Why NO ONE Plays: Xiao | Genshin Impact

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Zy0x please don't crucify me. On a more serious note, for this episode of Why NO ONE Plays, we'll be taking a look at one of the most unique characters in Genshin Impact: Xiao!

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The only thing Xiao is playing is with my heart


it's interesting how WELL Xiao's playstyle reflects his personality and lore.

Xiao in lore always fights alone (largely due to the fact that he's the last Yaksha) and is reluctant to take help like in the Chasm Quest.
His playstyle requires him to be on field most of the time, his plunging playstyle is still unique currently, he doesn't synergize too well with most supports, sub DPS or even his own element and could function perfectly fine solo.

Both are a little to his detriment but in terms of character design he really is a 10/10


That's the most unexpected "why no one plays" tbh. I know his abyss usage is quite low, but it seems lots of people main him


The part of that still bothers me is that why does it felt like Hoyo gives Albedo and Xiao C4 that would benefited the others if the placement were replaced


I feel like the type of hypercarry character will always have a more limited playerbase since they require a lot of investment to keep up with rotation focused teams. We all see that Eula, Itto, Cyno and Xiao are less popular then Shogun, nahida or Yelan because while the former need their team to adjust to them the latter are more flexible don't need a team build for them even if it can be done


I didn't expect Xiao to get a why no one plays it literally jumpscared me 💀

as a xiao main I will forever use him

edit: holy crap 800 likes? ty lol


While it may be a disservice to the characters individually, I do hope we get more characters like Xiao, Dehya, and Sara, characters that break away from the conventions of their elements to do their own thing. If every Anemo unit is nothing more than a Swirl bot, there's no excitement for new Anemo units. If every Pyro unit wants Xingqui/Yelan, it becomes redundant, and makes not having those 2 even worse. The fact that Hoyo is willing to give characters their own roles and not just limit them to what their element is best at is great for the game long-term.


No-one expected Xiao in a why no one plays series before Dendro


8:32 this is completely untrue for yelan, you CAN use her and xiao by hitting nomal attack then immediately cancelling it with a plunge attack. it works like a charm


Also, you forgot to mention that hype around Xiao got 2 major reasons
1. He was present in CBT
2. He dealt a lot of dmg in CBT, more than Ayaka, as testers claimed.


13:19 So learning Xiao's jump animation cancelling is detrimental to his viability for casual players. But for the Hutao video you didn't really emphasize on needing to learn charged attack animation cancelling to use her efficiently.


This video was already untruthfull as a lot of people play him but it managed to age even worse lmfao


I expect an apology video. With a ukulele.


I remember getting Xiao as my first 5-star DPS. He and Chongyun carried me so hard through midgame. I've been farming so much and I have a great Xiao now. I don't like how Mihoyo did him so dirty (even though I like him as an Anemo unit), but he'll always be one of my favorite characters.


Xiao is kinda like Ganyu where if you use them they are built really well and are probably your most consistent dps but won't reach the peaks of more team oriented units


Xiao main here and you pretty much summed it all up. It's like every time mihoyo gives him an indirect buff, they also hamstring him somehow. You didn't mention that his bis artifact set is in a wildly inefficient domain, with the only other character really benefitting from farming that domain being Ayato (and Ayato can get sets almost as good in much more efficient domains). We finally get a dedicated artifact set for him... and it feels like it costs twice as much resin to farm.

I love using him, I love his pogo-style attacks, and I have an entire team built around him, but I would never expect the average player to invest the high amount of time, resin, etc. in him to make him do okay damage compared to reaction teams. Xiao mains do it out of love for the character, not because he's going to keep up with the Nahidas, Alhaithams, Hu Taos, and Ayakas.


9:06 Thomas's shield lasts only 8 seconds, sure, but the ability that actually boosts plunging atk dmg is his C6, that increases it by 15% every time you obtain or REFRESH a shield for 6 seconds, and every time you refresh a shield you also refresh its duration and the passive's. You can refresh a shield every time you trigger fiery collapse (Thoma's ult), which lasts 15 seconds. That means Thoma's C6 boost can last up to 21 seconds and not 8 as you say. And even if just having the shield was enough to trigger the boost, as most people would assume from this clip, that would only bring its duration up to 23 seconds, 8 seconds after the ult's duration expires


Xiao was my first 5 star and he’s the reason I got hooked into Genshin Impact. I wish there was something to amplify plunging attacks. As I’ve tried to build around him I’ve noticed these problems so it’s very frustrating to try to consistently have support to his kit.


I think a lot of the older hypercarry focused dps character like Xiao and Eula would be more popular if grinding for good crit ratio artifacts wasn't such a massive chore. A lot of the newer units are still very good with artifacts main stat focusing one thing like HP or EM which makes them a lot more accessible to players.


I stopped using him mainly because Sumeru enemies have been notorious for not sticking together, reducing the effectiveness of his plunging attacks without another Anemo to group them. His plunging attacks also pushed enemies away, which meant after 2 attacks, enemies would be outside the plunge range and you'd miss. If I somehow manage to get C6 Faruzan, I might try him again.
