving the trikes!


It's important to note that the Rad has a coaster rear brake and a mechanical front disk. I bought the Lectric for my wife because she can't pedal. The Lectric has hydraulic breaks front and rear which is important because she's not strong enough to operate a mechanical disk brake.


The specs and price on the Lectric which has rear drive wheels and the accessories they offer make it the one I would buy. Thanks for the review.


Just a note here: it seems that the cargo package and the seat with the backrest are once again included with the Lectric Trike right now.
I have one (from the original preorder) and I really, really like it!


Thank you for this. I have had the Addmotor m340 for almost 3 yrs. I wish Lectric had theirs at the time, or I would have picked theirs. I like the fact that it folds, has hydraulic brakes, parking brake and if I'm not mistaken, positraction. I think I may sell mine.


Thank you for the well rounded video Micah. I used to mountain bike in my younger days, love to bike and live a life of simplicity and frugality that many of my friends seem to think extreme. I rode my mountain bike 4 miles to college in Michigan winters for years. 20 years ago I started finding my bike too painful and myself too unstable to ride it anymore. I switched to a Sun recumbent and could enjoy riding 20 miles again. but, I wanted an e-bike even before e-bikes were cool. Lately I can't seem to balance on my 'bent anymore (it's a different kind of balance than an upright). I have been drooling over the Rad bikes, but afraid to spend the money when I'm not sure I could ride upright again. Can't afford the Rad trike. And I want to take my grandkids with me so I need something that can haul a load. When the Lectric popped up on pre-order for a price 1K less than the competition (and I got a tax rebate) I jumped on it. It did feel unstable on the sloped side of my crowned street for the first two rides, then I got used to it. My GD loves it so much she rides it without the motor. So I got her a used Schwinn trike and got a used bike trailer for my GS. My dogs come along in the baskets. We are having a great time, and I love that I can go to the PO box, library, stores and friends houses without breaking out my Rav4 (which I only drive 3K miles per year since 2019). Since it folds, with help I can put it in the back of the Rav to go to trails. It weighs about 62 pounds with the aluminum frame (that would be the thing that you could have added to the video). I watched your video just because I want to make sure I made the best choice. I did. Thank you for the confirmation.😄


Just putting this out there, after I started watching this video I got a text from Lectric mentioning a sale, right now they're offering the support seat and the cargo package for free for the XP trike.


I would love to see a reverse trike or quad bike for more stability. Honda 3 wheelers had a well known flaw where they were comically easy to flip on a sharp turn, thus the birth of the 4 wheeled ATV.


Thank you sincerely for the comparison. Your insight and opinions are greatly appreciated.


Just bought an ebike for myself, that I love, but I think a trike would give my daughter some mobility with stability given her mobility issues. Thank you for this comparison review!


As of 8/14/24, Lectric is now throwing in the cargo pack and the seat back (what they call the support seat) with the purchase. For me, the hydraulic brakes helped me decide to go with Lectric XP rather than the Rad trike. Anyone with grip strength issues should keep in mind that mechanical brakes require a stronger grip to come to a full stop. Thanks a bunch for the awesome video comparison!


When it comes to trusted reviews, you're #1! Great job as always, Micah!


Hello Micah, I purchased the Lectric trike around a year ago. I recently have experienced seemingly irreparable issues and just outside the warranty period. Having the trike was life-changing for me because it gave me some freedom as I was living a sedentary lifestyle due to chronic health issues. I am on a fixed income (social security disability) and I really cannot afford a new trike. I would be extremely thrilled and grateful to win a new trike. I hope I’m the lucky commenter/ rider! Thanks for the informative video


We have the Lectric 2.0 ebikes and I have a dog trailer for my pooch. We love them and they are a great addition to our RV trips. I also use it around town for smaller grocery runs. I will say that the weight is an issue for old folks. So the slightly lighter weight Rad trike was probably a good choice for your mom. Good vid!


The XP trike is my top pick based on price and what it comes with. I don't mind that they don't offer the cargo package anymore because I found an aftermarket rear basket I like better that can detach and be used as a wagon.
