How To Make A WordPress Blog 2023 [MADE EASY]

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How To Make A WordPress Blog 2023
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Timestamps 👇

00:00 Intro
02:13 Choose Hosting
03:06 Pick A Domain
04:54 Install WordPress
07:47 Choose A Theme/Template
13:42 Add Your Content

Hey, what's up guys - Thanks for checking out this how to make a wordpress blog 2023 video! Blogging has definitely emerged in popularity over the last years, largely thanks to the accessibility and simplicity attached to making a website. Previously, a person had to learn how to code in order to make a website, making it much more of a daunting task to make a site if they wanted to.

Thankfully, that coding requirement isn’t as heavily needed since there are so many website building options out there. With this in mind, WordPress is one of the most popular content management software that allows users to build a website, in some instances completely free. Thus, many bloggers look to WordPress as an excellent way to begin their journey into the field.

Unfortunately, many bloggers become intimidated by the notion of making a WordPress site. As a result, we’re going to discuss How To Make A WordPress Blog 2023 style as a quick to help you understand the process of making a blog.

What is WordPress?

To actually install WordPress, you can either do it through your web host’s platform or do it manually. Either way, definitely consider installing WordPress instead of the website building option, since the web building option tends to be more costly and much more limiting with what you can do.

Find the Right Web Host

Now that you have a good idea of what WordPress is, here is where you should take the time necessary to find the right web host. A web host is what keeps your site online and connects it to the worldwide web. You can’t install WordPress without a web host, so definitely make sure you find the right option for you.

Some of the most popular web hosting companies are GoDaddy, Siteground, and Bluehost, all of which vary with what they offer. Once you have a web host in mind, you should purchase a domain from them (unless you already have a domain) and select one of their packages that fits your needs the best.

Install WordPress Onto Your Site

Any WordPress blog tutorial for beginners will discuss the importance of installing WordPress onto your site. Thus, after you find the right web host and option, here is where you’ll actually install WordPress onto your site.

Definitely go through your web host if they offer it, as it tends to be much easier to go through your web host than to install it manually. Once it’s installed, you’ll know it was appropriately done if your website has the standard WordPress theme on it. If not, try repeating the process or reach out to your web host to try and figure out the issue.

Understand WordPress Dashboard

After WordPress is installed onto your site, here comes the part where you should go over all of the various functions on the dashboard for you to look over. Considering the dashboard is where you’ll go to actually edit and manipulate your site, make sure you take the time necessary to see it through. Any WordPress blog tutorial will express the importance of the dashboard.

Whenever you want to edit or do anything to your site, type /wp-admin to the end of your domain. After you type in your username and password, you’ll be on the WordPress dashboard. Go up and down and look at everything that’s listed. Essential areas to look at include appearance, pages, and posts sections.

Get the Right WordPress Theme

A WordPress theme plays a crucial role for a website as it’s responsible for being the look of a site. Think of the theme like walls, furniture, and paint for a house. WordPress is like the plot of land your house is on, while your theme can manipulate it to a further degree depending on what niche your site is in.

Themes also come in a wide range of prices, with some being entirely free while others can be quite costly. Keep in mind, the amount of money you invest is what you’ll end up getting in return. So, if you want more options it will cost you a little bit.

Add Content

Seeing as you’re reading a how to make a blog 2022 article, you more than likely are interested in adding content before anything else. Seeing as content is such a fundamental part of any website, it’s worthwhile to highlight the various kinds of content that can mean for your site.

Note: To keep these video tutorials free, I make a small commission every time you purchase through the links in the description.

#HowToMakeAWordPressBlog #WordPressBlog
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I learned a lot while also working on my own website. It's hassle-free and saves time. This video is fantastic! Everything I require, truly life-changing! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


This was VERY helpful and clear. Thank you! (I wish the people who administer WordPress were as good at explaining Wordpress.)


Dude, I have been learning wp for over a year now and created a few great things but have struggled to really fully understand this platform. The way you delivered this has taught me so much already and I'm only 3/4 the way through the video. A HUGE THANK YOU (sub'd)


This is one of the best courses I've ever taken!! Everything you need to get started is covered and explained thoroughly here!


Thank you! I was stuck trying to navigate on adding a blog section to my website and couldnt figure out how to do it seamlessly. This did it for me!


Absolutely one of the easiest to follow courses that I have watched.


The most simplified yet in depth video on creating a blog. Plus only 20 minutes. Great quality, even better explanations!


Best wordpress tutorial I came across!!! Thank you so much. I was able to set up my blog with your easy tutorial.


Perfect! Thank you for have to do something for school and this was a big help for my blog.


OMG I have been struggling for months just to get the front page done! Not to mention the posts, I have learned more in this 20mins video than in hours of tutorials I saw and frustrated myself over! Thank you sooo muchhh! 😊


This has been super helpful! Thank you


Great tutorial, and defo worthy of a sub :)


thank you so much you are doing amazing work


So glad I found your video. You are an excellent teacher. I appreciate how you took us step by step. You just took the scary-ness of getting started out!


This was very helpful. Do you have a video to walk us through when you already have a domain name? Thank you.


This video is well done, helpful, and appreciated.


This video is exactly what everyone like me who has never done anything with a website ever should watch when wanting to create a blog on WordPress. This video is so much better than what WP offers. I almost wish WP had a builder for dummies section that held your hand a bit as all the options on the left can get overwhelming especially when you have no idea what a certain area of a website is even called. Excellent video!


Why do you need go daddy tho if wordpress has domains available as well?


If you are new to wordpress I would highly recommend checking out this video all the way through. I didn't know anything about wordpress, only had heard of it before this but in just a few days im already beginning to put my posts up! Thank you thank you 🙏


my blog was kind of a mess before but watching your video really helped me make it better 🙂
