Ten Minute English and British History #15 - The Hundred Years' War

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This episode covers the epic struggle between England and France for the French throne which lasted for over a century. It covers everything from Edward III's victory at Crécy and the Black Prince's triumph at Poitiers all the way to the French victory in 1453. All of the major battles, such as Sluys, Agincourt and Orléans are covered as well as the political intrigues in both kingdoms.

Recommended Books:

Michael Prestwich - The Hundred Years' War - Probably the best narrative overview of the war.

Johnathan Sumption's series of the Hundred Years' War is phenomenal and insanely deep but it will cost you an arm for all of the books. Genuinely don't bother unless you're an undergrad or very interested.

Ten Minute English and British History is a series of short, ten minute animated narrative documentaries that are designed as revision refreshers or simple introductions to a topic. Please note that these are not meant to be comprehensive and there's a lot of stuff I couldn't fit into the episodes that I would have liked to. Thank you for watching, though, it's always appreciated.
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Next episode is 'The Wars of the Roses' and was frankly a pain to write. For those wondering, I've been unwell for the past couple of weeks and whilst I've been fine in terms of ability to write and animate, my voice was knackered and so I couldn't record.

Thanks for your patience with it all.


“The hundred years war also marks a period of immense restraint by the french who manage to go this entire period without naming a single King Louis, but much like the peace this wouldn’t last” 😆😆😆


You know, that war is probably the ultimate fantasy war. There's mad kings, warrior princes, heroic sellswords, spin-off in exotic locations, the plague, peasant uprising, huge one-sided battles, discovery of secret weapon, countries on the verge of destruction, treason, civil war, a mystical young girl to serve as a savior figure... I'm always surprised the kinda-dull war of roses got so much cred to this one's expenses.


I think we can all agree the dropping dead sound effect is the best part of this channel.


"He landed in Normandy"

Way ahead of his time it seems


"The Hundred Years War also marks a period of immense restraint by the French who managed to go this entire period without naming a single king 'Louis'"
That line killed me.
I'm dead now.


Fun fact:
The King of Bohemia, John, was already blind for a few years when fighting in the battle. He tied his horse's bridle to those of his helpers and together they charged. They all sadly perished due to the archer valley, but it's there to show you that even while blind, the man was damn madman and had a huge courage.


There's another sense in which this war is important. It marks both the culmination and endpoint of medieval warfare. One of the last big wars with knights and castles (and longbowmen). And it was both caused by and fought in the framework of, the classic european feudal system, which was soon to disappear and be replaced by centralized nation states. A process which the outcome of this war at least showcased.

At any rate, if we assume the Hundred Years War to have ended in 1453, then it's ending falls together with another epochal event: the Fall of Constantinople and the final End of the (Eastern) Roman Empire. Both events are widely regarded as the endpoint to the middle ages.
Within a few decades, the Spanish would land in the Americas, Johannes Gutenberg would popularize printing with moveable type and the Protestant Reformation would sweep away the catholic hold of much of northern Europe.


"Get out"


“What do you want?”

“Stop existing”


Your tongue-in-cheek, roundabout, borderline-sarcastic way of describing things is what makes these videos superb. That and the laconic yet childish signs held by the characters. It's a quintessentially British form of humour, and it's ace.

I'm going to be very, very sad when this series ends.


I like the clever tactics like burning them alive. Pretty outstandingly ingenious


2:49 Ironically, almost all emperors named John of the Byzantine empire were good which is even more impressive when you consider that there were 8 of them in total.


"Henry found a clever way of stopping lollards from practicing, burning them alive" You caught me off guard good ya did.


Fun fact: Joan of Arc was declared as national sumbol of France by Napoleon Bonaparde in 1803


Our history teacher made us watch this & everyone was laughing


Wow if Henry V would have lived a little longer he might have been able to subjacgate all of France. I didn't realize how close he came to it.


The Hundred Years' War is one of my favorite bits of history. I'm glad you're feeling better now. Love what you're doing on this channel, keep it up.


You know, the Portuguese actually tried calling in on that alliance when India kicked them out of Goa and the UK said that they would certainly give them "several man o' war with cannon, fit for battle"

Yes they meant the old wooden ship, because they were deliciously british


You should do a Frankish Empire series
