The iPad Pro Is Finally A Computer | Extended Monitor Support Fully Explained | iPadOS 16.2

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Apple just released iPadOS 16.2 RC and I wanted to make a video doing a complete walkthrough of the new extended monitor support for ipad!

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TIme stamps

0:00 - Intro
1:00 - Which iPads Support Extended Monitor
1:36 - Activating Extended MOnitor Support
2:16 - Peripherals
2:45 - Split View on External Display?
3:10 - External Display Settings
4:04 - Opening Apps & Resizing Windows
4:35 - Using Dock on External Display
5:03 - Opening Multiple Windows
5:10 - Using App Shelf
5:55 - Window Options
6:51 - How to enable floating windows on iPad Display
7:07 - Dragging Windows Between Displays
7:30 - Using External Mouse With Floating Windows
7:55 - FUllscreen Apps
8:30 - Shortcuts
9:23 - How Windowing Works
10:15 - How Many Apps Open at once?
11:07 - How Multitasking Works
12:00 - Can You Have multiple audio sources?
12:50 - Where Does Audio Play From?
13:47 - How Does Gaming Work?
15:10 - What Monitors Support Extended Monitor?
15:40 - Does the Camera App Still Work?
16:20 - Can You Video Conference?
17:15 - Is an iPad A computer?

#m2ipadpro #ipados16 #ipadisacomputer
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No audio from the iPad speakers is wild. They're really loud too as you said. Hopefully that's one of their first updates after its finally released. Thanks for the video


There is one big thing still unaddressed by apple, being able to play two audio sources at a time and of course a sound mixer that lets you control volume of each app.


Hi Fernando, great video with lots of details. I wrote earlier indicating that AirPlay is disabled if you attach an external monitor. I would have thought you would have mentioned that when talking about audio sources. AirPlay actually did work for me with an external display in iPadOS 16.0 or 16.1, but not any more. Also, I have a 32” 4K monitor, and the external display actually shows 5 groups of apps rather than just 4 in the app tray on the left side. Have you or other viewers also found this? This carried over into the RC version that I’m currently using, so I don’t think it’s just a fluke any more. Keep up the great videos. Always informative.


As a PC and Android guy, even I like this setup. Not to replace desktop PC, but instead of a laptop: for sure!


great to see a familiar face on 9to5! your attention to detail has always been spot on - it's clear you've gone all in on iPadPro to see some of the smallest nuances - much appreciated after investing in an external monitor 2 weeks ago!


I'm totally digging this. And I think this is the best video I've seen reviewing it's external monitor support potential. iPad is finally becoming the professional tool that was promised 6 years ago with the iPad Pro. Speaking of which... During the video I was thinking "I'm a creative and I can't.... Wait....". Capture One, while not a full version, runs many of the same features as the desktop. DaVinci Resolve.... The only thing that still doesn't work for photographers: Photoshop.

But for work where I don't need Photoshop, this could be really awesome. I could be in a hotel room, connect the iPad to the TV and have a totally great setup for work on the road.

Great job!


Oh whoa, I didn't realize you were filming this with your phone. That's quite impressive actually. Having great lighting makes some awesome results when using the iPhone.


Replaced my 2013 15" MacBook Pro with a 12.9" M1 iPad Pro and love it! Keep up the great videos.


Apple really needs to allow two audio/video sources to play at the same time, especially in the M-series models


I use it with a 21:9 fullhd monitor and it is perfectly usable, so dont worry about resolution that much


I’ve tested an audio interface with a hub connected to my iPad and external display, and you can definitely route the audio to either interface or hdmi. You can route audio using Control Center.


🐬Thanks for the update. I’m using a 5th gen iPad Air. I still find I use my MacBook Air M2 with 2 external 4K monitors for productivity work - such as taxes and business invoicing and Parallels with Windows 11 for Windows-only apps. The iPad is really nice with Stage Manager, but Mac OS is still easier to work with when using a mouse and multitasking. I’m using a Plugable USB 3.0 and USB-C Dual 4K Display Docking Station with DisplayPort and HDMI to get 2 - 4K displays with the M2 Air. The iPad works great as a side-device that can be controlled by the same keyboard and mouse, yet runs iPad OS. I’ve found that is the best way to use it - together with MacOS.😊


My m2 ipad pro is my primary computer.. works superb, fits my use case


Just bought one yesterday for the wife for Xmas.


I am still waiting for the iPad to include the Calculator app . There is hope cause they added the new Weather app recently.


I got a iPad Air 5 just for this reason and so far it’s been an amazing experience. I can deal with the iOS limitations because most of my workflow can be done on a iPad, and with the air getting the M1 and I heard it was having external monitor support, I had to get it.

Or get a pro if you want, either way in a lot of ways the M series iPads are looking much more like a laptop-tablet replacement.


I ended up using stage manager on iPad and mac. I like it putting away windows when I open something new, and bringing it back when I put that away. And I can pull in a second app on the rare occasion I want 2 at once. Multi window is more the exception that I would have guessed in the past.


You are 9to5Mac’s greatest ever signing. Keep this good work up and you will end up a channel legend with a studio named after you when you retire! ❤❤


To make it more computer. Apple should allow the iPad screen to go to sleep. And you could use the external monitor alone. It would make a difference


It sounds great. However, I moved from a larger ipad to an ipad mini and absolutely love it.
I'm going to go for a Macbook Air to use as more of a laptop as it does what I need, I love the form factor and the length of updates and sturdiness make it a long term device (like my other Apple devices). Though still happily using an LG v60 (quad dac and 3.5mm headphone socket and sd card slot!) and Windows surfacebook (nice but doesn't integrate so well with things I want, some of it more of an issue with Windows).
