Get a BIG Idea and Get Motivated! with Bob Proctor

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A lot of people refer to me as a motivation speaker. I never think of myself that way. I think more of myself as a teacher, an educator, helping people understand how their mind functions and how to improve the quality of their life.

Why would we have to get someone to motivate us? Well, I guess we do because we don't motivate ourself. How do you motivate yourself?

You motivate yourself by having an idea that is lodged in your mind that you're emotionally involved in, that you want to do, that you want to accomplish, that you wanna get, that you have never done before. If you lack motivation, you lack life.

See, motivation is that mental state that gets you and up and gets you going. You become motivated. I am a motivated person. No one has to wind my stem. I get it going myself the minute I open my eyes because I've got so many things to do. I don't have time just to sit around and play games. I have never gone into a puzzle on my phone in my life. I don't play games on my phone. I don't wanna play games with life. I wanna turn life into something that is really rich and rewarding. And if you're gonna do that, you've gotta be motivated.

Well, you'll be motivated when you make up your mind that you are going to build an idea and then you're gonna execute that idea. You're gonna get the idea in your mind and you'll say, "I'm gonna do this." Now, I'm gonna let you in on a secret. If this idea is designed to help somebody else improve the quality of their life, you'll get double good out of it, because when you help them, you've helped yourself.

Get motivated. Build a big picture in your mind and say, "I am going to do this. "Come hell or high water, I am going to do this." And turn it into fun. And, bang, every day when you get up, you move right into action on it.

When you see somebody dragging themselves around, they lack motivation. But you know what they really like is a big idea. Van Gogh was asked how he did such beautiful work. He said, "I dream my painting and then I paint my dream." Van Gogh was motivated.

Get a big idea.

Go execute it.

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