Apple iPhone 6 Review

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Naturally, there’s a lot of buzz riding on this phone. Outfitted with several new upgrades, the iPhone 6 also receives an updated experience in the form of iOS 8 as well. Arguably the biggest launch for Apple to date, can the iPhone 6 continue Apple’s dominance in the market?...
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Look, I am not (entirely) biased. I try to keep myself impartial as possible by buying the best phone of all 3 main OS's. However, I hate it when Phonearena reviews the iPhone. Firstly, in the end they say that the iPhone's price is justified because of it's materials and most phones don't compare within that price point. No, there are a bunch of phones the same price or less with equal or better materials. For example, the Moto X has the best materials in the market, one of the best designs, and fantastically constructed (can you say front facing speakers?). Also, it's a lot cheaper. Second, you just praise the fact that the speaker, when it's actually a bad speaker. Sure, it doesn't crack, but 74.5 dB is worse than some phones with rear facing speakers (that also don't crack). Finally, when the Moto X does a little over 5 hours, the battery is dreadful, but when the iPhone does it, it's "Okay".... Come on now.


After watching many videos, I decided to purchase the iPhone 6 rather than the S5 because it has a Smoother os, more tech support, no waiting for updates, better use of resources so there's no need to have a faster cpu and more ram, looks and feels classy, and you can't even tell the difference between 720p and 1080 unless your screen is larger than either 32'' or 40" I can't remember which. My advice to everyone is to go with the iPhone 6. :)


The Huawei Ascend Mate 7 has the best implementation of a finger print scanner on any phone currently, IMO.


As an Apple user, I pretty much agree 1 GB of RAM is enough to do everything at this moment. But 1 GB is definitely not future-proof, especially with heavy website, the small amount of RAM won't make a cut in future.


Its dumb how people dont like te resolution, lower resolution helps performance! Also, you cant even see the individual pixels, even on older phones like my 5C


When they talk about the battery does that mean 5 hr of screen on time ?


I'm seeing all these Android fans going out with "MY GALAXY S5 HAS A HIGHER RES, IT HAS BETTER SPECS".. omfg, it's not all about specs, if it was then how come when the iPhone is put under tests to other current smartphones on the market it does always least as good or better, I am an Apple fan myself but I don't disapprove Android, they do sell really good phones, but in the end it all comes down to preference. iOS is optimized, therefore it runs a lot faster with lower specs, Android is not optimized which is why you find most Android Devices with high specs so it can run smoothly, iOS and Android are as good as each other, there is no such thing as an iSheep, if people like the iPhone then people like the iPhone, if people like Android then people like android. Can we seriously just stop with this stupid arguing over iOS and Android when they're both just as good as each other.


So many people are blind to how great iPhones are.. I'm an android user but if you actually research into these phones, you'll understand.


android guy over here for yrs and i decided to get this iPhone 6 and i have to say i am very happy with it. i have the 64gb iPhone 6 space grey looks very nice and everything about it is snappy with no lags. it would take anything you throw at it without any hiccups. that is what i was looking for in an android device but never found. i have to admit after coming back to the iPhone 6 since i stopped using apple after the iPhone 4 i gotta say that apple does it better. you name it…apple just does it better. even its 8 mgpxl competes with the G3 that i currently own and that to me is insane. iPhone's 6 camera is smaller but it is now finally a good size and takes amazing pics. anyways just thought i should share my experience, as an android guy who has bought soooo many android phones, you name it i bought it. but now i'm very happy with my iPhone 6 and soon i'll jailbreak it.:)


The main difference that I noticed between Android and Apple devices is that Apple does things very well, while Android does more things. Android devices give you plenty of freedom, while Apple devices feel very polished and pleasing. Which one you find better is really up to you.


The "Hey Siri" demonstration activated Siri on my phone ;D


still only 8MP camera??  are you fucking kidding me  Apple?? 


I think you guys should make a video on negatives/cons about iphone 6 and 6 plus


When is the sony Z3 video review coming out, this written review was done later than sony but it comes out before sony's does that work PA? 


Siri came on when he said Hey Siri on my iPad 😂


People bitch about resolution ...i dont see a probem with the resolution on this phone at all... the resolution is excellent and this is an excellent phone ...god people always have something to complain about man. proud iphone 6 owner


Dope shirt John V!
Villains always look more awesome than heroes in cartoons. TMNT, Transformers, X-men, etc etc etc.

PhoneArena where did you get the shirt?


Great review. But seriously, visible video and multitasking? That display is way too small


I didn't think the review was biased. I agreed with pretty much everything he said. I'm an android guy and I still like these phones. But yeah I wish it had a sharper screen.


This is my take on the mega pixel debate: How many people are blowing this photos up and printing them out? 16MP? Cool. Im just looking at it on my phone,  computer, on social media.
Im speaking in generals and not absolutes but...does anyone still print pictures? As long as the picture looks crisp, sharp, and true to color I dont care how many mega pixels it has.
