Street Fighter II (Arcade vs SNES) Dual Longplay - Side by Side Comparison

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A Dual longplay of Street Fighter II between the Arcade and SNES (Super Nintendo) with the Ryu (main character of the SF2).

- Technical data -
Full Game Name: Street Fighter II: The World Warrior
Alternative Name: Street Fighter II
Developer(s): Capcom
Publisher(s): Capcom
Release: 1991 (Arcade) 1992 (SNES)
Comparative Region: 60 hz
Genre: Fighting Game
Mode: Single-player/ Multiplayer (vs)
Dual Longplay by VCDECIDE
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As a kid, I used to play Street Fighter 2 with all my friends at a local store around the corner from my house ...Once my parents got the SNES version for me, the party was suddenly at my house...My friends and I had epic tournaments that created amazing childhood memories for me.


Got my Street Fighter 2 SNES bundle Christmas 1992. I was 10 years old. Still to this day the happiest I’ve ever been lol.


In 1992 this game started my romance with the franchise that is alive and well all these years later. I'm 42 now and still obsess over Ryu, Chun li and the gang! I'll throw random hadoukens at my kids. They know what's up 😅


While the Genesis and PC Engine versions are competent and compete head to head with the SNES version, we have to acknowledge the bar could only be raised this high because the SNES version was so faithful. It looked, sounded and felt outstanding by the day. It was one of the first games to bring the arcade experience home without compromises. As a Genesis owner I spent around one year envying SNES owners until Capcom finally released a version for the Sega machine.


I remember bringing this game home back in 1992 and being absolutely blown away at how close it was to the arcade version. Both Final Fight and Street Fighter 2 on the SNES were huge leaps in technological achievement for reproducing a current arcade game on a home console.


You know, technological differences aside, the SNES port was really ahead of its time. Like, the developers really performed some real magic fuckery to optimize the game for 16-bit consoles.


Man, what a time to be alive. The greatest arcade game of all time, was made available to us kids in a way that we could never have imagined being possible! What a magic time.


Esse porte para a época foi excelente.
Acho que é um dos melhores portes de SNES, mas a Alpha 2 é maravilhosa, um verdadeiro milagre


My first snes game, bought it at release date. Jaw dropping port back then. Especially when coming from 8 bit sms.


Jogar SF 2 num console doméstico naquele tempo era algo incrível demais, praticamente vc se sentia jogando num Arcade se levar e consideração as diferenças é claro. Bons tempos


Bringing the arcade home.. amazing version.. all 16bit console versions are... over 30 years ago now and still rocks..
God bless capcom.


Posso até estar semdo influenciado pela nostalgia, mas para mim este foi um port muito competente e bem executado! E parabéns pelo vídeo de comparação! Como sempre, muito bem


Con 16 megas no se podía haber hecho un mejor trabajo, gran conversión.Un vendeconsolas exclusivo de Snes y uno de los mayores éxitos de la consola, un año más tarde llegó la Special edition para la Megadrive pero el daño ya estaba hecho.


The fact that someone is doing this kind of compassion is incredible 👍


Both this and the Mortal Kombat 2 ports on SNES were insane (so was SF Alpha 2, as well; extremely impressive at the time).


What a fantastic job! It was impressive back then and still is....


My father surprised me with street fighter 2 champions edition, I was at my grandmother house and he came to pick me up and brought this game with himself, I was so excited and went back home and grab my Sega genesis and started the game, amazing moments <3


I saved my pocket money up and went to Woolworths (UK) and got this game. I was soooo happy. I can still feel the excitement. I read the booklet inside and studied the special moves and mastered them all. No word of a lie I got my snes out the cupboard last week and played this game again. I'll never let it go. I'm 39 now 😂


The CPS1 original has more details because of higher horizontal resolution (384p on CPS1 vs 256p on SNES) and it's not letterboxed (every 16bit SF2 port has black bars above and below the screen, at least during the fights, so the vertical resolution is technically lower as well, about 190-200p, the CPS has the full 224p), but the colors look more defined on SNES. Side by side, the arcade's colors look a little faded and pale. It's even more pronounced in Super Street Fighter 2, the SNES port has far less colors than the original of course, but there is a better use of color on SNES. However, every 16bit home console port of the SF2 series is great, and they're still absolute worth to play!


As a 12 year old, I first saw SF2 at an arcade near my house. There was a line of older kids just waiting to take down a Blanka player. People put their quarter on the machine until it was their turn. It was awesome. Nobody really knew how to pull off moves. Crowds stood there and watched the matches screaming and cheering. Up until then, there was nothing like it.
