5 Most Common Mistakes People Make on iRacing Ovals

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before this video i was a measly 1 irating driver but now I am up to 5k. thanks for the tips


I'm amazed at just how complex "driving fast and turning left" is. Should I save tires... or push hard? The strategy is a lot of fun. I definitely agree with #3. Turn as little as possible. It adds up!


7:19 A Real World exercise from SCCA Autocross school that you can repeat 'at home' that demonstrates this principle...

Load up Centripetal Circuit in several different freebie cars - the Kia, the VW iRX car, the VW Lite IRX car, the Pro2 Truck, the Miata, etc.

Pick a spot on the track where you can hold the wheel EXACTLY 90* to the Left or Right and find the spot where you can go around the middle of the track evenly. just be nice and smooth and fairly slow..

Once you find that speed, move your hands to 9-3 WITHOUT centering the wheel. Now your hands are at 9 and 3 on your body, but at 12 and 6 on the actual wheel, and you're going around in circles tracking one of the lines on Centripetal Circuit.

If you ADD throttle now, your circle will get larger.
If you REMOVE throttle now, your circle will get smaller.

It's the same principle as my other comment about only being able to describe Radius Y at Speed Z with Traction X.
When you add throttle, you add speed (Z).
Traction (X) doesn't (can't) change, so *Z+ = Y+* = Go faster, turn wider, with the EXACT SAME STEERING INPUT

When you remove throttle, you remove speed (Z)
Again, Traction (X) doesn't/can't change, so *Z- = Y-* = Go slower, turn tighter, with the EXACT SAME STEERING INPUT


Rookie: Gains 15 MPH in the corner at USA.
Also Rookie: Spins mid-corner, wrecking everyone.


Wait so I shouldn’t just drive around scraping the wall the whole time?


This is great. I find myself learning more every video. I raced Texas last night and completely see how this benefitted. Whoever is uploading free C class setups weekly now to OS Racing is making some solid front running setups.


Great vid! As someone who identifies as an intermediate oval driver, I feel like I kind of knew all of these but still am working on how to consistently implement them all at once. These videos are great for people like me who might know what we need to do to get faster but need someone to present it in another way to get more out of it.


great video that reenforced what I was beginning to figure out the hard way, trial and error.


Very much enjoyed the advice given here!
I've been an oval racer and really enjoyed it.
Turning in by pedal use rather than steering use, and sustaining neutral steer throughout the corner (both front and back slip the same amount) are what gave me better tyre to fight the finish.


"Using the wheel to turn too much" -- what you explained just gained me 3 tenths on my PB lap around Miami (ARCA) as well as 3 tenths off my average lap time in the race! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us


A thing I've found and is always been there since the NASCAR 94 racing days is the track you can practice to keep your car in the grove of that you will learn the fastest way around the this will change when you get other cars around, but if one can learn where the fast line is had how to use it to your advantage you will learn a lot!


Really getting myself into Oval racing now, have been able to get myself to 2.1K just by being consistent and avoiding trouble. These video's are really helping me try and get myself more speed.


Great video very relatable and informative. I personally relate to the turning radius the most as I used to struggle with it many years before I began Esports recently. Nowadays I think that if I can rotate the car without turning past the A post, I’m doing something right lol. And with the initial turn in, I think a perfect example of how to do it right is your guide of Arca at Atlanta. I found that an earlier turn in put more work on the right rear before the middle of the corner where you want to turn as little as possible. All of these things I applied because of what I’ve learned from you Justin. Thank you so much for all the things that you’ve put out for us. Really appreciate it!


One thing I notice a lot of ppl struggle with is what I call the d**k measuring contest
You can be saving tires and making ground then you get next to a guy who wants to race as hard as he can on lap 12 of a 100 lap race and they get caught up in the moment and burn tires up or crash trying to get that one spot


I use "proactive driving" vs. "reactive driving" as a relation to either the difference in natural driving ability or as a transition of understanding in learning. Proactive is knowing when the car is about to lose the rear or front and Reactive is only reacting after and usually too late. Nice to hear the same terms, albeit for a different reason


I thinks this was your best video, this shows how much of a mental game oval racing is, my main problem is I start out good then fade but I think this will help me a lot,


Thanks for this! I've gotten into NASCAR and oval racing this year and am having a blast. Your 5 tips are things that I've had to figure out by myself, so it's nice to see that I'm on the right track. I've been working on lessening my steering inputs and finding the right balance for partial throttle :D


One of my main issues with finding speed is figuring out which track to hug the bottom, and which one to be just above it, which one to ride the middle and which one the ride the top


The biggest thing for me was learning to control the throttle. Not just stomping on it, bleeding off/on turned my races around. I’d lose my tires like 10 laps before everyone else AND I’d be slower


Hey Justin, thank you for making this video. I hopped back on the sim for the first time in 2 years, and these tips you outlined in this video helped me improve a ton. I ran a few ARCA races and earned a couple top 5s and a win at Charlotte. I owe it all to your tips, especially the "proactive, not reactive" ideology with the banking. Once again, thanks a ton and keep up the phenomenal work!
