How Do I Sue CPS & Win?

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In this, all-new series A.M Office Hours With Vince find out how you can sue CPS. Watch live weekdays at 6:30 A.M and 8:30 P.M to get your question answered on FB Live at The Secret: How To Fight CPS & Win!

Vincent W. Davis ultimately explains how parents can fight the tyranny of social workers who abuse their power, violate state and federal laws; stealing children from their parents, and ultimately destroying families worldwide.

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Law Offices Of Vincent W. Davis & Associates
150 N Santa Anita Ave, Ste 200
Arcadia, CA 91006
Phone: (888) 888-6582


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Music Credit
Artist: Lyfo
Track: High Release
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The system is designed to target low income families who can’t afford representation or lack education in these departments. It’s really sad I’m currently going through this right now looking for help and research!


You can say get an attorney but when there are no attorney to help you. You help yourself. With God as my shield i battle them twice, filing my own motions, and God gave me the victory. Since i can't find one to sue, ill depend on Him once more.


May God richly BLESS you for the work you are doing to SAVE children from government kidnapping


That's IF you can get a Lawyer that will have the guts to fight against them. I got a lawyer and he sided with him. Got rid of him. Had to fight my kids back all on my own. Very damaging.


Oh I was the victim of a DV crime and wound up with a CPS case which affected my entire career and left me without a job during a pandemic as a single mother of 2. I have an attorney, but when this is over, I will be going after that particular caseworker. Makes victims of DV not even want to ask for help.


I had a CPS individual who approached my residence as well approaching in an intimidating manner about a situation of a false statement. Even stated i could not record our conversation "i do not give you permission" which violated my constitution rights of rights. Thank you. I am not requesting cash. Just want them retrained.


My favorite Lawyer, Thank you so much Mr Davis


Your work is so important! I'm so pleased to see that your firm is expanding with all sorts of help for us needing it. Thank you!


In Texas, you can counter-sue CPS to recover your fees, expenses, and attorney's fees if they file a frivolous suit that they don't win. See Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Section 105.002.


Federal U.S. Code: 42 usc 1983
Sue State or Federal Govt. You can only prevail on one.
Some people will try to claim a ton of things that they bave to prove to the other side & the Judge...others believe in the single bullet theory...


Case law is really important in getting your children back snd to sue!


I thought you worked in all 50 states. I'm surprised the other 49 states allows you to practice, being well known because they know you are good and they're not going to want you to sue CPS but here's to you, keep kicking ass!! We love you Vince . Keep finding the good fight!!


OMG i had my ear phones in when I heard BANG... my butt jumped so high im glad no one was around 🤦‍♀️


Your videos are very educational and help us understand better than I expected. God bless I'm going to get civil right attorney like you mentioned., My 3 daughters adopted out and lost my seven year old son during this battle that seems to me feels like a dog fight. Loosing my house also caused from all this I will Never give up and Vincent keep it up your videos directing me in right direction .. thank you and your advice is a blessing. Amen ..


I have a serious issues with the TN Dept of Children Services, here in Tennessee. I could never get a Attorney to represent me in filing a Lawsuit against the Department and the Caseworker's who continued to lie under oath. I have never been in trouble ever. I always worked good jobs, I was even employed with the school system with the special needs and disabled children. My Son and I are both disabled. My son was diagnosed at 15 months old with Spinal Muscular Atrophy and he has been in a electric wheelchair since he was 5. He is now 19 and the State came in August 21, 2018 without a signed Court Order from the Judge and took him. Now my son is physically handicap but he is very intelligent and he spoke the truth and answered there questions. The Caseworker's twisted his words, lied to the hospital about me and forced me to go to the ER stating I was suicidal which was false. I will be 61 years old, I raised a 34 year old Army Veteran and my 19 year old with no help from the State of Tennessee because they have denied us several times for assistance. The Attorneys lied to the Judge and I never received my Due Process and the Judge never heard my evidence or my witnesses. They left me out of all the procedures. It goes on and on. There claim is that I medically neglected my child, but never investigated all his records and they appointed a guardian for my son, but I believe it was a conflict of interest. I did my own investigation and found out he was employed as a Administrative Law Judge with the Department of Human Services and his wife who is Attorney with his firm was a former Assistant Council with the Department of Children Services. I need a Attorney to represent me that is not in Tennessee because I will never get a fair trial and no Attorney will represent me because they will never go against the Local or State government. Can you help me.


CPS dragged my name through the dirt used a very difficult year where I experienced addiction and used false allegations of domestic violence in order to take my son away. However my son had already been taken away out of his mother's custody who had been keeping him from me his entire life it was impossible I finally got to be a part of his life and then having visits but my ex was so hateful that she just could not even bear the thought of me even having visits so she did everything she could to destroy that I'm in the department was more than happy to use her against me on top of that they never really helped her so she helped them take me down essentially used her as a pawn and in the end of it neither of us ended up with custody and by the way I've never been convicted of a domestic violence crime never. However when domestic violence comes up as an issue it seems like evidence is unimportant it seems like the facts are unimportant it seems like all they care about is the fact that someone said you are violent and they take that as law they take that as fact and I have never and this is a few years later down the road like I said but it's convicted of domestic violence offense I've never been convicted of anything violent ever yet they used dismissed charges they used insanely ridiculous allegations from a person who was angry that I would not be with them who said that I was so violent to her and this was more than 6 months after I had last seen her she came out of the woodwork to cause problems for me I had already forgotten all about this person but between the ex nd between this other individual they smeared my name made me look awful and my court-appointed attorney mind you I am now in college on my third year of a criminal justice degree so I'm no dummy but I have made my mistakes but I know a thing or two about this as I learn more in college I learn that they violated my rights in so many ways essentially my son was taken from his mother's custody while she was keeping him from me because they felt as though violence was occurring in that household between my ex and her boyfriend and I have no idea about the facts they would never tell me well they approached me and told me that my son had been taken out of her custody and made it seem very hopeful that I would get custody of my son and so of course I talked to them about that I also wanted to make sure my son was okay and before you know it they had me agreeing to take a drug test they had me agreeing to sign several things after all my son was not taken out of Mike here he was taken out of her care I didn't think this was about me I did not understand how they worked yet anyway during a 3-year process a caseworker was sexually inappropriate with me she was married she tried to sleep with me and the whole thing was just a disaster in the end it went to permanency guardianship to a foster household that is 3 hours away I only get one visit a month and literally the depression from that has caused me to just not do as much as I should to get him back because with the permanency guardianship I can get him back legally speaking however in this rural area I have my ex against me and the State against me and they are all related and I am not from here so of course who are they going to side with it's so depressing and the Foster mother wonders why I don't want to call often why I've missed visits well it's not quality time with my child when I have some person in the background who doesn't need to be there I've never been violent towards my son ever as a matter of fact I don't even have a violent record like I said it's completely unnecessary ridiculous and harmful and it's just stupid even after the verdict of the Court my ex still was not bright enough to see that CPS was not on her side they used her to say anything that she possibly could to destroy any credibility I had


Greeting I know a case that can really use your help. I don’t know if you do pro bono work or not but I know you would love to take this case because it is a major injustice and frivolous filings as well.


Poverty is not neglect. Low income families are targets, these families keep the dcfs budget climbing and rolling.


I am in Texas and am going through what seems like the worse CPS case.. my two children were taken for not following a safety plan..the day of removal the CPI investigator said I assaulted her, I didn't assault her. There were law enforcement present and I have filed a police report in my current city.
She also testified under oath at court that these events did happen when they did not! How can I get help?? There are so many discrepancies in the investigation part of the case but yet HOW IS IT because of her fraudulent statement I have been court ordered to take Anger management classes and batters classes..this is not the worse part of it..they are allowing a woman to still foster my oldest son even though she abandoned my son at his grandmother's house without cps approval. I have the dates and the CPI investigator testified that the foster mom DID NOT HAVE PERMISSION AND MOTHING IS BEING DONE ANOUT THAT.
This foster mom also made allegations that my 3 yrs old son was showing signs of drug withdrawal, and she told the courts or the CPI they might wanna do a hair follicle on him or them oldest son who is 5 was admitted to a mental facility and he was and is now on two medications that in which would test false positive on a hair test.but his test results were negative and the 3 yrs olds text for positive!!! How can this be????
So the timeline is
June 9th we sign a safety plan.
June 9tj I was allowed to drive 5 hours away alone with my boys to our hometown to an approved supervisors home.
The department didn't check on us never did an assessment on the home
June 15 the they remove my boys
• June 21St the 5 yr old is taken to a psch hospital and was administered medication for his behavior and mood.
•June 21st Foster mom leaves 3 yrs old child
•Foster mom alleges that the child she left without permission was showing signs of drug withdrawal.
July 3 the 5 yr old has meds adjusted and begans to take
.25 mg Adderall once daily
Reciperdol .25g once daily
July 6 the five year old takes the hair follicle. His (results were negative)

•July 8th the 3 year old takes his hair follicle..his (results were positive)
How is it that one child test came back positive and the other negative which it should've been the other way of around??? The 5 year old we can see coming up false positive because of his meds..but our baby who takes neds is positive?
- July 23 the FOSTER DAD speaks with the biological Dad and makes the statement that the 3 yr olds test were positive and before my husband could comment the foster dad states that Our 5 year old wasn't on any meds until after the hair follicle test was done so he knows his test his correct
. WRONG!!!
LIKE I MENTONED BEFORE THE truth is he started the meds on June 20th..
My question is why am I the only one that sees the red flags here?
Might I add that the foster mom and foster dad have a history of adoption though cps..but this case isn't going to be adoption and I am. Fighting back alone and I know my children were wrong dully removed..
The CPI investigators dropped the ball testified to the truth and the judge or who??? Is responsible and where do i start? Help me please I'm from Texas


If you live in Lansing Mi I am marching to stop CPS AT THE CAPITAL MAY 1 ST
