Tuning the Mind in the Frequency Domain: Pribram's Holonomic Brain Theory and Bohm's Implicate Order

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In 1967 in California on a beach, the summer after I completed my degree in Electrical Engineering I first experienced a strong dosage of LSD-25 (400+ micrograms). For fifty years I have sought to explore and understand the physics of consciousness in general, and an electromagnetic field theory of consciousness in particular. Recently I completed a PhD in consciousness studies during which I was able to read much of the work of David Bohm and Karl Pribram, and many "pieces of the puzzle" fell into place. I hope those with the interest and patience to watch this 25 minute presentation find useful ideas in their own search to understand consciousness and answer the question, "Who am I?"

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So if consciousness is coming from the nonlocal implicate order and transforming into the domain familiar to us, then what is the barrier to reverse the transforming back in some way and observe the observer like a mirror?


Very interesting video, thankyou. This has given me a handle on Bohm's ideas; an area I'd struggled with previously. (If you update this presentation again, please consider removing the vivisection photo. Many will find it jarring, and therefore distracting.)


Amazing!!!! I now have one of your books! Thank you Shelli!


Thank you, Shelli ! This was a great follow-up to your, 'A Geometry of Consciousness-The Pribram Bohm Hypothesis' and a great addition to my studies on consciousness.


*Hearing you read your work is upsetting--it's hard to follow! STOP reading and just 'conversationally explain' your work like you do in your interviews . . . PLEASE.*


That was wonderful,
Exellent. Any chance of a video documenting your personal trail & error steps to OBEs. Milestones aling your own journies through exploriations of consciousness. Thumbs Up !


Radiance is the primary language of the universe.
Our five senses feeds information to the pineal gland, which involves quantum computation capacity, enabling many calculations simultaneously, like the multi-dimensional qubits of superposition, in which the states 0 and 1 are subdivided into many states, that maybe called dimensions ( theoretically, infinite), linking the implicit with the explicit and vice versa.

But how did the universe come into being? Feynman's universal quantum field (QF) is like the 'radiation' above. Like the two split experiment of quantum mechanics(when fields/radiation turn into particles, when observed), the universe came into being when universal consciousness 'observed' the QF. Implying a proof of intelligent design, creating life and consciousness, with perfection and with probability one.


Fantastic and spot on. Only thing missing is that unconsciousness wasn’t stated but you may be lumping that into explanations of consciousness. The Fourier transform holographic mental universe is mathematical. We live in a world of mathematical idealism.


I've had a theory this is based your video but i'm not that good on the math side of it or have the equipment but just an idea to think of. it's that the extra wave is actually a global consciousness (ik this goes into not scientific territory but too much to explain the whole idea so ignore it or not ) and that's how the particles seem to as they say go back in time (double slit experiment) it's cause it's interacting with the global consciousness field which we can interact with in our own neurons in there micro tubials(link to the source of this information below) which resonate at frequencies and the wave function breaking down is how we have moments of consciousness as it's not a stream and as the frequency goes lower it goes into a deeper state (altered states) and that's when weird shit can happen cause it's in the realm of the quantum uncertainty. and if it was just random quantum events they would be way distorted looking but they make sense so it can't just be random if you can test for information in the pilot wave would help cause that would be the medium of thoughts so like radio AM and FM it would have the information in it (if you want an experiment for it )

also each thought is an excitation of this field like particles

there was more but i would like your thoughts or to disprove it or any questions

(you can ignore this all this. it was what i was thinking about another video and you seemed to prove it where my knowledge was more from astral projections and a understanding of quantum mechanics ironically it actually worked with your information but the link below will answer the where the antenna is )


I suggest listening (on You Tube or wherever you can) to Michael Talbot and David Bohm himself. Much clearer and more scholarly than this.
