I tried to read 300 pages in a day 😂🙈 | Reading Vlog [CC]

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I don't have a PO box, but I thought I'd drop a link to my book depository wish list. It's not an affiliate link (that would be weird) and in no way am I asking anyone to send anything! This is just the list I add titles to so I remember them later ☺️.

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Feel free to skip to 5:33 if you don't care about the little haul 😂💕


omg that edition of Pride and Prejudice 😍


I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed scythe and thunderhead so much! I really think they’re worth the hype. I’m pretty sure the thunderhead is my favorite character of any book. He’s just so wholesome and smart and loving and fair ugh it’s the best. I’m curious to see how you like the toll. My fiancé loved it, I thought it was pretty underwhelming compared to the other two.

Omg that’s so cool you have a little library! That’s so neat you picked up Anne of green gables, I just started listening to it and I’m surprisingly enjoying it


The cutest slippers! And omg I cant wait for you to read anne of green gables! My favorite!!!


That snow is so pretty! It’s supposed to snow here today but we all know it won’t stick. 😂

HARRY POTTER. 👏🏻 Be prepared to spend the next 2 months binging the series!

Have you seen the Anne of Green Gables old tv series? SO SO GOOD.

Thanks for keeping my company while I’m sick. ♥️


I have been wanting to read A Train in Winter for so long!! It sounds so good!


Right now I am about to start a nice buddy re-read of The Lunar Chronicles. I have a big project that involves both those and The Renegades Saga coming this summer. I am also planning to read the 5th book in The Miss Peregrine Series which just came out almost a month ago. I am also reading a ton of comic books so plenty of reading happening.


I plan on reading scythe this year. I picked it up recently but havent read it yet. Also, that book sleeve is so pretty!


Eeeek! I want to get my hands on some of those beautiful season editions of books! And I want to read Scythe!


Oooo The Thirteenth Tale is one of my favorites - Now I need to reread it


I LOVE your reading vlogs. And LOVE seeing the country background setting. Are you coming back?? I just found your channel. 💕🥰


Im planing on reading Scythe sometime this year but can’t wait!
So exited for the readathon even though I’m still deciding which book to pick up first lol


Actually, I think it might be good that you are getting a break between Thunderhead and The Toll. There is a decent pace/mood change between the two (And a little bit of a time gap) so it might actually work out better in the long run. That explosive ending of Thunderhead tho. lol


Can you post the link for your friends Etsy shop? Pretty please 😊 Have wanted to treat myself to a booksleeve forever now & it'd be awesome to get one that's handcrafted from a small business. The one you have is cute! Thanks in advance.
