How to build a real Air Conditioner for your home or car. Termoelectric Peltier. In Memory of my dad

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How build a real Air Conditioner for your home or car. Termoelectric Peltier. In Memory of my dad.
Guys there are people that are looking for a way to cool down. As you know we bought and made a review to a ~800 euro Samsung Air Conditioner, but not all people have money for an AC. 12 years ago i was having a car that didn t had air conditioner, so i came up with a clever idea to build one for it. My father helped me with the schematics for building the case as i told him to make me like i want; i bought all the electric components: pc fans with metal radiators 4 pieces, aluminium radiators for the case where the cold air will circulate another 4 pics, 3 peltiers of 6 amps and and one of 9 amps. TEC1-12706 and TEC1-12709.
We have mounted another fan to push into one side, the normal air inside the plexiglas/acrylic case and to evacuate to the other side the cold air.
The project/experiment was a success, if
you have a good alternator to your car it will be efficient into your car with the condition to have an good air flow as well.
Into this review we will test the Peltiers to 30, 40% of their native capability because the tests were made with a 18amps chinese pc power supply, so not enough, but guys this is for you to make an idea and to build your own.
The mane purpose of this video is to show you the idea, and the system that works well.
This is a unique idea on Youtube. Exclusive for Youtube and our reviewers. Marchis Alexandru Emil journalist. FPB Studio Romania.
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